Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Archives - Dynamic Neural Retraining System™ Thu, 21 Dec 2023 19:34:20 +0000 en-CA hourly 1 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Archives - Dynamic Neural Retraining System™ 32 32 “I Feel REBORN!” Samantha’s Recovery Diary: Part 3 Fri, 08 Dec 2023 01:06:31 +0000 Samantha struggled with Mast Cell Activation Disorder, Lyme Disease, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and more.

“I was allergic to EVERYTHING! My life was incredibly limiting and worsening by the day. I saw over a dozen medical specialists over 8 years and spent somewhere between $50,000 to $100,000 in searching and protocols.”

“Today, I’m living in a state of Joy. This program has me feeling so many things, like immense gratitude for this gift of life that’s been returned to me. I feel like a HUMAN again, a human with a future, and the future looks so bright!”

The post “I Feel REBORN!” Samantha’s Recovery Diary: Part 3 appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.

In part 1 and part 2 of Samantha’s recovery diary, she shared what her recovery goals are and how far she had come after two months of training with DNRS. When starting the program, Samantha had disabling symptoms associated with Mast Cell Activation Disorder, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, Lyme Disease and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Her sensitivities had become so severe that she had spent the 2 years living in a camper on her boyfriend’s driveway, and more than 8 years struggling with these severe health challenges.

Before beginning DNRS, Samantha described herself as living “like the boy in the bubble.”

In her own words (lightly edited for length and clarity) here is the third and final part of Samantha’s recovery diary.


Samantha feels like a human again


Revisiting Recovery Goals

I started this program like most of you, with the intention of getting back into society and living a normal life again. 


  • To move out of the tiny camper in my boyfriend’s driveway where I’ve been for just shy of 2 years after needing to move out of his home and abandon my things (now stored in his garage)
  • To be able to buy items like clothing, general living necessities, and other items in the world without crippling symptoms
  • Bring more foods back into my diet that I used to love 
  • To fall asleep without scary symptoms
  • To be able to buy a mattress since I had to remove the one in the camper leaving me sleeping on cushions intended for a couch. 
  • To be able to wear makeup or use hair products again (haven’t been able to in 2 years)
  • To be able to go back into my boyfriend’s home or go near my old things again
  • To get vaccinated so I can socialize without fear and so I can be maskless around my boyfriend
  • To be able to get back to running my business that I love, as a portrait photographer

Week 13 Update: I Feel REBORN And I’m Ready For This New Life!

The week before I started this program I was fairly certain I was not going to survive. 

I took this photo of myself (below) just days before I found DNRS. I’m wearing a sports bra because I was down to only ONE shirt I could wear, so I tried to only wear it when I absolutely had to so I didn’t have to wash it so frequently.


Samantha in her camper before DNRS


I don’t really know why I took that photo. I felt hopeless and scared, and being a photographer I suppose I wanted to document it. I NEVER thought I’d share it with anyone. I haven’t even shown Randy my boyfriend yet and he’s my best friend and biggest supporter. The amazing thing is, I don’t even recognize that woman now. And, I certainly don’t feel anything remotely close to that state anymore, but I’m glad I took it because I can see HOW far I’ve come.

I used to be allergic to EVERYTHING, even half my “bed” was covered in garbage bags (see photo below) and the camper was getting smaller and smaller because I kept “contaminating” new areas. 

My life was incredibly limiting, and worsening by the day. The last two blog posts I’ve made, I’ve written a lot about my miraculous recovery, and things keep getting better! Don’t get me wrong, I still have symptoms and my brain is still trying to sort all this out, and that can be uncomfortable at times. But I would take those symptoms and uncomfortableness 1000 times over the life I had been living.

I can now spend HOURS in the house that was part of my “perfect storm.” I have slowly moved some items that I couldn’t even go near, into the camper. I’ve used incremental training, baby steps, to get to this point. 

I definitely overtrained last weekend though when I had pizza, cookies, AND ice cream. I felt not-so-hot for a couple of days but I kept up with my rounds and I wasn’t scared or upset. Once I felt better I had a small portion of ice cream as incremental training and have been fine and enjoying the process.  


Samantha in the house she couldn't enter for 2 years


The one thing I have noticed is that every day is SO DIFFERENT. If I don’t feel like I’m having the best day, I know there’s a good chance I will feel awesome the next day. So, I try not to get irritated if things aren’t going how I want them to. I remember that squiggly line of progress… eventually it will straighten out and stay that way!  

I took the photo below today! I’m a photographer, that’s been my profession for 11 years. Up until about a month ago I hadn’t worked in months. Now that I’m getting back to work, my creative juices have been flowing and it’s exciting again! 


Samantha's selfie and proclamation


Last night the idea for this image just sort of came to me. I write my proclamation 10 times “I am healthy, I am strong, I am limitless” nearly every day (I’ve only forgotten a few times). I have saved a lot of the papers, so I decided to create a portrait with them. Randy went to the studio with me, and I set up all the lights and guided him on how to take it for me. It was really special.

The best part about this photo is that the shirt I am wearing is from the house I had to flee. The ring and bracelet are from my items stored in the garage from the PREVIOUS house I had to flee. I wanted to make a portrait that expressed how I feel NOW, that included reminders of this process, and included some of my wins. The fact that I can wear any of those items is a true miracle. I had severe reactions to them just 3 months ago! 

Lastly, a few other big wins:

  • I went to the “weekly happy hour” that Randy always goes to on Friday nights. I could never go before because it was too risky and also they would burn a fire which I couldn’t be near. I am happy to say that they had a big fire and I had no reactions. I also had pizza, ice cream and cookies that weekend.


Samantha eating a cookie and pizza for the first time in years


  • I have incorporated other items into the camper, things like my favorite mug I thought I had to give up, a really cool tweed jacket, a dessert dish, jewelry, and a favorite t-shirt. It took a while for my brain to be okay with these items but I am having NO reactions to any of it now.


Samantha can now wear clothes she used to react to


  • I am no longer allergic to dogs!! The allergist tested me TWICE!! Woohoo!!

It has become comical when I have symptoms now, especially now that I know I can stand in the basement which was the scariest thing I could fathom going near. I feel like any reactions I have now are like a toddler testing me. Often it’s for something that I KNOW I have no issues with, so I laugh at the symptom, and usually within minutes it goes away. 

I am for the first time in 8 years confident that I will never go through anything like this again because at the first signs of limbic system impairment I will know what to do and can shut it down. I’m so grateful for that. I feel like a HUMAN again, a human with a future, and the future looks so bright. 

Happy training everyone, I hope you have many joyous moments this week!

You can revisit the other two parts of Samantha’s recovery diary by clicking the links below:


The post “I Feel REBORN!” Samantha’s Recovery Diary: Part 3 appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.

“Go Little Bird, You’re Free!” Samantha’s Recovery Diary: Part 2 Mon, 14 Nov 2022 19:53:56 +0000 In part 1 of Samantha’s recovery diary, she shared what her recovery goals are and how far she had come after two months...

The post “Go Little Bird, You’re Free!” Samantha’s Recovery Diary: Part 2 appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.

In part 1 of Samantha’s recovery diary, she shared what her recovery goals are and how far she had come after two months of training with DNRS. When starting the program, Samantha had disabling symptoms associated with Mast Cell Activation Disorder, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, Lyme Disease and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Her sensitivities had become so severe that she had spent the 2 years living in a camper on her boyfriend’s driveway, and more than 8 years struggling with these severe health challenges.

Before beginning DNRS, Samantha described herself as living “like the boy in the bubble.”

In her own words (lightly edited for length and clarity) here is the second part of Samantha’s recovery diary.


Samatha's delight at tasting ice cream


Incremental Training For the Win!

While working on incremental training in my boyfriend’s garage, I started poking around to see if I could trigger a symptom. I’ve been so amazed! I can be around all these things and feel totally fine!  

Well, I came across an old bracelet of mine in my old boxed-up things—things that I was sure I was going to have to throw away after environmental exposure. I brought it in the camper and washed it since it’s been in the garage for 2 years. I put it on and had a small symptom. I actually found this amusing, because I had spent way more time exposing myself to things in the garage without any issue, but for some reason, my limbic system decided that WEARING it was somehow different and NOT okay. 

I am on to my limbic system’s silly antics now and welcomed the challenge. So I immediately went into a round and trained with it, then took it off and hung it in the window where I could see it all day. Yesterday I did the same, put it on, had a small symptom, did my rounds, and hung it in the window. Well, I trained with the bracelet on and today the symptoms are totally gone and I’m wearing it for real! Incremental training is amazing!


Samantha's bracelets with inspirational quotes


The messages on this bracelet couldn’t be more appropriate. I actually bought this about 2.5 years ago before my second “perfect storm” when I thought I was getting better, and wanted to stay inspired. This time it has even more meaning than the last. I love having these little reminders on my wrist. I want to bring all my old things back into my life… especially my clothes, I REALLY miss my clothes! 

Week 10 Update: 24 Hours of Pure Happiness!

So many new things conquered the last few days! I’ve had the best time while doing them! 

My boyfriend and I celebrated our 4 year-anniversary. Since I’m living in the camper in the driveway, and because he has kids in school, we normally stay masked around each other. But he just got over Covid and now that he’s negative we got to spend our anniversary together!

 Here are some of the magical moments from the last 24 hours:

  • Yesterday we went and got pizza, onion rings, and a buffalo chicken sandwich and shared everything. We took it to a little island beach and sat by the water and I was in heaven!! After being limited to just a handful of food this was incredible. Prior to this program my diet was dairy-free, gluten-free, sugar-free, only low-histamine veggies, limited fruits, alcohol-free, caffeine-free, nothing processed, no soy, and I was allowed organic meats in small amounts.


Samantha goes on a picnic with her boyfriend


  • Did I forget to mention that I had WINE for the first time in 8 years?! It was soooo good. I had about half a glass, then had the other half with dinner because, let’s face it, I was buzzing after that first half, ha ha!
  • I used to live in a beautiful picturesque Connecticut small shoreline town that has the cutest town center. I have used it for some of my future visualizations and yesterday we drove out there and I got to live through one of the visualizations that I use often! We walked into all the little tourist shops, the village chocolatier, the gift shops, and the cute little spice shop. Then we got tea and walked through the green, sat on a park bench and people watched before heading out to pick up the food to head to the beach. It was wonderful.
  • This morning we went to a local farm to buy produce and on the way home Randy mentions there is an amazing creamery up the road. He was mentioning it as something we can try in the future when I felt ready, but my ears perked… I have not had ice cream in 8 years. I felt compelled to try it. So, at 11:30 am and BEFORE lunch (rebels!) we turned around, and drove up this beautiful country road to the creamery where we got 2 scoops to share (coffee almond fudge and black raspberry). It was GLORIOUS! (you’ll notice I had a split second of hesitation in the first photo, but then just dove right in!) Not one symptom during any of it! In the last photo… I was having an “OMG THIS IS WHAT ICE CREAM TASTES LIKE!!??!!!” moment, because I had definitely forgotten!!

Samantha eats ice cream for the first time in 8 years

  • I bought sourdough bread from the farm and it was the first time I had real full gluten bread!!! It was delicious!!
  • I’m not having reactions to anything out in the world! I used to experience respiratory symptoms in reaction to about 80% of the things I came in contact with out in the world. That left me not wanting to go ANYWHERE because of what I might come in contact with and bring back home to my camper. I was always determined to keep my camper “sterile and safe.” That fear is long gone!
  • I am now incremental training IN THE HOUSE that was part of my perfect storm! I spent 15 minutes there for the first time yesterday. I had a few symptoms within the first 5 minutes, but I started to play with the dog to distract myself and noticed that they went away. I was happy to walk out at 15 minutes on MY terms, not because symptoms pushed me out. My goal is to be able to have an occasional meal with Randy and his kids in the house. Ultimately we’re going to buy a new house so I will never be moving back into this one, but I just would like to get to the point where I can be in it to socialize etc.  Last night was a big first step!
  • I’m living in a state of Joy. Living cooped up in a tiny camper for 2 years totally isolated from the world, living in fear, I feel like someone opened up my cage and said “go little bird you’re free!” I am going through these moments in total wonder and amazement. At times I’ve had symptoms in the form of worries that it will all be taken away. But, my Certified DNRS Coach says that’s normal and that thought will fade as I do more and more. She’s reminded me that I will have these tools for life and I will be in control from here on out. That is a really great feeling.

I hope everyone is out there, enjoying the weekend, pushing and challenging yourselves just a little bit, it’s so worth it. 

Stay tuned for Part 3 of Samantha’s recovery journey, coming soon.


The post “Go Little Bird, You’re Free!” Samantha’s Recovery Diary: Part 2 appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.

“Indescribably Life Altering!” Samantha’s Recovery Diary: Part 1 Fri, 28 Oct 2022 21:52:06 +0000 Samantha had been living in a camper on her boyfriend’s driveway for two years. She could no longer enter the house, wear most...

The post “Indescribably Life Altering!” Samantha’s Recovery Diary: Part 1 appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.

Samantha had been living in a camper on her boyfriend’s driveway for two years. She could no longer enter the house, wear most kinds of clothing and makeup, or eat the foods she loved. She was suffering from disabling symptoms associated with a host of illnesses that are related to limbic system impairment, like Mast Cell Activation Disorder, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, Lyme Disease and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. 

Samatha’s journey into chronic illness started 8 years ago. Despite her best treatment efforts with seeing dozens of specialists and undergoing many different protocols, she still found herself sliding back into a state of chronic illness. Instead of getting better, her sensitivities were increasing, and she suffered from severe reactions to minuscule levels of chemicals, mold and various foods. She describes herself as living “like the boy in the bubble.”

She signed up for the DNRS program and detailed her progress along the way in regular posts on our Global Community Forum. We’ve compiled her updates into three parts so that you can read her “recovery diary” in chronological order. We think you’ll agree, Samantha’s updates are an invaluable play-by-play of her experience with rewiring her limbic system through DNRS brain retraining and how it has impacted her life.

In her own words (lightly edited for length and clarity) here is the first part of Samantha’s recovery diary.

My Recovery Goals

I started this program like most of you, with the intention of getting back into society and living a normal life again. 


  • To move out of the tiny camper in my boyfriend’s driveway where I’ve been for just shy of 2 years after needing to move out of his home and abandon my things (now stored in his garage)
  • To be able to buy items like clothing, general living necessities, and other items in the world without crippling symptoms
  • Bring more foods back into my diet that I used to love 
  • To fall asleep without scary symptoms
  • To be able to buy a mattress since I had to remove the one in the camper leaving me sleeping on cushions intended for a couch. 
  • To be able to wear makeup or use hair products again (haven’t been able to in 2 years)
  • To be able to go back into my boyfriend’s home or go near my old things again
  • To get vaccinated so I can socialize without fear and so I can be maskless around my boyfriend
  • To be able to get back to running my business that I love, as a portrait photographer


Samantha's future is bright


Week 8 Update: Indescribably Life Altering

For 8 weeks I’ve been very dedicated. I have not missed a day of rounds, I hired a Certified DNRS Coach, and started attending LIVING DNRS classes.. I’ve had worries about not doing the program right. To be honest, I talked to my coach about the fact that in the beginning, I had a lot of “fake it ‘till you make it” moments. I just wasn’t sure I was doing it right. 

I had some small but exciting changes so I was motivated to keep going. The Global Community Forum is always a great motivator too! After 5 weeks I hit a big ebb, and I remembered Annie saying this could happen and to not be discouraged. I tried to accept this as “neuroplastic gold” and while prior to that, I was seeing some little shifts that were exciting… things SKYROCKETED after I came out of this ebb.

48 hours ago something shifted. In a MAJOR way. These are all the things I have done and some really BIG things all happened at once in the last 2 days!


  • Eat whatever I want (but I’m still eating healthy)
  • Buy anything in the grocery store!
  • I seem to be able to buy ANYTHING anywhere?! (I’m still scratching my head on this one.. like WHAT!?)
  • Wear makeup
  • Take waaaay less supplements! From over 40 pills a day to just a fraction of that!
  • Use hair products
  • I can eat CHEESE! I haven’t been able to eat dairy in 8 years!
  • I went from having only 2 shirts and 1 pair of shorts and limited undergarments to being able to buy 3 more shirts, a pair of jeans, and a pack of socks! Tomorrow I’m going to get more!
  • The scary sleep issues I was having have stopped!
  • I am not living in a state of constant fear! I am living in a state of JOY!
  • And the biggest thing of ALL.… last night I had my boyfriend bring me something from the house, the house I can’t go near, and I had NO SYMPTOMS. Then I had him open the garage where all my discarded items were (a garage I normally have to stay at least 30 feet away from when open), and I had him give me something from in there, and NO SYMPTOMS!! I then walked right up to the garage and stepped inside, then I burst into tears and we both cried, I have not had a symptom since!! 
  • Today I went and bought a new keyboard for my computer, scheduled a much-needed dentist appointment, an eye doctor appointment, and bought my first ever takeout in over 2 years. Up until this point I could not go INSIDE nearly anywhere!!

I am beside myself. I am so happy to have a coaching appointment tomorrow because I definitely need guidance on how to handle this WEIRD feeling of such rapid healing after living like the “boy in the bubble” in total isolation for 2 years. 

This program has me feeling so many things, like immense gratitude for this gift of life that’s been returned to me. I can’t wait to see what else happens and how my body responds to the continued practice, because I can tell there is more rewiring that needs to be done. My RING camera captured some of what happened last night and the best part is you can hear me saying through tears… “That Annie Hopper is a genius and I love her so much!” 

I don’t know what else to say other than I’m finally starting to dream again, to see my future, and it looks so bright!!!


Samantha's new mattress


Week 9.5 Update: I Have a Bed!

2 years ago I bought a camper and parked it in my boyfriend’s driveway, a house I had been living in for a year, until I could no longer be there. 

Very quickly the camper mattress became a source of environmental-related symptoms and it had to go! The dinette area has 4 cushions that convert to a twin-size bed… not the most comfortable, but it was better than being in a car, or a tent on the ground, and that is what I told myself for 2 years. 

Over the years I have tried unsuccessfully to get a new queen mattress for the actual bed area, I have purchased nearly 10 and had to return them all. NOT TODAY!! 

Today the new mattress came, and I knew I was putting it in no matter what. I would train with it if I had to, but I was NOT going to repeat old patterns of the past and tell my limbic system that avoidance behaviors were acceptable. 

I took the mattress out of the box and put it on the platform, put on the sheet and laid on it and OH MY! After not laying on a bed for so long, it was incredible—as you can see in my text to my boyfriend only minutes after testing it out!  

I can’t wait to go to sleep tonight, I can’t believe this day is finally here! 


Samantha's new mattress after training with DNRS


Also, this week I am continuing to incremental train in the garage full of my old things. I am up to standing in it for 20 minutes! I can’t wait until I can spend some time in the house. 

Other incredible things that happened this week:

  • buying clothing, 
  • getting back into my photo studio, 
  • booking clients, 
  • wearing makeup, 
  • ordering takeout, 
  • wearing hair products, 
  • almost no fear now when I’m in stores and I buy anything I want without sniffing it or examining it. Unthinkable just 3 months ago. 

It still feels like a dream, every day I’m still so amazed at what I’m capable of. My statement that I came up with when I started is “I am healthy, I am strong, I am limitless” and I write it every night 10 times as Annie directed us to, and I already feel like it has come true. 

Some new behaviors I have implemented while I’m rewiring:

  1. I’ve stopped watching most of my favorite shows that are drama and sci-fi. I didn’t love doing this but I understand you can get adrenaline rushes from media so I’ve started watching totally different types of shows: comedies (Big Bang Theory, Young Sheldon), family-friendly shows (Heartland, Shark Tank, AGT), game shows (Generation Gap, The new Password), etc. Sadly my Game of Thrones, Westworld, and Handmaids Tale-type shows will have to wait until my 6-month mark—a small price to pay for this newfound freedom!
  2. I stop conversations that aren’t “limbic system friendly” to make sure I’m not getting pulled into negative energy conversations.
  3. I’m dancing! Every time I do dishes I’m either listening to an audiobook or music and dancing, if it’s quiet I’ll hum sometimes, and even just noticing I’m not engaged in anything I will put on a smile (because my limbic system knows, haha)
  4. I’ve limited my social media, and I’m staying away from the negative news.
  5. I have a Google Doc that I log every positive thing (no negatives) that has happened to me that day. I use that as a  daily journal so that I can go back and see all my amazing progress on days when I’m ebbing.

All these things are little but I feel like they are super helpful for me since I feel very influenced by other energies. Thought I’d share in case it might be helpful for someone else.  

Stay tuned for Part 2 and 3 of Samantha’s recovery journey, coming soon.


The post “Indescribably Life Altering!” Samantha’s Recovery Diary: Part 1 appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.

The Missing Piece Fri, 20 Sep 2019 19:56:37 +0000 Alina has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Pain, Fibromyalgia, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Food Sensitivities,...

The post The Missing Piece appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.

Alina has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Pain, Fibromyalgia, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Food Sensitivities, ​Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder​, Anxiety, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, ​Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome​, Chronic/Latent Infections, Environmental Allergies, and more.

Alina first began noticing symptoms associated with limbic system impairment when she was a child. “Food sensitivities and environmental sensitivities in the form of excessive histamine reactions developed by the time I was 8 years old. I began fainting when I was 16 years old, following my second ‘perfect storm’, and showing other signs of limbic system impairment. By age 23, I was having panic attacks and many other debilitating physical symptoms from excess cortisol. However, it was not until 2017 when I withdrew from benzodiazepines that the extent of the impairment became deeply apparent. ” Prior to finding the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS), Alina had visited many doctors and specialists to try to find a solution to her list of symptoms, including cardiologists, gastrointestinal specialists, endocrinologists, radiologists, gynecologists, a functional nutritionist, psychiatrists, energy healers, psychologists, and four different primary care doctors. She recalls “In the past I had also seen a pulmonary specialist and oncologist for testing, as well as having numerous MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and CT (computerized tomography) imaging done. “In 2018 alone, I was in the emergency room on six separate occasions.”

Alina found the DNRS program while searching online for answers. “After a severe reaction to supplements suggested by the functional nutritionist, I hit rock bottom and went back to researching. Recovering from benzodiazepines is part of my history, and I came across someone who used DNRS to overcome protracted withdrawal symptoms. If not for her recommendation, I am not sure where I would be, as in all my medical appointments, not one doctor was able to provide relief or an effective treatment. ”

When describing her progress so far, Alina writes:

I attended the Greensboro DNRS live seminar in April and this is my 4th update since then.


  • This past month I had been involved in a lot of household projects. The projects required much physical labor and my body performed amazingly. I was able to bounce back after resting only for an hour or so instead of being impacted for days. I experienced normal aches associated with muscle use and exercise, but not post-exertional malaise, and this went away very quickly. 
  • I have been gardening and doing physical labor outdoors without any episodes from heat exhaustion. The heat index where I live has been 105-115 degrees Fahrenheit on average. 
  • Insect bites do not cause severe reactions any longer. This is the first time in the past 23 years where I have noticed improvement. 
  • I have returned to using scented hair products.
  • Cleaners and other chemicals are not producing any reactions, however, I am maintaining the same environmental awareness so that I can make informed decisions.
  • My menstrual cycle is on time, normal, and very uneventful. I am noticing the week before to be less emotionally jarring. 
  • I’ve used paint again. 
  • Visual issues continue to improve.


  • I’ve begun using the program tools to work on a relationship. This relationship was directly related to part of my ‘perfect storm’. They stayed at my home for 3 days and it was a very healing experience.
  • I am noticing huge improvement in combating anger and shedding fear. 
  • I am able to laugh more freely and smile. 
  • I am kinder.
  • I am working more efficiently and have a higher capacity to draw from. 
  • I am shedding excuses. 
  • I am communicating with people I had previously avoided contact with and am okay.


  • I eat out at least twice a week. Prior to the program, I made all of my own meals. 
  • I am eating spicy foods again, including jalapeño, curries, and salsa. 
  • I do not refrain from eating cheese or tomato on more challenging days. 


  • I’ve had guests in my home without any restrictions. 
  • I’ve gone to loud/crowded restaurants with groups of people.  
  • I went to garage sales and bought items. 
  • I’ve revisited areas that have been problematic in the past and have overcome the experience by creating positive ones.
  • I am forgetting my old self, but not the lessons. 

To someone who is still suffering, Alina’s message is, “Give this a chance! This was the missing piece for me. I cannot begin to express what a complete difference the tools I have gained from this program have made. One year ago, I never would have imagined being able to do what I can do now.”


The post The Missing Piece appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.

Finding the Answer Fri, 23 Aug 2019 20:15:22 +0000 Erin has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Food Sensitivities, Lyme Disease, Fibromyalgia, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Chronic Pain, ​...

The post Finding the Answer appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.

Erin has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Food Sensitivities, Lyme Disease, Fibromyalgia, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Chronic Pain, ​ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder​, Depression, Anxiety, Chronic/Latent Infections, Environmental Allergies, and more.

Erin remembers noticing symptoms associated with limbic system impairment in childhood. “I feel that I’ve been primed for limbic system impairment since a very young age, with several different ‘perfect storms’ throughout my life. I had some sensitivities and motion sickness as a baby, developed migraines at age 8, and became very sick at age 19, when I was initially diagnosed with Lyme Disease and Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, but kept accumulating more symptoms and diagnoses as time went on.” Prior to finding the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS), Erin had tried many treatments and visited many doctors and specialists to try to find an answer to her list of symptoms. “I’ve been privileged enough to be able to visit some of the best healers in the Chicago area, and although most of these doctors caused a slight improvement in my symptoms, none of them were able to truly resolve the root of my illnesses. I’ve visited three neurologists, two Lyme Disease and mold literate doctors, two Endometriosis specialists, two OBGYNs (Obstetrics and Gynecology), an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist (ENT), an allergist, a dentist/jaw specialist, a dizziness and hearing doctor, a naturopath, a dietician, a biofeedback specialist, a neurofeedback clinic, a chronic pain therapist, multiple psychologists and psychiatrists, and multiple bodywork specialists, including acupuncturists, masseuses, physical therapists, yoga/meditation instructors, a craniosacral therapist, and an integrative manual therapist.”

Erin began DNRS after her doctor recommended the program. “I originally heard about DNRS from a mold illness group online, but I completely wrote off the program at that time, assuming it was too good to be true. A few years later, the second Lyme/mold doctor I visited recommended the program. She correctly recognized that my problem was limbic and convinced me to try DNRS, and I’m happy to say that she will be the last specialist I visit!”

When describing her progress so far, Erin writes:

I am about 6 months into DNRS practice and I’m already experiencing so many successes. I am so amazed at how far I’ve come, and so incredibly proud of myself. 

• I can eat just about anything I want! I can eat fruit, starches, refined flours, processed foods, and even sugar! I can order off of menus now and I feel so much more comfortable going to restaurants. I also ate s’mores a few days ago – I had 4 vegan marshmallows!

• I can go to so many more places! I’m currently now able to enter older buildings and spend a few minutes inside!

• My digestion has improved, and I no longer need to take probiotics! 

• I have stopped taking about half of my supplements! 

• I have very little smell sensitivity now! I can be around perfume, scented products, campfire smoke, etc. I actually find myself enjoying some scented products, like sunscreen at the beach or shampoo. That is an amazing step for me, and is bringing back all sorts of pleasant memories associated with these scents.

• I am also a lot less sensitive to loud noises – often I can leave the window open when fire trucks go by my apartment.

• I feel so much more happy, joyful, playful, and confident! I have been finding myself laughing at things that happen in every day life!

• I have drastically reduced my exposure to negativity! I barely use social media, I avoid the news, and I steer all conversations towards happier topics. It feels great being in a happy DNRS bubble while I retrain my brain! 

• I’ve helped my partner be happier, too! He’s learning a lot from watching me participate in DNRS. 

• I have been learning lots of new things and enjoying being childlike and playful. My partner and I have been learning how to dance, and we’ve been doing fun spontaneous activities like playing frisbee or hopscotch outside in the park! 

• I am connecting more with others, and looking forward to making new friends!

I am really excited to see where the next six months take me!

Here’s a picture of me chowing down on a vegan burger on my 23rd birthday last month – can you tell how happy I am?

To someone who is still suffering, Erin’s message is, “You owe it to yourself to try this program if you are sick with any of the symptoms listed on the DNRS website. I’m sure many of you are skeptical, and I was too – with all my experience with doctors and my educational background in psychology and medical research, I thought there was no way that the answer to my years of illness could be so simple. And yet, it is! The answer had been there all along – while these symptoms and illnesses are all real, the root of the problem is in our brains, not our bodies. Self-directed neuroplasticity is a completely revolutionary way to heal yourself, and I believe that if you can commit to the program, DNRS will be the last treatment you’ll ever need.”

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Going in the Right Direction Sat, 27 Jul 2019 22:02:05 +0000 Angela has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Electric Hypersensitivity Syndrome, ​Food Sensitivities, Depression, and Anxiety. Angela...

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Angela has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Electric Hypersensitivity Syndrome, ​Food Sensitivities, Depression, and Anxiety.

Angela began to experience symptoms associated with limbic system impairment in childhood, and later a “perfect storm” of stressors six years ago dramatically increased her symptoms. Prior to finding the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS), she had visited several doctors and specialists including her primary care physician, a neurologist, cardiologist, allergist and immunologist, acupuncturist, health coach, nutritionist, environmental medicine specialist, precision medicine doctor, chiropractor and applied kinesiologist, homeopath, and more to try to find an answer for her accumulating list of symptoms.

Angela eventually discovered DNRS when it was mentioned in one of the many illness-related online forums she was a part of. She recently shared her exciting and inspiring progress on our Community Forum: 

Hello Friends!  Since my last post, so many things have changed!  

In April I went to the seminar in Greensboro! I found out the week beforehand that my workplace would not be extending my disability and that I would have to return. At that time, I felt like I was not ready. However, I didn’t have a choice, so I agreed to return to work May 1st, but working from home. I went to the seminar and it was an amazing, life-changing experience. I learned so much more about how to implement the daily practice, and being in that environment taught me so much about what I could do. And connecting with everyone there was priceless.  

On the Monday after the seminar, I learned that I would not be able to return to work from home, that I would have to work four days in the office and one day from home (our policy for the whole company). Since I work on the 12th floor of a large office building in the city, and my main environmental trigger is there, this was quite a surprise to me! But luckily I had just attended the seminar and I was feeling confident. I returned to work that Wednesday. The first several days were very challenging, but I listened to what my DNRS coach said and I persisted! One of my major symptoms was electromagnetic sensitivity and it was almost completely gone by the end of the second week. This was a giant leap. This is the power of DNRS and of our amazing brains!

I now am working, and my brain works better than it ever has. I am a data analyst and my job requires a lot of focus and concentration, and I would say these things are improved at least 30% from BEFORE my symptoms first came on at all. I also started walking and training with heat and activity. This is also something that has improved quickly and I can walk up to 4 miles now. Amazing! I spent 2 hours in full sun and 84 degree weather and I was able to do it!

Last weekend I went to see a Scottish indie band that I love. I stayed through the entire opening band and four songs of the band I went to see. My husband and I left and went to a restaurant and had a really great evening together. I didn’t want to just go home, so we went to the restaurant and had an amazing meal and had lots of fun talking and laughing with each other. In fact, we are going to another concert tomorrow night, just one week later. 

There’s still some more work for me to do, and that’s ok. There is no timeline on my healing. I just know I am going in the right direction. The point is, I do what I want now. I no longer make decisions based on how strong my symptoms are on a given day.

To someone who is still suffering, Angela’s message is, “Do not give up! You have been searching everywhere for answers but I promise that the power to heal everything – physical, mental, and emotional, is inside of you, inside of your brain.  It is the most empowering, life-changing thing you can do!  I have my life back because of DNRS and I am just one of so, so many.”

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The Last Thing on My List Fri, 21 Jun 2019 15:26:28 +0000 Ellen has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Pain, Food Sensitivities,...

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Ellen has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Pain, Food Sensitivities, Electric Hypersensitivity Syndrome, ​Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder​, Depression, Anxiety, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, ​Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome​, and Chronic/Latent Infections.

Symptoms of limbic system impairment started at birth for Ellen. She recalls, “I’ve had a few different ‘perfect storms’ since then.  I have suffered with Depression for most of my life, and I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2007.” Prior to finding the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS), Ellen had visited several different doctors and specialists to try to find an answer to her accumulating list of symptoms. “I have been in and out of Psychotherapy for over 25 years. I’ve seen many, many Psychologists, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Psychiatrists.  After I developed more physical symptoms of limbic impairment, I saw a pain specialist, a Rheumatologist, a Physical Therapist, more Psychiatrists, several Naturopathic doctors, and probably more I’m forgetting.  I also did years of Zen meditation, yoga, and became a level 2 Reiki practitioner.”

Ellen eventually found out about DNRS while searching the Internet for answers. She has since had many milestones along the way of her recovery journey, and she shared her most recent progress on our Community Forum: 

Hi Everyone,

It’s been one year of DNRS for me.  I started the DVDs last June and went to an in-person seminar in November.  I feel so incredibly lucky and so amazingly blessed to have found this program.  This is the answer.  This is IT! Thank you so much to Annie, Michelle, Connie, Tessa, all of my Community Forum pals! I have learned so much from all of you and it brings a tearful feeling of joy to my eyes and heart to think of all you have given me.

I have to tell you that the biggest thing is that I am working again!  I had not worked for five years when I began the program in June 2018.  After six months, I began a part time job.  It was challenging, BUT I worked the program every day and I can do so many amazing things at work now!  I can think on my feet.  I can communicate difficult things. I can be assertive.  I can stand on my feet for long periods of time.  I don’t worry about what others think of me. I can be around tired, crabby people and not pick up their moods. I manage most days to remain calm and happy!  I have fun and am silly at work!  I cannot tell you how amazingly grateful I am!

I can eat whatever I want after having tried umpteen diets. I eat histamine foods, leftovers, chocolate, junk food, wheat, dairy, FODMAPs (short chain carbohydrates), and more.  I know that if I have any symptoms, it is not from food, it’s from my silly, cross-wired brain and I use the program’s tools.

 I can drink tap water!!

 I rarely feel nauseous anymore! (This was a big symptom for me and I forgot to mention it.)

 I no longer take migraine meds. I still have a few headaches and I can take a regular headache medicine and it works!  

I no longer have issues with scents or chemicals. I don’t even know what happened to my mask I used to have to wear into stores!  I recently passed a hotel where I stayed a little over a year ago when a housemate sprayed bug spray in our house.   I had COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN about that episode.  The hotel had smelled so strongly to me at the time and had caused so many symptoms that I had slept in the car. Now I have totally improved.  I can even laugh at that story now!

I no longer need to wear an eye mask to sleep.  Sensitivity to light is no longer a problem.

I do laughter yoga now.  When I first started, I was in a laughter yoga group and I had to leave them because they were too much for me to handle.  Now I’m doing lots of laughter yoga and making lots of connections. Today I challenged myself and did my first DNRS practice with a person I didn’t know!  I had been doing rounds with buddies before this, but this was the first time I did rounds with someone I have no relationship with. These are big wins in the social anxiety and mental fatigue areas.  

I had a condition I don’t hear about much, in which many sounds sounded like noise and sounded extra loud, discordant, etc.  I actually incrementally trained with heavy metal music (LOL).  I haven’t been able to really enjoy music for a long time but I am getting better and better at this.  It used to sound like most or all sound blended into this big, difficult cacophony.  This has gotten so much better.  A few weeks ago I was listening to a song and could discern and enjoy the various instruments that were playing.  I cried such happy tears.  My husband is a DJ and it was while listening to his show so it was extra special. I’m really looking forward to more and more rewiring in this area as music itself can be so healing.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is mostly gone.

My startle response used to be so high.  I would jump three feet in the air at the smallest sound or interruption.  That has totally normalized.

I had very mild electrical sensitivity and it’s totally gone.

I used to be sensitive to a lot of fabrics and that is gone.

Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) is mostly gone – like I said, I stand for long periods of time at work, with mostly no problems.

Physical fatigue – this is so improved! I am out and about at least five hours a day.  When I began I could only do one or maybe two activities a day and then would have to have rest days in between. 

Mental fatigue – I’m doing much better at thinking, computers, and reading. I can think, read, and work for longer and make many fewer mistakes and get less frustrated.

Muscle/bone pain and stiffness is mostly gone.  This comes back now and then, but it has gone away for such long periods, that when it comes back I don’t take it too seriously because I know I am training my brain to not have it anymore.

I am more emotionally stable and able to separate my emotions from the emotions of those around me. I almost never am scanning the environment for other people’s negative emotions anymore.  This is such a huge change and makes such a difference in my being able to keep my energy for me! Boundaries are such a beautiful thing!  I had studied how to have boundaries via so many avenues for most of my life, and now I finally feel like I am “getting it.” I am no longer taking responsibility for other people’s “stuff.” 

I know there are so many more things that have changed.  I actually really have forgotten what it was like before DNRS, so it’s a bit hard to remember everything that has changed.  I feel so grateful, lucky, blessed, and fortunate. I am going for 100% healed, no matter how much time it takes.  

I recently read a kids book called The Very Impatient Caterpillar where there is this caterpillar who is really impatient to get out of his chrysalis.  I laughed so hard because that is how it feels sometimes. He’s asking another caterpillar, “How long will this take?!” I totally relate.  For now, I am just going to snuggle into my chrysalis and relax. I know it’s all happening.  The process works.  You are all becoming beautiful butterflies, and so am I!

To someone who is still suffering, Ellen’s message is, “I thought about it for more than two years before purchasing the DNRS DVDs. I did not think it would work, but I was committed to trying whatever I could, and DNRS was the next thing on my list. Now it’s the last thing on my list.”


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A New Paradigm in Healing Wed, 29 May 2019 19:52:04 +0000 Gilles used the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Food Sensitivities, Electric Hypersensitivity Syndrome, and ​Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Gilles began...

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Gilles used the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Food Sensitivities, Electric Hypersensitivity Syndrome, and ​Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Gilles began to experience symptoms associated with limbic system impairment in 1986 after a “perfect storm” of stressors. He recalls, “Following extremely stressful events and medical treatment I suddenly found myself sensitive to smells, various foods and electrical fields. But it was still manageable and most of the time I was able to continue working and living a near normal life. It reached its peak between the year 2000 and 2005 where I had to stop working completely, was home bound and could not travel anymore. I remained highly sensitive until 2017 when I did the DNRS program.” Prior to finding the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS), Gilles had visited numerous doctors and specialists, trying to find the solution to his symptoms. “First I saw several MDs, then I saw some ear, nose and throat specialists, allergists, neurologists, and psychiatrists. I tried various medications. I also saw physical therapists, naturopathic doctors, psychologists, and massage therapists. I was desperately looking for help, so I even saw a Shaman woman! I met with Reiki practitioners, healers, yoga teachers; I tried many meditation techniques. I saw chiropractors and osteopaths. I saw an Integrative Medicine doctor, too. I tried cognitive behavioral therapy, I tried biofeedback, I saw 3 different hypnotherapists, and many more practitioners over the years.”

Gilles found out about DNRS through a post he had read in an online social media forum. He describes what opened his mind to the perspective that DNRS offered, “At one point while I was trying various approaches to help myself, I noticed that when I believed that a therapy could help me it gave me hope and I immediately felt a little better. That was a first step in seeing that what I thought had an influence on my illness. Then, in my experiments with different types of meditation, I noticed that when I recalled a time when I felt good it would improve my condition. That was another element that made me shift my view. I went from the perspective of believing that things in my environment were entirely responsible for making me sick, to the realization that I was actually able to directly influence my health with my mind, both positively and negatively. So when I read someone’s post in a social media forum that mentioned DNRS, I was very open to the perspective it offered.”

Gilles recently announced that he has made a full recovery, and shared the inspiring details on our Community Forum: 

Hello my dear friends,

In May 2017, just two years ago, we were all together in Sooke on Vancouver Island for a spectacular DNRS Training Seminar with Annie, Michelle and Kelly. Time flies. I hope you are all doing fabulously well.

For myself I haven’t had any issues at all with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity or Electromagnetic Sensitivity for these past 2 years. A complete victory! This of course has allowed me to progressively increase my participation with my family, my community, and my life in general. One month after our May DNRS Seminar I went to a 3-day meeting in Ottawa as a member of an International Organization. Although I have been a member for a long time I had not been able to attend the yearly Convention since 1988. So that was quite a leap! Well this year I am actually one of the organizers for our Convention, which is another big step in my participation level. I also began giving slideshow presentations about nature and environmental concerns in my area. Public speaking is something I had stopped doing completely 20 years ago. Basically I got my life back – I’m feeling active and well. Plus it keeps getting better.

My DNRS practice is well integrated by now. Once in a while I do few rounds of the practice steps as soon as I notice myself operating from an old pattern. I catch this very early and I just don’t let it become a problem. I practice when needed. Or sometimes just for the added wellness and happiness. Life is good.

For many, typical forms of treatment for these conditions have focused on detoxification, nutritional supplements, and avoidance. Gilles writes about the shift in perspective he took while embracing the DNRS program:

Nicolaus Copernicus did not invent anything. Planets had been moving around the sun for a long time before he was born. He simply reorganized our perspective and created a heliocentric paradigm to explain what had been observed for centuries. Before Copernicus, the earth was considered to be stationary and at the center of the universe. All celestial movements had to be explained around that geocentric view. As we progressed in identifying planetary movements in the sky, it was becoming increasingly complex to keep the earth centered model, but it was not really reconsidered until Copernicus introduced his revolutionary idea to explain all observed celestial movements. He pulled out the Earth from its central position and instead replaced it with the sun. All celestial movements fell into place with ease. There was much resistance at first, but eventually it became widely accepted, and today the earth-centered paradigm is seen as a strange belief from the middle ages.

People suffering from environmental illness have been observed for a long period of time. An expanding number of people are suffering from chemical sensitivity, electrical sensitivity, food sensitivities and many other related illnesses such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME or Fibromyalgia. In the alternative and functional medicine community, the view has been that we live in a toxic world and the solution to these problems is to detoxify the organism and to avoid further intoxication. This usually translates into one or several detoxification protocols plus a strict behavior of avoidance (staying away from chemical smells, various foods, electrical equipment, cell phones and computers, etc.) often leading to a life of loneliness, away from social life and even from family.

Some success in treating EI (Environmental Illness) has propelled this type of approach to the center of the therapeutic model for people suffering from EI. Additional modalities also include exercise, meditation, cognitive-behavioral therapy, acupuncture, etc. All of those are certainly useful but it does not address directly brain damage associated with EI. Specifically Limbic System Impairment is simply seen as an unfortunate consequence of EI, but not a causing or a facilitating factor. Dealing with related symptoms is perceived as a peripheral issue with solutions offered just as a coping strategy to make life less arduous, but not as an essential core issue. Annie Hopper has changed all of that. She is putting limbic system impairment at the center of EI recovery. Within her DNRS (Dynamic Neural Retraining System) revolutionary paradigm it is not so much the environment that keeps people sick but rather the exaggerated response of our limbic system to minute amounts of toxic elements that should not normally cause any significant symptoms. Retraining and normalizing the impaired limbic system through self-directed exercises in neuroplasticity puts everything back in place and health comes back naturally.

This is not to say that a healthy lifestyle is useless, nor that toxicity does not exist in our environment. It does matter and there is no denying that our environment provides plenty of toxic material. It is often what made the EI sufferers sick to begin with. But at some point something went awry with their limbic system and the brain reaction itself becomes an even bigger problem. Recovering completely without correcting this amplified excessive response to the environment is difficult, if not impossible for many. This new paradigm offers not only hope for desperate people for whom nothing seems to work, but it clearly offers solid long-lasting results, sometimes spectacular and seen as almost miraculous. Best of all, the DNRS practice is totally self-directed and simple to do on a daily basis. I call it a revolution because it offers a completely different perspective on EI and therefore brings different solutions to these issues. This is why I like to say that Annie Hopper is the Copernicus of Environmental Illness. 

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Onward and Upward Wed, 03 Apr 2019 22:35:48 +0000 Christina has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Chronic Pain, Food Sensitivities, ​Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder​, Depression, Anxiety, Irritable Bowel Syndrome,...

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Christina has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Chronic Pain, Food Sensitivities, ​Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder​, Depression, Anxiety, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, and more.

Christina had begun to experience symptoms associated with limbic system impairment in childhood. She recalls, “I overreacted to many, many events emotionally and exhibited behaviors of learned helplessness. I had on and off digestive symptoms, body image issues, eating and exercise disorders, and depression and anxiety that started in my preteen years.“ Prior to finding the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS), she had visited several therapists, and sought help from naturopaths, nutritionists, physical therapists, podiatrists, chiropractors, and medical doctors to attempt to get a more comprehensive diagnosis for her rapidly accumulating symptoms.

She eventually discovered DNRS when it was mentioned in a Facebook forum for people with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.

Christina has had many wonderful successes along the way of her recovery journey, and she shared her most recent progress on our Community Forum: 

My good friend and mentor reminded me yesterday that I should celebrate how far I have come, and I thought, what better way to celebrate than sharing all the goodness with my forum family!

This was my list of symptoms and what I couldn’t do when I started DNRS in February 2017. The duration of physical symptoms was about 7 years acutely, and the emotional stuff was on and off since birth. A naturopathic doctor diagnosed what follows.

Digestive symptoms fell under the categories of SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth),  system wide candida overgrowth, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and food sensitivities. I had about 25 foods that I could eat when I started, and 24/7 digestive symptoms. I was also nursing my twins.

I also experienced chronic pain, localized and widespread, burning, flushing, rashes, itching, numbness, tingling, random throat closing, insomnia, irregular cycles, poor metabolism, issues with the liver and gallbladder, detox issues, and possible Elhers-Danlos Syndrome. Things would pop up randomly and I can’t remember all of it, nor do I want to!

Emotionally, I experienced Anxiety (acute and generalized), Depression, PTSD, body image issues, and more.  

What I couldn’t do: Walk, except around the house. Drive. Clean my house. Take care of my kids. Cook. Shower.

During the first 4 months of my recovery I gained back all of those activities (except showering, but bathing became much more pleasant). I was walking 4 miles per day, and was more productive, a better parent, and had more peace, calm, and bliss than any other time in my life. I was utterly in love with life!

There has been an ebb and flow of symptoms along the way, but since January 2018, 99% of the physical symptoms have disappeared. The psychological symptoms mentioned above are about 80% gone – PTSD is completely gone, and as long as I am continuing to implement the program, none of them are present. I am still learning to love myself deeply, and I know that once that becomes a habit, I will be fully rewired.

At this point I have a fuller sense of who I am than any other time in my life. You can and will get YOU back through this process, even if you’ve never met you before. And that is absolutely priceless.

The most significant gains for me aren’t things one can see. Learning to trust the goodness of life, to live in a straight line for the first time (vs. in circles in my head as I did before), learning to live in the moment for the first time, learning to be in charge of my thoughts and emotions for the first time, learning to trust myself for the first time, so that other people’s actions no longer have power over me and know that what pleases me are good, healthy, life affirming choices. Learning to live from trust and love instead of fear and doubt is at the core of this, and is turning my life upside down in the best possible way. 

I now know and live, every day, the fact that I want to live and my life has value.

I sleep well now, walk 4-5 miles per day, and do some housework, cooking, and childcare each day. Expanding this is currently what I’m working on. I am thoroughly committed to the DNRS until my life is as full and glorious as I want it to be. Onward and upward, my friends!

To someone who is still suffering, Christina’s message is, “Give DNRS 100% effort as laid out for 6 months and see what happens. Set aside all doubt and fear and be open to accepting the magic that unfolds. This program has healed things in myself and my friends that so, so many mainstream practitioners have said were incurable. Recovered life is so, so, so much more than worth the effort it takes to get there! There is a life out there that is more beautiful, full, and free than you can imagine, all it takes is some faith and hard work. There IS hope, no matter your circumstances. You are the cure!”

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A New and Improved Me Sun, 17 Mar 2019 18:29:05 +0000 Lisa used the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Food Sensitivities, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, Environmental Allergies, Mast...

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Lisa used the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Food Sensitivities, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, Environmental Allergies, Mast Cell Activation, and more. 

Lisa had begun to experience symptoms associated with limbic system impairment in 2015 after a “perfect storm” of stressors. Prior to finding the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS), she had visited numerous doctors and specialists, including multiple top Mast Cell Activation specialists, to try to find the solution to her growing number of symptoms. “I had many unnecessary procedures and testing done, including a transjugular liver biopsy, colonoscopy, endoscopy, MRIs and CT scans, functional medicine tests, autonomic nervous system testing, tilt table test, and so many blood tests. I traveled anywhere to see these top doctors and spent a lot of money on treatment.”

She found out about DNRS while researching her symptoms online. “I searched for MCS, and it came up!”

Lisa recently announced that she has made a full recovery, and she shared the exciting details on our Community Forum: 

Hi everyone,
I have some amazing news…I am fully 100% recovered, fully healed! 
As I type this, I am still in awe of what I’m writing. I am amazed at what DNRS has done and how my journey unfolded; it has given me my life back and I am so grateful for each moment of it.
I want to thank Annie Hopper for creating this amazing program, and Michelle Bubnis and Kelly Showalter for teaching it to me. And Michelle for coaching me through the whole journey!

I started my DNRS journey in July 2016 with: 
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
Dysautonomia / Orthostatic intolerance
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Food sensitivities (I was down to 3 foods)
Salicylate, histamine & oxalate sensitivities
Medication sensitivity
Light and sound sensitivities
Body pain
Raynaud’s Disease
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
Anxiety and Depression
I was on many medications: a nebulizer, inhaler, Epi-pen, nose sprays, allergy injections, supplements, abdominal binders, wore compression stockings, etc.

I started the DNRS DVD program in July of 2016 and began to experience improvements. I was one of those people who needed extra help learning and doing the program, so I attended the Austin,TX seminar in October 2017. It was there where the details of the program really sunk in. This was where the magic happened for me.

I started adding foods into my diet, my MCS was getting better, and I was going out more and socializing. My blood pressure was normalizing. My mood began to improve, and Anxiety and Depression diminished. I started coming off medications as my nervous system started working normally.

One after another, symptoms were getting better. 

Eventually, I started working on behaviors and core beliefs; the journey got deep as I found self-love and balance in every area of my life: diet, exercise, work, and play. There was an ebb and flow to the recovery process which I continued to train through.

I learned to forgive people and I set myself free.
I learned it’s not my job to help everyone in the world.
I learned not to let others take my inner peace away.
I learned that I do not have to be perfect and life does not have to be perfect, and I learned to be more relaxed.

I would like to thank my boyfriend Mark for his unconditional love and support, and my mother, father and brother who adjusted their lives around my needs. And to my friends who supported me: thank you!

My life is so different now, and my illness is just a memory. I’m so glad that I took that leap of faith and ordered the DNRS DVDs and then went further by going to the live seminar. I am now a new and improved version of Lisa and part of old Lisa as well – appreciating life and filled with gratitude and happiness!

To someone who is still suffering, Lisa’s message is, “Please give DNRS a try as I did. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain! It takes dedication, but it is well worth the results. You can heal just as I did. It gave me my life back and it’s a journey that I am proud of. I can now say that I am truly living my life to the fullest with gratitude for each and every day!”

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Letting the Light In Fri, 01 Mar 2019 00:10:20 +0000 Falguni has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Pain, Food Sensitivities and Allergies,...

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Falguni has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Pain, Food Sensitivities and Allergies, ​Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder​, Anxiety, Lyme Disease, Chronic/Latent Infections, Environmental Allergies, Mast Cell Activation, and more.

Falguni had been experiencing symptoms associated with limbic system impairment for as long as she can remember.  She recalls always being unwell as a young child, saying, “I didn’t know what life was like living without these symptoms.” Prior to finding The Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS), she had visited numerous doctors and specialists, including an immunologist, cardiologist, neurologist, family physician, ENT, and a wellness physician to try to find an answer to her list of symptoms. “I had seen them all.”

She found out about DNRS after her wellness physician had recommended she take the program, and eventually suggested she go to an in-person seminar.

Falguni shared this inspiring update on our Community Forum: 

February 13th will always be a day I remember for the rest of my days on this beautiful earth. It is the day that I received the most wonderful news that I am fully recovered. I realize in that moment, that all the work, focus, and effort I put in for the last year, has paid off, I am healed. This is a small price to pay for a lifetime of freedom.

When I started DNRS in February 2018, I wasn’t sure how I was going to do it for 6 months, let alone almost a year. I took the practice minute by minute, hour by hour, and day by day until I was in a rhythm.

At my 3 month follow up appointment with my practitioner, it was apparent I was healing…as I showed up with a huge smile of hope on my face and without my usual precision filters for my eyes, a hat, and other paraphernalia to protect me from the environment. He was determined to get me to recovery and suggested I go to an in-person seminar to “accelerate” my healing. So, with that, I signed up for the Victoria, BC seminar in July. This ignited my recovery in ways I cannot express. I took this learning home with me and implemented the program with FIERCE FOCUS.

All of this to RECOVER from an odd slew of chronic conditions I had acquired through my lifetime:

• Secondary Mast Cell Activation Disorder as a result of chronic Lyme disease and co-infections
• Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome
• Heavy metal toxicity
• Food sensitivities/allergies (down to 6 foods to now full food freedom)
• Gastrointestinal Dysbiosis
• Environmental Toxins
• Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (going from laying on a recliner most of the day to doing high intensity workouts)
• Severe light sensitivity
• Migraines (Typical and atypical)
• Sound sensitivities
• Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
• Anxiety
• Dermatographia
• Body temperature sensitivity
• High blood pressure
• Tachycardia
• Heart Arrhythmias
• Chronic Laryngitis
• Chronic Stress
• Chronic body, muscle and joint pain
• Chronic dry skin
• Allergies
• Loss of hair, eyebrows and eyelashes
• Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
• Edema
• I even recovered the degradation of my eyesight post Lasik surgery in 2006 going from 20/45 back to 20/15 in both eyes (something I wasn’t working on, and shifted)
• Cataracts (these diminished)
• Lost the ability of my right hand to use a mouse and write (I regained it with DNRS)
• And many, many more items of lesser impact

I have gone from forcing my family to live in the dark to transforming my life so we can let the light in and shine brightly on our lives. It is now my job to turn on the lights and let the brightness in. We live like a normal family, eating anything, going anywhere, and doing anything. This was a truly transformative experience. If I didn’t experience the “switch” I would not have believed it is possible. I am now living like a normal person, with no limbic system impairment or chatter. It is the most beautiful has been so long since I have had clear thoughts…almost feels new. Today is the day I realized that I harness a super power, the power to choose and the power to heal.

I am forever grateful to Annie Hopper, her team of brilliant staff, and of course, Michelle Bubnis (coach and seminar instructor) who is my biggest cheerleader. She is a gem and I will always hold her deep in my heart for the beautiful, unwavering support and guidance she provided to me.

And when someone asks me, “Now what?” I say, I start to live my life with pure freedom of choice and live by my highest values. The beauty of this program is it allows you to rewire your brain, transform your health and reclaim your life. Reclaiming my life means that I can choose the path that serves me well. Stay tuned for the next chapter of greatness called my life.

To someone who is still suffering, Falguni’s message is, “I was told there is nothing that can cure my situation. I would not accept that and I searched for answers. This is truly a miraculous program to address mysterious chronic illnesses and can help you recover your life. It takes a bit of commitment and focus to harness your internal healing power, along with the beautiful DNRS tools which makes for a bountiful life.  Keep going, take that step to harness your innate power and start your healing today. I am proof that it works.”

The post Letting the Light In appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.

Alex: Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, Depression, PTSD Wed, 08 Aug 2018 09:11:34 +0000 The post Alex: Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, Depression, PTSD appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.


The post Alex: Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, Depression, PTSD appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.
