Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) Archives - Dynamic Neural Retraining System™ Fri, 15 Dec 2023 22:45:59 +0000 en-CA hourly 1 Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) Archives - Dynamic Neural Retraining System™ 32 32 “I Threw My EpiPen Away!” Sat, 09 Dec 2023 01:29:47 +0000 Kate struggled with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Chronic Pain, Food Sensitivities, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, Environmental Allergies, Electric Hypersensitivity Syndrome, Anxiety, Mast Cell Activation Disorder, Sensory Sensitivities, Adrenal Fatigue and more.

“After 15 days of anaphylaxis from severe food allergies, a new functional medicine doctor said DNRS was the only thing that was going to save my life.”

“The long list of symptoms I used to suffer from has escaped me now that I’ve come so far. I remember it like a vague dream. Now I have total food and life freedom! No longer do these health issues have any part of my identity. I am a whole new person!”

The post “I Threw My EpiPen Away!” appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.


Kate enthusiastically shared the details of her recovery journey on our Global Community Forum recently. She suffered from severe food allergies, multiple chemical sensitivity, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, and more. During an eleven-day anaphylactic shock episode, her new functional medicine doctor suggested she try DNRS. Read her story in her own words below. 

*Note: Kate’s testimonial is reprinted here with her permission and has been lightly edited for clarity and length. This information should not be used or relied on to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information is intended for educational purposes only. The information is not intended to replace medical advice offered by licensed medical physicians. Please consult your doctor or health practitioner for any medical advice.

Kate’s “Aha” Moment About Her Allergies

I threw my EpiPen away; it expired and I hadn’t needed it in more than two years.

I didn’t know anything about DNRS until a new functional medicine doctor at the practice said it was the only thing that was going to save my life. 

You see, at that point I’d been in anaphylactic shock for eleven days and nothing doctors could do was getting me out of it. I hadn’t eaten anything and it would be fifteen days in total before I could take a bite of food and even drink water. That fifteen day mark was when I began the DNRS video program. I sat down with my two kids and husband and started watching Annie explain my entire life to me and that what I had was Limbic System Impairment (LSI). This was my “Aha” moment.

My Limbic System Impairment really got started when I was fifteen and we lived in a mold infested house. When I started DNRS I was 38 years old and no one had ever mentioned LSI to me in all those years. I had seen 20+ doctors I’d and tried all their protocols, but just kept getting sicker and sicker. 

And here Annie was making the most sense and connecting all the dots. She said, “Just devote six months to the program and see how it goes.” I was full in from the start and filled with the biggest hope and belief that this was the answer and none of it was my fault.

Kate's Aha Moment

The First Test of DNRS

The next morning I decided I was going to eat something and use the tools I learned the night before in the DNRS program.

Lo and behold, I could do it without any medical interference. I took a few bites and called it good enough because I had been fifteen days without food. I didn’t want to overdo it with my stomach being so small.

I spent the next two weeks building up my appetite and getting two solid meals daily that I could live sustainably off of and turned my focus to all the other areas first. Because yes, I was able to get two meals back in, but those were my meals that I had lived off of for three years. I knew that I needed to calm my system down before going after all foods, so I stuck with those seven items that formed two meals.

I made a lot of gains because I was at rock bottom. I couldn’t lose a lot more positive things because they weren’t there. The only things I could lose at that point were my symptoms.

Kate’s Recovery Trajectory

My purpose in coming back here and sharing that I’m healed is to leave a “what worked for me” guide for those of you in the midst of training. It’s what I hoped to find on the forum along my journey.

The Global Community Forum was my source for truth. I just kept finding food sensitivities mentioned. My reaction to food was more severe than that. I needed to convince myself that there were people who had more than just sensitivity to food as well and that had healed. I found a couple of blog posts and threads that by reading between the lines I convinced myself they were like me and healed.

It took a few months to really start to believe that I could heal my food allergies and disregard other’s input about what I could do with this program. 

In the beginning, I knew that as a mom, a homeschooling one at that, I would need longer than the six months time frame to heal. It wasn’t a limiting belief, I just knew that I had to carry my kids as well and that I wouldn’t be able to devote every waking hour to myself. Eventually, they understood not to interrupt my rounds.

My advice is: follow the program and believe in the program. Thousands of people are on this journey with you rewiring their brains. 

Kate's recovery from severe allergies

“Now I have total food and life freedom!.. No longer do these health issues have any part of my identity. I am a whole new person!” – Kate

Kate Waves Goodbye to Her Symptoms

It’s completely true what they say that you forget where you came from and what you were. The long list of symptoms I used to suffer from has escaped me now that I’ve come so far. I remember it like a vague dream, and not like I can step right in and vividly remember everything and be exactly in that moment again. That’s a big win!

I found eventually I could go on the Global Community Forum and truly enjoy it. Particularly the group gratitude list. Are you participating in that list and catching other’s wins and joys?

I started DNRS April 4, 2020. What a godsend it was too! Just as the world was shutting down, mine began to open up. Without Covid coursing through the world, I may not have ever had my trigger event and been introduced to DNRS. I will always be grateful for the world turning upside down. Since then I’ve had the best life possible.

I’ve never been so strong and calm and capable and able to do anything. Today while on my period I swam and played with my kids at the pool, played tennis for an hour in 97F degree heat in the sun, and walked two miles to end my day. That’s a regular day for me now. 

I’ve been eating dairy and gluten and nuts and eggs and literally anything I want without any issues. I hadn’t been able to eat freely since I was fifteen. Really ever. And as I mentioned earlier, I was down to two meals (a smoothie and chicken and rice) for years. Every time I had a big stress event, another food was lost. After my trigger event everything I ate or smelled triggered anaphylactic shock. But now I have total food and life freedom!

Fuelled by the DNRS Community

Build a community on the Global Community Forum. Take their wins as your own. Building a community helps you dream bigger. Reach bigger. Expand your hopes and dreams.

Martin with his amazing bike races and endurance was my inspiration to gain my strength and energy. He could do it, I could too.

Bettina made great strides on a trip in Germany. Her wins convinced me that I could travel someday. I did – I went to Florida for a month at my year anniversary and hung out on the beach with my family living out my rounds. I highly recommend taking a calm vacation if you can.

Kristin gained back her capacity to eat all foods so quickly and was running races and lifting weights. If she could do all that, so could I.

Paul is dancing and seeing his life as beautiful! I want to dance too!

We don’t realize how small our worlds became and how big that they can be! Shore up your brain and heart with other’s wins so that when your brain’s limbic system says “no” you can say “yes!” and cite examples. I always needed examples to win the argument.

Kate’s List of Former Symptoms

I list my former symptoms below in case there is someone searching to see if their similar symptoms were helped by doing DNRS. 

Vivid nightmares: gone. It took months, but they are gone.

POTS: gone. No constant syncope. No racing heartbeat.

Temperature dysregulation: gone. Heat intolerance, gone — I don’t love triple digits but now they just make me sweat, not hurt. I still get cold easily, but I am able to warm up again without great lengths taken.

EMF sensitivity: gone. They used to cause me chest pressure that would lead to me collapsing. Cell phones sent shocks through my arms. Not anymore. Now cell towers are simply wonderful pieces of technology that connect me to the world and help me navigate life.

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: gone. During summer 2020, a quarter of my town decided to paint their house’s exterior and that made my daily walks interesting. I had to do my DNRS practices while walking daily. I remember the first time I walked by an active paint project and nothing was triggered. That was a joyous win!

Food allergies/Mast Cell Activation Syndrome: gone. Total food freedom!

Hormone issues: gone. I was told I needed a hysterectomy. No debilitating cramps, no huge clots, not bed ridden for five days minimum, everything is regulated. It’s a non-issue now. 

Skin outbreaks: gone. Weeks of constipation: gone. Diarrhea: gone. Exhaustion: gone.

Chronic fatigue: gone. I am filled with energy! I live a very active life and don’t need to recover from it. Previously I needed an hour and a half to get out of bed. And unable to continue upright after 4pm.

Brain fog: gone.

Ringing in ears: gone.

Chronic pain: gone. Nerve pain from a surgery 12 years ago gone. Three tendon injuries that wouldn’t heal are healed. Back pain gone.

Migraines: gone.

Light sensitivity: gone. I live in Big Sky Country and don’t wear sunglasses unless I want to. Previously I needed big hats and wrap-around sunnies, and even then struggled.

Noise sensitivity: gone.

Crowds don’t over stimulate me.

Smells don’t trigger me – I think perfume smells good! My nose hasn’t turned off and I didn’t want it to but I am not triggered by smells.

We remodeled our house this year and nothing triggered me. I could never imagine doing that previously from environmental ITS.

Constant alertness and hyper-vigilance, gone.

I sleep through the night without interruptions. Previously I wouldn’t have believed that possible.

PTSD, healed.

Bladder always needing to be emptied: completely regulated.

Heartburn: healed.

Hunger is back online and operating as it should.

Adrenaline surges: gone.

Anxiety: gone.

And I’m sure there’s more I’ve forgotten!

Kate is a Whole New Person

Here’s the thing with this list – I could remember off hand only about five of these issues. These old “friends” haven’t been part of my life for long enough that I had to be reminded they once existed as the major part of my life. They once defined me. No longer do these health issues have any part of my identity. I am a whole new person!

For those wondering about the timeline with food. I knew that my body was calm and able to receive the food for six months before my brain/limbic chatter was calm enough to reintroduce food. It was all in for me. Once I knew I was ready, I was all in: I had dairy and gluten for the first time in over 12 years. That was it, everything was back in. I had zero push back. Zero symptoms besides bloating from beans for the first week eating them. That quickly sorted itself out. 

I was worried that cheese would take hold of me as it once did. Same with chocolate. That they would become something that ruled me rather than just a food. Turns out I don’t like chocolate anymore. This shocked me. And I can eat cheese without any cravings for more. I don’t have the cravings that I feared bringing back food would reestablish. 

I don’t have to fight with food. Food is wonderful and good and nourishing.

Eat the food! Enjoy it! It’s a beautiful blessing.

Kate - quote

If you are a current member of DNRS, you can read Kate’s first Global Community Forum entry about her recovery, which she wrote prior to this update. The quote above is from that entry, which can be viewed at this link

The post “I Threw My EpiPen Away!” appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.

Wendy: Dynamic Neural Retraining System Success Story Sat, 11 Nov 2023 18:25:35 +0000 Wendy discovered the DNRS program during a desperate search for answers about their health issues, particularly Mast Cell Activation Disorder (MCAS) and Multiple...

The post Wendy: Dynamic Neural Retraining System Success Story appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.

Wendy discovered the DNRS program during a desperate search for answers about their health issues, particularly Mast Cell Activation Disorder (MCAS) and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. She was extremely sensitive to various substances and foods, leading to seclusion, extremely restricted diet, malnutrition, and severe weight loss.

Wendy had gone through a period of isolation and medical uncertainty, even ending up in the emergency room multiple times due to her health crisis. She tried various treatments, but nothing seemed to work until she found DNRS.

Watch the video below or read on to learn about Wendy’s healing journey.

Wendy found out about the DNRS program after hearing a doctor mention it. Wendy goes on to say, “He was talking about all the reasons why you can never heal from MCAS. And then at the very end he said, “I have had testimonials from people that I don’t know, and they have used the term miraculous. I can’t vouch for them because I don’t know anything about this program. But it’s called DNRS.”

Wendy researched the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS) online and lo and behold, found testimonials from so many people who had been suffering as she had been. In DNRS they had found an answer and were actually getting better!

Wendy immediately ordered the program.

As Wendy explains, prior to starting DNRS, “I was basically allergic to everything that I ate and everything that I breathed in.”

Once she began incorporating the DNRS practices into her daily routine, She noticed shifts right away. She regained optimism, energy, and happiness. But this was just the beginning.

The program’s positive impact was significant, allowing her to gradually tolerate fragrances, expand her food choices, and regain her normal weight. Wendy happily reports, “I’m only seven months into the training, but the shifts have been monumental.”

“My body started to fill out and come back to a normal weight, which was just miraculous to me!”

Eventually, she was able to travel and engage in activities she thought were impossible before.

“I just got back last week from traveling overseas, taking a plane ride to another country to visit my daughter, who I hadn’t seen in a year. My ultimate goal was to be able to do this.

Wendy was able to resume activities she hadn’t been able to do in years: “I was hiking in the forest, ten-kilometer hikes. I was eating street food and enjoying it and not having any fear about having a reaction whatsoever.”

In addition to the program, Wendy appreciated the supportive DNRS community, participating in the Global Community Forum, Certified DNRS Coaching, and the Living DNRS program. The Living DNRS sessions were particularly crucial to her healing journey, where she found comfort in the shared experiences of others and the positive, healing energy within the group.

“When you go through such a health crisis, like I personally went through, you feel very alone. You feel like you’re doing it alone, that you’re not like anybody else and you’re trying to figure it out by yourself. When you come to the Living DNRS program, all of a sudden you have this little family group of people that are all like you, and they’re all working to better their health and work through the program.

“And I think that that’s a very healing energy to have a whole bunch of people all with very positive energy, very supportive energy all together in one space.

She credits DNRS with transforming her life from one of fear and vulnerability to empowerment and gratitude.

“The DNRS program has made my life complete again. Going from a place of hopelessness to actually having a full and wonderful life in seven short months is a miracle! I am so filled with gratitude I can barely express it!

Wendy’s story highlights how the DNRS program offered a lifeline and a path to healing for her debilitating health conditions. Through training, community support, and perseverance, she was able to reclaim her life, overcome crippling health challenges, and experience a profound sense of empowerment and gratitude!

“I’ve gone from a person who was filled with fear and anxiety and vulnerability at the hands of the illness that I was suffering with, to someone who feels completely empowered to live a full and beautiful life in every way.”

“I can’t think of a bigger gift to receive!”

The post Wendy: Dynamic Neural Retraining System Success Story appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.

From Bed-Bound to the Dance Floor: Paul’s Reflections on His DNRS Recovery Journey Fri, 28 Apr 2023 19:34:55 +0000 Paul had found no real solutions to his myriad of health issues despite an endless string of doctors and over 40 diagnoses and...

The post From Bed-Bound to the Dance Floor: Paul’s Reflections on His DNRS Recovery Journey appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.

Paul had found no real solutions to his myriad of health issues despite an endless string of doctors and over 40 diagnoses and symptoms.  In fact, some doctors suggested that he would have to endure many of the conditions and symptoms for the rest of his life.  He had lost his job, his home, his cars, his relationship and his independence.

Deciding to embrace DNRS as a healing modality on the advice of a progressive doctor he respected was a pivotal moment in Paul’s life. He had once brushed off the suggestion of a friend to try DNRS, but now he was ready. At the time, he could barely function, and his mother had to care for him as he could no longer do simple activities of daily living, like showering or cooking.  It seemed like everything he did would cause an upswell in symptoms.  Once Paul made the commitment to engage in DNRS, he applied the DNRS neuroplasticity exercises daily, and developed creative ways to stay motivated.

Along the way, Paul reached out to the community of brain retrainers and utilized DNRS support services to their fullest:

As a result of his dedication to his healing journey, Paul’s reality is completely different now

Spoiler alert: Paul admits that sometimes he cries tears of joy because he didn’t know the level of happiness he has now could exist. 

In this, a reflection on his recovery journey in his own words (with minor edits for length and clarity), Paul describes the life events and habits that culminated in a health crisis, what Star-Trek inspiration he used to fuel his DNRS-based recovery, and what his life is like now

Exciting New Capacities After Overcoming the Odds

I am writing this update with an open heart and a feeling of immense gratitude. I remember back in early 2020 when I joined the DNRS community, I would read similar sentiments from other brain retrainers who were either recovered or at the later stages of their recovery journey. It was such a foreign concept to me and one that I could not relate to back then.

Since that time, my life has expanded and I continue to grow as a person: 

  • I have hopped on a couple of airplanes, once to fly to Houston, Texas to visit a close friend and the other time to fly to Las Vegas. 
  • I can dance for long periods of time any day of the week. 
  • I went on a 9 mile hike recently. 
  • I have been spending a lot of time in the kitchen, sometimes on my feet for 2 hours, cooking away new inventions or trying out new recipes. I remember back in the day when I could only eat one food and even eating that one food caused discomfort.
  • While I have had food freedom for quite some time now, it seems that even foods that used to give me moderate issues don’t bother me at all. 

Someone asked me recently if I had recovered. I honestly didn’t know how to answer that momentarily because that word doesn’t have the same meaning that it once did. The short answer to that question is no. I still have symptoms that I want to rewire. I still have some beliefs and ways of being that I want to rewire.

But I have my life back

I can do almost anything. I can go anywhere. I recently drove for 6 hours straight and felt I could drive another 6. I don’t second guess my decisions anymore. If I want to drive an hour away to go visit a friend, I do it. Later on in this blog post I will share some of the medical labels that I have overcome, some of which I was told I would have for the rest of my life or that there was no known cure for it. I think to really understand how far I have come it’s important to give a little background information about myself.



Limbic System Dysregulation From a Young Age 

I was born into a chaotic household, with an alcoholic father who was unpredictable and would be calm and nice one minute and then as if someone flipped a switch he would start yelling and behaving erratically. One of the ways our limbic system and nervous system learns how to regulate is through our caretakers, which is usually our parents. Both my parents were not regulated people so my brain and nervous system didn’t stand a chance. 

As a very young child I remember my parents taking me to the health fairy (my word for any health professional) several times because they thought something was wrong with me. I would get reactions from a lot of foods, I had trouble sleeping, I wet the bed until I was 6 years old, and sometimes I wouldn’t talk for days. My parents were concerned about me.

Physical Traumas Compounded

In high school I was playing Spiderman on one of the spiral staircases and I fell down two stories and I landed on a very hard floor flat on my back. Two of my classmates found me passed out on the floor and told me to go see one of my teachers. I had a slight concussion and a broken left hand, but nothing major happened. At least, that’s what it seemed like back then. 

During my college years I was involved in two head on car collisions while I was driving, both were the other driver’s fault. After my first car accident I developed panic attacks and I had trouble driving through intersections that had traffic lights. 

There were times when I would be sitting in the classroom and I would get up suddenly and run towards the exit. Most of my professors didn’t appreciate that and after class I went to go talk to them to explain what I was dealing with. One of my psychology professors pulled me aside and said “I understand what you are going through.” I could see kindness and empathy in his eyes. He gave me the phone number to a therapist. That therapist was a wonderful person and he helped get rid of my panic attacks using hypnosis and they would stay away for about 2 decades.

Self-Medicating Away Sensitivities

Growing up I always felt different. I felt like I could read people’s thoughts and could feel everyone’s emotions. If someone was upset I would literally feel their emotions. I felt like a freak. I felt alone and misunderstood. I spent most of my weekends numbing myself with alcohol. It was the only thing that made me feel good and it numbed the pain deep inside of me.

After college I dove head first into my career, working for financial institutions and also starting businesses on the side. I was usually working or hanging out with my friends. I hardly ever slept and coffee and energy drinks were my jam. In late 1997 I lost my 20 year old baby sister and I felt numb for what seemed like months. I didn’t know how to grieve so I held it inside me and began doubling my work output at work and partying even harder on the weekends. I believed at that time that if life was so tough then I should at least go out and have fun with my friends.

The body has innate wisdom and I ignored all the signals it was trying to tell me. I began developing a bunch of symptoms such as digestive issues, memory issues, and more. Yet, I kept pushing and pushing. When I look back at those last few years that I worked, I honestly don’t even know how I did it – probably just sheer force of will. In early 2018, even that wasn’t enough to keep me going. 


Paul's Symptoms


After my nth trip to the emergency room, my boss pulled me aside and said that I needed to go on medical leave because I was unable to perform my duties at work. He was a very understanding manager; I was surprised he let me work as long as he did. New symptoms began surfacing and I no longer had the energy or the will to continue working. 

I wasn’t able to work and I was trying to hold onto my home, my cars, my relationship, and my sanity. I eventually lost them all and moved out of state with my mother and Stepfather. I felt alone, defeated, and deeply misunderstood.

I’m not going to get into what came next except to say that I spent a lot of time by myself in a dark room, not being able to handle light, sound, or much of anything. I didn’t think it was possible, but I continued to decline. 

My mother was supportive but didn’t understand what I was going through. And even though my stepfather let me live in their house rent free, he made it pretty clear that he didn’t understand and he wasn’t convinced that what I was experiencing was real. Things got to a point where I didn’t want to live anymore. I felt miserable and felt like a burden to my family. I wasn’t able to sleep and even medications weren’t helping. There was a period of several months where I could only sleep for 15-30 minutes at a time, if that.

A Pivotal Decision & Commitment

One night during one of my darkest hours, I decided to make a choice. I made a decision that I would do whatever it took to get better. I also made a promise that I would do whatever it took so that my dear mother would not have to experience that kind of loss again. Once I made that firm decision, my outlook began to change.

About a year later, I was following a doctor on Facebook and he mentioned DNRS. I remember him mentioning that about 2 years ago but I discounted it. Well, I was in a much different state of mind. I was fueled by something much bigger than myself, and that was to get better so that my mother wouldn’t have to suffer watching her son decline. It gave me a strength and focus that I didn’t think was possible. 

I bought DNRS in January of 2020, but didn’t start watching it until the beginning of March. It took me nearly a month to get through all the material because I could only watch it in increments of a few minutes. Part of me believed it could help and part of me didn’t. It was a near-constant battle inside of me. The part of me that made the decision to do whatever it took won and would continue winning.

At the start of my journey with DNRS  I could barely function, my mother had to cook all my meals for me, I needed help to go to the bathroom, and I rarely showered because if I did, it would cause an increase in symptoms. 

The Kobayashi Maru-Inspired Approach

Despite the rough start I dedicated myself to the program. Though I hated structure, I have to admit I needed the structure that DNRS gave me in the beginning. I had a lot of cognitive issues so knowing what to do each day was helpful. As time went on I slowly began adding more tools to my toolbox. I was relentless.

Please note that relentlessness did not mean using my tools all day long. It just meant that I would do my daily practice, even if it meant not doing my whole hour of rounds. I would make it a point to do something, even if it was to go outside, sit down on the grass, and listen to the birds sing.

Because working the program was so challenging for me in the beginning, I began thinking about how I could make this process easier or at least more joyful. I started thinking about that episode of Star Trek where Captain Kirk passed a test that had a No-Win scenario called the Kobayashi Maru. He won the test by reprogramming the simulation.

I decided to go “Kobayashi Maru” on DNRS. In other words, I decided to create a container and environment that stacked the odds in my favor. 

For example, I realized that I hated to do the DNRS exercises and my limbic impaired brain was also resistant to doing them. Just being honest. So I struggled with them for a few months until I decided to ask a better question. What process can I come up with so that I can hard rewire my brain to either like doing them or at least feel neutral about them? To learn more about how I did it click here. *Editor’s note: to view Paul’s original post in the Global Community Forum, you must be a member of the DNRS program.


Paul DNRS structure quote (2)


Turning a Corner

After some time I began liking doing the DNRS exercises. And today, I love to do them. And if you’re wondering if I still get resistance to doing them, the answer is yes. The limbic system likes to resist doing them sometimes, but since I look forward to doing them, they get done. It’s kinda strange to me sometimes that I can like to do something but my limbic system has something else to say about it.

I began connecting with others to do things that were supportive of our recovery journeys. We began doing pillar 5 together by laughing together, dancing together, singing together, doing meditations together, and more. Over time I had enough friends that I could call up that finding someone to do practice with or elevate our moods together wasn’t an issue. I didn’t feel so alone anymore and it made it much, much easier to do my daily practice.

My Kobayashi-Maru-Captain-Kirk-inspired strategy worked. As my daily practice turned into newly formed habits, I didn’t have to think anymore about doing it. I would do my practice everyday and I began noticing things starting to shift.

Then & Now: Much More Than Physical Recovery

It’s been 34 months and while there is more work to be done, I am living a full life! I started a business at the beginning of the year and it is going better than expected. I am very active. I walk nearly every day, I shadow box, play basketball, and do Qigong several times a week. I went on a couple of dates recently which felt really good. I hadn’t gone out on a date in years but I handled the dates with ease and grace. At first I hesitated even trying to go out on a date because I don’t have my own place or car yet and I am still in the early stages of putting my life back together, but then I eventually realized that the right person will see past all that.

And while I am happy about all these things, what stands out for me is how I feel and how clear-headed I am. I wake up most days full of gratitude, contentment and joy. My family has noticed how much I have changed, especially these past few months. I laugh a lot. My silliness has returned and I crack a lot of jokes. I sometimes cry tears of joy because I didn’t know this level of happiness even existed. 

Part of me thought that some of the testimonials I read in the past were probably exaggerated. I can definitely say they were not. It really is that good! And looking back at all the hard work, it was SO totally worth it all.


Paul happiness quote


For those of you that are curious about which symptoms I have overcome so far, I am about to mention them.

I have overcome the following labels:

  • Lyme, Babesia
  • Food sensitivities, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Mold sensitivity
  • Night terrors, Nightmares, Sleepwalking, Insomnia
  • Chronic Fatigue, Brain fog, Malaise, Adrenal Fatigue
  • Muscle weakness, Back pain, Pelvic pain
  • Paraesthesia (burning or prickling sensations), Twitching, Blood pressure spikes
  • Extreme weight loss, Malnutrition, Hypoglycemia, Hyperglycemia
  • Dry skin, Dry eyes, Eye floaters
  • Body temperature dysregulation, Excessive sweating, Frequent urination
  • ADHD, Depression, Panic attacks, Suicidal ideation, Hallucinations (visual and auditory)
  • Fear of being alone, Fear of people, Fear of driving, and other phobias
  • SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), Gastroparesis, Erosive gastritis, Esophagitism, Barret’s Esophagus

Paul hope quote


Rewiring Your Reality: Parting Words of Wisdom 

There’s a part of me that wants to hop onto a time machine and go back during my darkest times in 2018 and give myself a very long, deep hug and tell myself that everything will eventually be okay. I want to tell my past self that no matter how challenging things get there is always hope; the mind and body have an amazing ability to heal and sometimes it needs extra support, encouragement, and tenacity wrapped under a blanket of self love and self compassion.

There’s a lot I could write about all the ups and downs, how I handled the doubt and the fear, and how to overcome adversity, and I will go into more details in later blog posts. I think for now I want to give a word of encouragement that no matter how dark things get, there are plenty of sources of light to light the way. And there is always a way forward. Don’t allow the imbalanced limbic system to convince you otherwise.

One of the biggest cons that the limbic system played on me was that it had me believe that it was in charge. Well, it turns out that it’s not. Once I realized that I had the power to override my limbic system, I knew it wasn’t my boss. Not only was it not in charge, but if I kept doing and saying certain things every day, the limbic system would have to take notice and the new neural pathways would eventually force it to see things my way. While one of the primary functions of the limbic system was to keep me alive and safe, it also had another purpose: to help me get what I want. So I made sure that I sent it a unified message every single day of what I wanted.

Through most of my life I had a brain and nervous system that never felt truly safe. So I learned how to send those signals of safety to my brain in a language it understood. I started doing it from a paradigm of wanting to fix myself, but then I moved away from that because that was creating another limbic stress loop . So, I changed to a paradigm of softness, patience, self love and compassion. There was nothing to fix. 

 “In the middle of winter, I at last discovered that there was in me an invincible summer.

– Albert Camus

I just needed to find that invincible summer inside of me. For me, my invincible summer started with a choice, followed by a commitment to myself and something greater than myself, following my own intuition, and never giving up. And that has made all the difference in the world. 

No matter how bad the winters get, each of you have an invincible summer inside of you. I know that you do. I believe in you. Keep moving forward.


The post From Bed-Bound to the Dance Floor: Paul’s Reflections on His DNRS Recovery Journey appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.

“Indescribably Life Altering!” Samantha’s Recovery Diary: Part 1 Fri, 28 Oct 2022 21:52:06 +0000 Samantha had been living in a camper on her boyfriend’s driveway for two years. She could no longer enter the house, wear most...

The post “Indescribably Life Altering!” Samantha’s Recovery Diary: Part 1 appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.

Samantha had been living in a camper on her boyfriend’s driveway for two years. She could no longer enter the house, wear most kinds of clothing and makeup, or eat the foods she loved. She was suffering from disabling symptoms associated with a host of illnesses that are related to limbic system impairment, like Mast Cell Activation Disorder, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, Lyme Disease and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. 

Samatha’s journey into chronic illness started 8 years ago. Despite her best treatment efforts with seeing dozens of specialists and undergoing many different protocols, she still found herself sliding back into a state of chronic illness. Instead of getting better, her sensitivities were increasing, and she suffered from severe reactions to minuscule levels of chemicals, mold and various foods. She describes herself as living “like the boy in the bubble.”

She signed up for the DNRS program and detailed her progress along the way in regular posts on our Global Community Forum. We’ve compiled her updates into three parts so that you can read her “recovery diary” in chronological order. We think you’ll agree, Samantha’s updates are an invaluable play-by-play of her experience with rewiring her limbic system through DNRS brain retraining and how it has impacted her life.

In her own words (lightly edited for length and clarity) here is the first part of Samantha’s recovery diary.

My Recovery Goals

I started this program like most of you, with the intention of getting back into society and living a normal life again. 


  • To move out of the tiny camper in my boyfriend’s driveway where I’ve been for just shy of 2 years after needing to move out of his home and abandon my things (now stored in his garage)
  • To be able to buy items like clothing, general living necessities, and other items in the world without crippling symptoms
  • Bring more foods back into my diet that I used to love 
  • To fall asleep without scary symptoms
  • To be able to buy a mattress since I had to remove the one in the camper leaving me sleeping on cushions intended for a couch. 
  • To be able to wear makeup or use hair products again (haven’t been able to in 2 years)
  • To be able to go back into my boyfriend’s home or go near my old things again
  • To get vaccinated so I can socialize without fear and so I can be maskless around my boyfriend
  • To be able to get back to running my business that I love, as a portrait photographer


Samantha's future is bright


Week 8 Update: Indescribably Life Altering

For 8 weeks I’ve been very dedicated. I have not missed a day of rounds, I hired a Certified DNRS Coach, and started attending LIVING DNRS classes.. I’ve had worries about not doing the program right. To be honest, I talked to my coach about the fact that in the beginning, I had a lot of “fake it ‘till you make it” moments. I just wasn’t sure I was doing it right. 

I had some small but exciting changes so I was motivated to keep going. The Global Community Forum is always a great motivator too! After 5 weeks I hit a big ebb, and I remembered Annie saying this could happen and to not be discouraged. I tried to accept this as “neuroplastic gold” and while prior to that, I was seeing some little shifts that were exciting… things SKYROCKETED after I came out of this ebb.

48 hours ago something shifted. In a MAJOR way. These are all the things I have done and some really BIG things all happened at once in the last 2 days!


  • Eat whatever I want (but I’m still eating healthy)
  • Buy anything in the grocery store!
  • I seem to be able to buy ANYTHING anywhere?! (I’m still scratching my head on this one.. like WHAT!?)
  • Wear makeup
  • Take waaaay less supplements! From over 40 pills a day to just a fraction of that!
  • Use hair products
  • I can eat CHEESE! I haven’t been able to eat dairy in 8 years!
  • I went from having only 2 shirts and 1 pair of shorts and limited undergarments to being able to buy 3 more shirts, a pair of jeans, and a pack of socks! Tomorrow I’m going to get more!
  • The scary sleep issues I was having have stopped!
  • I am not living in a state of constant fear! I am living in a state of JOY!
  • And the biggest thing of ALL.… last night I had my boyfriend bring me something from the house, the house I can’t go near, and I had NO SYMPTOMS. Then I had him open the garage where all my discarded items were (a garage I normally have to stay at least 30 feet away from when open), and I had him give me something from in there, and NO SYMPTOMS!! I then walked right up to the garage and stepped inside, then I burst into tears and we both cried, I have not had a symptom since!! 
  • Today I went and bought a new keyboard for my computer, scheduled a much-needed dentist appointment, an eye doctor appointment, and bought my first ever takeout in over 2 years. Up until this point I could not go INSIDE nearly anywhere!!

I am beside myself. I am so happy to have a coaching appointment tomorrow because I definitely need guidance on how to handle this WEIRD feeling of such rapid healing after living like the “boy in the bubble” in total isolation for 2 years. 

This program has me feeling so many things, like immense gratitude for this gift of life that’s been returned to me. I can’t wait to see what else happens and how my body responds to the continued practice, because I can tell there is more rewiring that needs to be done. My RING camera captured some of what happened last night and the best part is you can hear me saying through tears… “That Annie Hopper is a genius and I love her so much!” 

I don’t know what else to say other than I’m finally starting to dream again, to see my future, and it looks so bright!!!


Samantha's new mattress


Week 9.5 Update: I Have a Bed!

2 years ago I bought a camper and parked it in my boyfriend’s driveway, a house I had been living in for a year, until I could no longer be there. 

Very quickly the camper mattress became a source of environmental-related symptoms and it had to go! The dinette area has 4 cushions that convert to a twin-size bed… not the most comfortable, but it was better than being in a car, or a tent on the ground, and that is what I told myself for 2 years. 

Over the years I have tried unsuccessfully to get a new queen mattress for the actual bed area, I have purchased nearly 10 and had to return them all. NOT TODAY!! 

Today the new mattress came, and I knew I was putting it in no matter what. I would train with it if I had to, but I was NOT going to repeat old patterns of the past and tell my limbic system that avoidance behaviors were acceptable. 

I took the mattress out of the box and put it on the platform, put on the sheet and laid on it and OH MY! After not laying on a bed for so long, it was incredible—as you can see in my text to my boyfriend only minutes after testing it out!  

I can’t wait to go to sleep tonight, I can’t believe this day is finally here! 


Samantha's new mattress after training with DNRS


Also, this week I am continuing to incremental train in the garage full of my old things. I am up to standing in it for 20 minutes! I can’t wait until I can spend some time in the house. 

Other incredible things that happened this week:

  • buying clothing, 
  • getting back into my photo studio, 
  • booking clients, 
  • wearing makeup, 
  • ordering takeout, 
  • wearing hair products, 
  • almost no fear now when I’m in stores and I buy anything I want without sniffing it or examining it. Unthinkable just 3 months ago. 

It still feels like a dream, every day I’m still so amazed at what I’m capable of. My statement that I came up with when I started is “I am healthy, I am strong, I am limitless” and I write it every night 10 times as Annie directed us to, and I already feel like it has come true. 

Some new behaviors I have implemented while I’m rewiring:

  1. I’ve stopped watching most of my favorite shows that are drama and sci-fi. I didn’t love doing this but I understand you can get adrenaline rushes from media so I’ve started watching totally different types of shows: comedies (Big Bang Theory, Young Sheldon), family-friendly shows (Heartland, Shark Tank, AGT), game shows (Generation Gap, The new Password), etc. Sadly my Game of Thrones, Westworld, and Handmaids Tale-type shows will have to wait until my 6-month mark—a small price to pay for this newfound freedom!
  2. I stop conversations that aren’t “limbic system friendly” to make sure I’m not getting pulled into negative energy conversations.
  3. I’m dancing! Every time I do dishes I’m either listening to an audiobook or music and dancing, if it’s quiet I’ll hum sometimes, and even just noticing I’m not engaged in anything I will put on a smile (because my limbic system knows, haha)
  4. I’ve limited my social media, and I’m staying away from the negative news.
  5. I have a Google Doc that I log every positive thing (no negatives) that has happened to me that day. I use that as a  daily journal so that I can go back and see all my amazing progress on days when I’m ebbing.

All these things are little but I feel like they are super helpful for me since I feel very influenced by other energies. Thought I’d share in case it might be helpful for someone else.  

Stay tuned for Part 2 and 3 of Samantha’s recovery journey, coming soon.


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Doctor Liz’s Recovery Changed Her World Tue, 15 Feb 2022 22:59:12 +0000 I had many health issues for over ten years which were treated in isolation with no clear link to each other... Fifteen minutes on the DNRS website changed my world!

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Dr. Liz’s Healing Experience in Her Own Words

I had many health issues for over ten years which were treated in isolation with no clear link to each other.  After reaching rock bottom, I happened to find DNRS after reading one of Norman Doidge’s books. I searched “brain rewiring programs” and up came the DNRS website! Fifteen minutes on the website changed my world!

I signed up for DNRS immediately and started the program that evening.  I was so relieved, so happy and so grateful. I KNEW this was my answer. I had a chronic stress related condition, and it was affecting many systems of my body. I knew the breadth of traditional and Integrative medicine, what they could (some wonderful things) and could not offer. The science behind DNRS made sense. The pieces of the puzzle came together as I sat there.  And, as they say, the rest is history!

During my time undertaking the DNRS program, I have tried to keep my “medical hat” off as much as is humanly possible after more than 30 years as a practising doctor. I had lots of medical knowledge of course, but zero knowledge on practical neuroplasticity or brain retraining. I was a newbie just like everyone else.

My life is so wonderfully and incredibly different to the life I had 2 years ago. I have immense gratitude for Annie Hopper and this ground-breaking program she has created. Thank you, Annie, from the bottom of my heart. I am also grateful to my Certified DNRS Coaches and all the DNRS participants who have gone before me who have contributed their thoughts, ideas, inspirations, and successes to assist others. Your generosity is an absolute gift to those working the program.

During my time on the DNRS forum whilst following the program, daily I witnessed so many people making the most amazing gains in their physical, mental, and emotional health. So many gains in their daily functioning, sometimes from being largely bedridden to leading a full active life. The program works. Those of us who have lived this program for extended periods do not doubt the value of this program. It still amazes me. The power of neuroplasticity!

Here is the list of conditions related to limbic system impairment that I recovered from through the DNRS Program:

  • Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
  • Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome
  • Tinnitus
  • Brain Fog/cognitive issues
  • Gastrointestinal issues -IBS/reflux/food intolerances and others
  • Bladder issues/overactive bladder
  • Chronic pain/diffuse pain daily
  • Cold sensitivity for years/ Light sensitivity/ noise sensitivity at times
  • Anxiety
  • Sleep disturbance

Dr Elizabeth (Liz)
GP and Integrative Health Practitioner
MB, BS (Hons) UNSW (Australia), FRACGP

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Jenna: 20 Doctors Later, the Answer was DNRS! Tue, 07 Dec 2021 13:08:04 +0000 Jenna used the Dynamic Neural Retraining System™ (DNRS) to recover from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (Mold Illness), Chronic Pain, Chronic...

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Multiple Chemical Sensitivity - Retraining the Brain

Jenna used the Dynamic Neural Retraining System™ (DNRS) to recover from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (Mold Illness), Chronic Pain, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Food Sensitivities, Electric Hypersensitivity, Anxiety, and more.

“I know you’re finally in the right place… because so many of us out there are professional researchers. We’ve been looking at so many things and tried so many doctors and so many treatments. But there was a reason, for me, why it never stuck.” – Jenna, after recovering with DNRS

Jenna realized that the reason why prior medical treatment attempts were futile is because her brain and body were stuck in a fight, flight or freeze response. When she addressed rewiring brain function with DNRS, her health finally started to improve.

Before DNRS: Many Symptoms, More Doctors, No Answers

Jenna’s symptoms started gradually over a period of several years. In 2007, she reached her tipping point after burning out with work and an adrenaline-based lifestyle.

She started feeling fatigue all the time, when prior to this she had always been very active and fit. Jenna also started getting sick a lot. Being an overachiever, she pushed herself even harder through it all, with a ‘suck it up’ attitude.

Jenna explains how her symptoms continued to worsen:

“In 2013 it all hit the fan, with overwhelming mysterious symptoms cascading one after another and leading me to an endless series of doctors and diagnoses. Those diagnoses included chronic pain, food sensitivities, multiple chemical sensitivity, breast implant illness, chronic inflammatory response syndrome, vertigo, chronic fatigue syndrome, and anxiety.”

Jenna's Chronic Illness Before DNRS

Jenna saw multiple doctors and specialists, including a cardiologist, rheumatologist, and a neurologist. They tested her for everything from Multiple Sclerosis, to brain tumors, to various auto-immune disorders. Her doctors had no real answers or solutions for her.

She then turned her sights to natural medicine and holistic doctors. After months of detoxes, alternative treatments, and various elimination diet protocols, she found herself struggling with the same chronic symptoms and weighing 25 pounds lighter.

Mold Illness - DNRS

Jenna’s environmental medicine doctor recommended checking her house for mold. She and her husband spent upwards of $100,000 completely remediating their home. However, despite detoxing her home and body, these measures did not improve Jenna’s condition.

How Seeking Answers Finally Leads to DNRS

At this point, Jenna says she was unsure how she would go on. However, her environmental medicine doctor shared that she had another patient who had found DNRS and was making remarkable strides in recovery. She recommended Jenna look into the program.

“I remember watching the DNRS testimonial videos online and just crying my eyes out. There were other people out there like me?! There were people who had survived all these insane symptoms and had fully recovered? I could have hope again.

Initially, my goal was just to walk my dog around the block again. I never dreamed that I would be able to run – and now I run with my dog as long and far as I want!”

Watch the video below to hear Jenna’s journey to recovery in her own words:

Why DNRS Worked for Jenna

After taking the DNRS program, it all made sense to Jenna why she suffered for years with a “snowballing” cascade of chronic illness symptoms. It was because her brain’s limbic system was stuck in a maladapted fight, flight, freeze response and her body was following the brain’s signals: that she was constantly under attack, even when the initial threat was no longer present. Under stress or during a trauma (viral, toxic exposure, emotional, physical) your brain can get stuck in this chronic illness cycle like a broken record.

This limbic system impairment is commonly found in people who have long battled with a chronic illness that has not been responsive to the myriad of treatments they have tried.

Limbic System Impairment

The DNRS program helps you understand how brain function is involved in your illness, how to rewire your brain and move into a rest and digest state – creating the right environment for your body to heal. This self-directed, online program that you can do from home has helped thousands of people like Jenna regain their health and reclaim their lives.

“I’ve heard people call it [DNRS] a miracle. To me, it feels like a miracle, but it’s science.” – Jenna

Jenna’s Life After DNRS

Jenna now happily lives in her same home that was remediated and says she is grateful to have kept most of her belongings. She travels, eats anything she wants, exercises, works, and lives a life free of limitations. In celebration of her full recovery Jenna has an inspiring message that she would like to share with others.

“As soon as I started the program, I was able to do more and had so many little victories – I knew DNRS was my answer. After about 8 months I was no longer ill, but some symptoms were more stubborn. I still dealt with difficult days and was left with some emotional and physical symptoms that still impacted my life. And so, I just kept going. There were ups and downs and side steps, but all along I continued to improve. I worked the program every single day and I spoke with a certified DNRS Coach on a regular basis.”

“I remember my DNRS coach telling me that I would get to the point where I would forget what it was like to be sick, and I said, “No way!” But it’s true. I am healthy and having fun and I have moved on with my life. I have so much more to think about, I forgot about symptoms and limitations and started embracing LIVING life!”

Jenna's Recover with DNRS

“Recovery to me is a sense of peace and calm that feels very solid. I sleep great, I eat everything and anything I want, I cook beautiful meals for friends and family, I go everywhere without a thought, I travel, I work, I’m very social. I run our two businesses, I exercise and feel strong. I enjoy balance and self care. I have so much more to give to my husband, my family, my friends, and it is such a joy.” – Jenna

Encouragement for Your Own Healing Journey

If you are suffering in similar ways that Jenna did, with few solutions to a mountain of chronic illness symptoms, she wants you to know that, “You don’t have to suffer any more.”

My heart goes out to you. I remember how impossible it seemed to look beyond it. But you can fully, wholly heal. You can live your life to the fullest. You can eat what you want, go where you want, do what you want. You can have energy for your loved ones and the things you love to do.”

This program is the real deal. It’s not internet BS, it’s not woo-woo hocus-pocus. It’s science. And it works. DNRS is not instant, it takes time and diligence to rewire your brain, but it is the most empowering thing I have ever done, and I am grateful to have my life back every day!”

My life is so much better now than it was before I ever had experienced illness. I’m so deeply grateful to Annie, my DNRS coaches and the whole DNRS community for their guidance, unwavering support, and cheerleading every step of the way.” – Jenna

Jenna's Life After DNRS

Your Next Steps

Learn more about how the program works, or click the button below to experience part of the program for yourself with our 7-day free trial:

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Discovering a New Way of Being Mon, 10 Feb 2020 15:13:47 +0000 Lisa has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Food Sensitivities, Environmental Allergies, and...

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Lisa has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Food Sensitivities, Environmental Allergies, and Lyme Disease.

Lisa remembers first experiencing symptoms associated with limbic system impairment as a young child. “I had digestive symptoms and food intolerances as a young child. As a young adult, I began to experience exertional limitations and blacking out during exercise. I could no longer run, play volleyball, play hockey, or hike mountains. In 2010, I started a night shift position at work, and 3 months later, I hit rock bottom. Unable to work and barely able to perform normal functions for survival, I had to leave my job. My cardiologist told me, ‘Your system just can’t handle night shift’.” Not long after leaving her job, however, life resumed normally for Lisa until she moved into a water-damaged home in 2015. “I started to experience a familiar downward spiral, along with some strange, mystery symptoms. At the time, I didn’t know I had a perfect storm brewing and my limbic system was being pushed over the edge, and I pushed myself to keep trying to live a normal life. In September 2016, I crumpled, and this time I didn’t recover. I spent the next two and a half years trying to find answers and struggling to meet basic needs for survival, suffering debilitating fatigue and brain fog.” This search for answers included visiting numerous doctors and specialists, and undergoing comprehensive conventional testing. “When my conventional doctors were unable to find answers, I turned to various alternative modalities including physical therapy, chiropractic work, kinesiology, foot reflexology, acupuncture, neurofeedback, and energy and bodywork healing. I saw four different naturopaths and underwent extensive and expensive testing. We started to uncover some layers of illness, including adrenal insufficiency, hormone imbalance, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS), and Lyme Disease, and treated with various supplements, medications, intravenous (IV) therapies, and detoxification protocols. Some of these treatments perked me up and offered symptomatic relief, however, they did not address the root cause of dysfunction in my body, and my life continued to be very limited.”

Lisa found out about the DNRS program through her naturopath who specialized in Lyme Disease and CIRS. She recalls, “At first, I didn’t know if I had the will and strength to commit myself to the program. I was struggling to find a living environment that I didn’t react to. Each time I moved environments, I would perk up a bit, then within a few months start reacting to that environment as well. It started to feel impossible to find a safe place to live. Then one day it struck me right to the core – I was running from my own brain and it was following me wherever I went. This wasn’t the environments, it was my brain stuck in a pattern, and this is what they were talking about in all the DNRS testimonial videos. Right then I was committed to the program. I committed myself to whatever it took, because I knew it was the way out, and I knew deep down, in a powerful way, that it would be worth the effort.”

Lisa has since been implementing the DNRS program for 8 months, and shared her most recent milestones on our Community Forum.

I’m feeling back in the swing of life! I do a lot of things in one day and feel amazing and effortlessly calm through it all! It feels so normal now to just feel normal and do normal things, and I feel ambitious and productive without running on adrenaline. All of this feels amazing, yet also dim in comparison to the new inner glow of deep contentment and calm! I feel grounded in a way I can’t explain. I live in the present moment instead of in my head and I’m content to just be. Every day I savor this new reality and admire the simple, yet radiant beauty of these fresh blooms. 

I’m discovering a new way to be, and I am savoring the experience of just living life!! (Something that evaded me the last 3+years) 😀

Best wishes to everyone in the New Year!

What is Lisa’s message for those who are still suffering? “There are hundreds of people on the DNRS Community Forum right now who know darkness and suffering, who are finding their way out of the darkness using the tools of the program. In some way, I intuitively knew that my symptoms and allergies did not define me. This program held the answer that made so much sense to me – all my symptoms were manifestations of a limbic injury. All of them. Having a limbic system impairment does not mean ‘it’s all in your head’ or ‘your symptoms aren’t real.’ It’s an actual, physical injury that happens in the subconscious part of the brain, and then results in dysfunction that affects any or all systems of the body, including the immune and detoxification systems. If you are someone who feels like you have tried everything and you barely have the courage to try one more thing, know that this program really is the miracle so many of us were looking for, and we are recovering and reclaiming our lives!

This program did so much more than I expected it to. Not only has it been the answer for my chemical and mold sensitivities, allowed my body to fight off Lyme, and restored my energy, it has also been a complete reboot physically, mentally, and emotionally. Looking back, I can see that I was stuck in a fight-or-flight mode for many years. Now, not only do I have my life back, I have a whole new way of experiencing life. It’s like going from surviving to absolutely thriving. Every day I feel grateful for this beautiful gift!”

Lisa: “This was a photo I took while on a brisk walk”

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Johanna: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Food Sensitivities, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and Anxiety Mon, 13 Jan 2020 10:17:11 +0000 Johanna used the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS) program online to recover from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Food Sensitivities. After...

The post Johanna: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Food Sensitivities, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and Anxiety appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.

Johanna after recovery

Johanna used the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS) program online to recover from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Food Sensitivities.

After celebrating her special one year DNRS anniversary, she shared her amazing story in the video below:



In her own words, here is a summary of Johanna’s recovery journey with DNRS:

Exactly a year ago, I sat down to watch the DNRS Instructional Videos for the first time.
Although a little bit of my initial skepticism had faded when I read Wired for Healing, I still had doubts.And yet I remember saying that if it at least helped me improve by 10%, it was worth giving it a try.

I had hit rock bottom.

I could only leave home wearing a mask to go for a daily walk in the countryside.
I would only occasionally meet family and friends outside.
My energy levels were so low that I could barely function and I was having more and more debilitating reactions, such that most weeks I couldn’t manage more than about 6 – 10 hours of work.

I could only eat about 24 different foods and there were many foods I was sure I would never eat again in my life.

Funnily enough, I only thought DNRS might help me with my tolerance to chemicals.
Little did I know a year ago how many other things DNRS was going to help me with. Little did I know that today I would be fully recovered and living a completely normal life again.

Johanna with family

And little did I know that I would be able to be with my loved ones again – meeting them at home and hugging them again.

I was also able to get back to doing a number of activities I once loved:

  • Eat in restaurants and eat anything I want.
  • Go out into the world: to shops, the theatre and anywhere I want.
  • Go to work full-time.
  • Not only attend, but also be the “last bridesmaid standing” at my best friend’s wedding.
  • Go travel the world.
  • Go running regularly and take part in races (and even win a couple of very unexpected trophies).
  • And so much more…

However, the journey wasn’t without its bumps.
By the 4th and final day of watching the DNRS instructional videos, this is what I wrote in my journal:

“I had to take a break between day 3 and 4 as I had a gastric bug.
But I’m so happy that I’m better now and completing the DNRS Online course and I’m really looking forward to my new routine.
I’m focusing on my goals the way I did when I had the stress fracture in my leg and treating my practice with the same commitment that I had towards my physiotherapy. Just like I knew my leg wouldn’t be weak forever, I also must stop thinking that this will be my life forever.”

Johanna with children

A year on, how glad I am that I decided that I would give DNRS a try.
And I’m so glad that you’ve found DNRS too. And no matter what part of the journey you’re on, know that DNRS will transform your life.

Wishing you all the very best, always.


If you are ready to start your own journey to recovery with DNRS, click the button below:

Get started

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Where My Practice Has Taken Me: Mike’s Lessons & Shared Wisdom Thu, 21 Nov 2019 22:53:04 +0000 Mike used the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and Electric Hypersensitivity Syndrome. Mike first began to notice symptoms...

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Mike used the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and Electric Hypersensitivity Syndrome.

Mike first began to notice symptoms associated with limbic system impairment just over two years ago. “My challenges started with a chemical exposure in late 2016, and then symptoms developed over the course of 2017.”

It was shortly after Mike’s symptoms began to develop that he found the DNRS program through an online search. “I feel very grateful, however, that I found DNRS relatively early in the process… I was doing a random Google search and stumbled across the blog of some guy in Arizona who had gotten better with DNRS – it was the first I had heard of a possible solution to the challenges I had been experiencing and was a tremendous moment of hope in my life!”

Mike describes feeling 90% improved by the 6-month point, however he chose to continue to extend his practice for the next two years, and experienced even deeper benefits.

Mike shared his experience in our Global Community Forum. Below are excerpts from his post and the tips and wisdom he suggests to help others achieve similar fundamental improvements in quality of life.

Hello everyone!

After two years of my DNRS practice and the wonder of experiencing a full recovery I recently decided to ramp down from my full practice schedule to more of what I consider a daily wellness plan.

As part of that transition I thought it might be useful and interesting to put together a final post to summarize my experience with DNRS.


After first finding the program and reading more success stories, I went to the DNRS site and read up on the program at the source.

The idea that I was dealing with a chronic stress response that needed to be ramped down made sense – because from that perspective the hyper-environmental awareness that came with the avoidance mentality could be seen (correctly) as giving sugar to a diabetic. Not only was it not helpful, but it was really the precise wrong thing to be doing and would probably only make things worse! And this was exactly what I had been experiencing. 

In the end, I did 655 straight days of implementing the DNRS program. Then after this I ramped down to a half hour of rounds a day for the next week, and then on the following Sunday, for the first time since I started the program two years ago, I actually took a day off from the practice.

So with that said, what were the results? What did all this work get me?

Health Results

So first, the health results. And, well, the bottom line is that DNRS worked. I got better!

In fact, I consider myself 100% functionally recovered, and am back to living my normal life without any issues, fears, or constraints. And that is a beautiful, miraculous thing!

(A quick caveat to the community – in the name of full disclosure I would actually say to insiders that I am 99.5% recovered, as there are still very occasional small things that come up – but they are now so few and far between, so minor, and so easily corrected that in practice they in no way constrain my life or really even register as problems.)

So really by now those challenging times back in 2017 are nothing but a distant memory.

And now I just live my normal life, which is again a beautiful, beautiful thing.

And now I can once again devote my life energy to all the things I want to do to build a better life – improve my fitness, do creative work, travel, see family, etc. – you know, the good stuff. 🙂

Life Perspective Results

In addition to the straight-up health results detailed above, I also wanted to take a moment to discuss a wonderful unexpected benefit I have gotten from DNRS, more in the category of personal growth. Meaning, I feel that going through the program has fundamentally changed my life perspective in a positive manner. In fact, I feel in some ways the process has been like what you hear about Tommy John’s surgery for baseball pitchers, where for folks who undergo the surgery they almost come out stronger than before.

I feel this way because I feel that DNRS did not just get me back to a healthy baseline in terms of physical symptoms (although it most certainly did that) but it in fact has left me living a better life.

And that too has been a beautiful (and amazing and surprising!) gift!

So what do I mean by that specifically? I mean that doing the process of DNRS the past two years has improved my life mindset in fundamental ways. In fact, looking back to my pre-DNRS life I am sorry to say that I had a lot of fear, anger, and perfectionism in my life.

And in this process, I actually changed the way I thought. Who knew? This means that now I get frustrated and angry MUCH less. And I almost never catastrophize. And wow, is that a better way to live!

Ramp-Down Plan

So where was I at after the minimum 6 months of practice?

Looking back I would say at that point I probably felt 90% better (which was wonderful!). So I had major and meaningful cessation of symptoms, and really in broad strokes felt my life had been pulled back from the brink of things getting significantly challenging in terms of maintaining my existing job/life/etc. But I still had some reactions and fears, so I continued with my full practice regimen.

At the 1-year mark I would say I felt 95% better. And it was at this point that I had my first thoughts about possibly ramping down my practice. But in the end, despite being close to really where I wanted to be, I felt as though I wanted to run through the finish line so I continued my full practice schedule at that point as well.

Then finally this summer as I neared the 2-year mark I just really felt fine and felt it was time to move on to other projects. I went from my full-on daily hour of DNRS practice to a Monday-Saturday 1/2 hour of daily rounds. And then Sunday I just took the day off.

And it’s been wonderful! I still feel like I’m capturing the wellness benefits of my DNRS work but I also gotten a significant amount of time back for other life projects. And maybe at some point down the road I’ll ramp down further to one round a day – or none. But for now I feel perfectly happy right where I am :).


So first, what lessons do I draw from this whole process that may be relevant to a DNRS newcomer? 

My number one lesson is simple – do the work!

The best program in the world means nothing if you don’t implement it.

 And that means you need to commit to doing your daily DNRS exercises, and in general fully committing to everything behind neural retraining.

It’s just like if you want to get in shape – you can get a great workout and diet plan but if you don’t actually go to the gym and don’t actually eat healthier foods nothing will change.

And the best practical mantra to actually implement this? It was something that Annie Hopper, the founder of DNRS, said – “Fit your life around your practice, don’t try to fit your practice around your life.”

 And that’s exactly what I did. If you have that mindset you will succeed.

Additionally, I would suggest focusing on process over outcome. Meaning, the cessation of symptoms takes time and there are fits and starts. Personally I never had a ‘miracle moment’ where a given symptom improved all at once (good for you if you do experience this – enjoy such a moment). In fact, I never really felt any sense of progress day-to-day or even week-to-week.

It was only every few months where something would happen that made me realize I had clearly been making further improvements in the background while doing my work, even if I didn’t notice the progress on a day-by-day basis.

In the interim I stayed motivated by focusing on what I COULD control – which was doing the work. So I simply made sure to work the plan every day. Then I trusted that rewiring was happening and positive results would follow.


So in conclusion, it has been a heck of a ride!

I am so, so grateful for the journey of these past two years, and I hope some of my words here can maybe help or inspire the next generation. To anyone who may be reading this as they start their recovery journey I wish you so much strength, healing and joy. Reclaim your life – you can do it!

Peace and love to all,


To someone who is still suffering, Mike’s message is, “Limbic system challenges can be immensely hard. Looking back I was confused and honestly quite terrified about what might become of my life given the path I seemed to be on. So to anyone in that situation now I would send them strength, love, and the knowledge that things CAN and – if they commit to DNRS – WILL get better. DNRS is the way out. Have faith, do the work, and reclaim your life!”

The post Where My Practice Has Taken Me: Mike’s Lessons & Shared Wisdom appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.

Creating a Milestones List: Joanna’s Important Look Back Fri, 09 Aug 2019 20:32:41 +0000 Joanna has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Lyme Disease, Food Sensitivities, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, and...

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Joanna has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Lyme Disease, Food Sensitivities, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, and Anxiety.

Joanna began noticing symptoms of Limbic System Impairment when she was a child. She recalls, “I would get tired more quickly than others, and was fearful around people I didn’t know well, but I really started having problems as a young adult at the beginning of 2011.”

Prior to finding the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS), Joanna had visited several different doctors and specialists to try to find an answer to her accumulating list of symptoms, including a medical doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.), a nutritionist, a counselor, a chiropractor who specialized in treating Lyme Disease, and a naturopath who specializes in genetics and detoxification.

Joanna eventually found out about DNRS through a friend and again online. “A friend of my mom’s had mentioned it before, but there were so many suggestions being made about what would help, that we didn’t really look into it.  I really got interested after seeing a video on YouTube – it was a testimonial of someone who had similar health problems as I did, and had been seeing progress with DNRS.  That’s when I knew I wanted to try it.”

Joanna’s List of Milestones

Joanna has experienced many positive shifts in her health and quality of life during her DNRS journey. She shared her list of recent milestones on our Global Community Forum to reflect on just how far her recovery has progressed with the program: 

SO MUCH has changed since my last blog post about 6 months ago.  Here are just some of the changes I’ve seen!

  1. I now do something out of the house 4-5 times a week!!  This is a huge change!  Before DNRS, it was more like 2 times a week.
  1. I am able to freely say YES when friends ask me to do something with them, instead of being “scheduled out” for the next 2 months because of limited energy. 
  1. I can eat as much fruit as I want!  Enjoying different things I can make with it.  
  1. I am eating some dairy and thoroughly enjoying it.
  1. I am a lot less sensitive to fragrances.  I used to have to air out fragrant library books in the garage before reading them.  Now, I haven’t noticed fragrance on any library books for the last few months! 
  1. On my more low-key, rest days, I am able to do crafts and other creative things and even a small job or two.  And they are RESTFUL to me.  Before, my rest days looked more like laying on the couch most of the day. 
  1. I feel more like myself at work and around people.  I am so much more calm and I can think more clearly.  I am more in control of what I think and do instead of being “taken over” by adrenaline.  Ah, it’s so very wonderful and refreshing to just feel like ME. 
  1. Going on walks is no big deal now. 
  1. I spontaneously decide to do things that take energy, instead of feeling like I have to “ration” my energy out. 
  1. Huge lessening in the “addictive” pull of my computer/phone.  Learning to USE them instead of them controlling me.
  1. Recovering so much faster after big days.
  1. No to little anxiety when messaging or texting people.  And I don’t agonize over the “perfect” way to say things.
  1. My mind doesn’t get “stuck” thinking about something as much.  I have more control over what I think about and am able to move on to thinking about new things easier.
  1. I notice things around me more instead of being stuck in my head. 
  1. Happy dreams more often.
  1. Getting going faster in the morning, instead of being zoned out for the first hour or two.
  1. Have had people over to our house a few times, even if they wear a lot of fragrances!
  1. Monthly cycle getting closer to “normal”.
  1. Once in a while I go out and do something for a bit on the same day that I work in the morning!  Unheard of before! 
  1. Was confronted with a subject that I used to panic over…like I used to not be able to get my mind unstuck from it for days.  BUT THIS TIME I was able to redirect my mind. I felt like I was able to handle and process it in a healthy way!  I was in awe and amazed! 
  1. Was able to go to a petting farm, I wanted to go to for years!!  And there’s a possibility of going horse-back riding there this summer.  Yay, energy!

And there are so many more, too. It is so good to look back at all the amazing ways DNRS has helped me so far.  I can tend to start only looking at what hasn’t changed yet, but looking back at this, I realize how many amazing things I can be grateful for.  I remember, before I found DNRS, thinking that if I could only have the energy to make it out of the house a couple more times a week, I would be content.  I want to celebrate that, and how far I’ve come. 

Joanna’s Advice for Chronic Illness Sufferers

To someone who is still suffering and might have doubts about whether it is worth putting faith in brain retraining with DNRS, Joanna sends this message:

“I know you have probably been recommended so many things, tried so many treatments, and gotten your hopes up so many times, only to not have it work. I know you might not want to try something and get your hopes up AGAINBut the thing with DNRS is, there is nothing to lose.  I truly believe that everyone would benefit from doing the program. I have seen so much transformation in my emotional and thought life since starting DNRS.  I am no longer ‘stuck’.  I can move forward. I am a different person from when I started, not only physically, but also emotionally and spiritually.  I truly believe that DNRS will help heal those of you with chronic illness, and I know that through this program you will have outstanding growth as a person.”

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When Life Gives You Lemons, Eat Them Wed, 03 Jul 2019 20:54:56 +0000 Meghan has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Environmental Allergies, Food Sensitivities, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic/Latent Infections,...

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Meghan has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Environmental Allergies, Food Sensitivities, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic/Latent Infections, Electric Hypersensitivity Syndrome, and more.

Symptoms of limbic system impairment began twelve years ago for Meghan. Prior to finding the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS), Meghan had visited several different doctors and specialists to try to find an answer to a long list of symptoms. She recalls, “I got the grand tour of Mayo Clinic, went to allergists, neurologists, pulmonary specialists, acupuncturists, naturopaths, chiropractors, homeopaths, hyperbaric treatment centers, and then some. Many of these things helped, but I would often improve a little bit and then get stuck, or crash even more.”

Meghan eventually found out about DNRS from her allergist who suggested she take the program. She has since reported her most recent progress on our Community Forum:

Last night, I drank a glass of lemonade.

I started DNRS in the hope it would alleviate my chemical sensitivities, at least enough to enable me to leave my house and seek treatment for my complex health issues. Or even enough that my parents wouldn’t have to leave their clothes in the garage, shower, and remove every molecule of the outside world each time they came home. 

It was certainly an effort to get through the program. My mom took pictures of each page of the student manual, which I viewed on a tablet through a sealed plastic bag. Plus, watching the DVDs took me and my fogged up brain the same amount of time it took Rose to be reunited with the Heart of the Ocean in Titanic. (“It’s been 84 years…”)

But my efforts were rewarded: it quickly became clear that DNRS was the answer to many of my problems, including my life-threatening food allergies to almost everything. The elaborate parental cleaning rituals were as much for the food as they were the chemicals: even the smallest airborne exposure would lead to anaphylaxis, lack of coordination, weakness to the point of complete immobility, and an inability to communicate with or understand those around me.

My biggest trigger was citric acid: a natural component of all fruits, vegetables, legumes, garlic, onion, and roots, and an unnatural component of nearly every processed food and body product on the Earth. I even created a website to teach others the art of citric acid avoidance. The tagline? “When life gives you lemons, RUN!”

As soon as I finished the DVDs, I declared it: once I could drink a glass of lemonade, I would be fully cured of food allergies.

 Last night, I drank a glass of lemonade.

I thought I’d reached the point in recovery where things would stop taking me by surprise. I had relearned how to converse with people in real life, become accustomed to the sights and sounds of not-my-house, reacquainted myself with the tastes of the foods I’d avoided for over a decade. The lemonade took me by surprise. It was so much better than I was expecting; so much better than I’d visualized and remembered.

Life gave me lemons, and I ATE THEM!”

 To someone who is still suffering, Meghan’s message is, “You are never too sick to get better. If you’re wondering whether DNRS can help you, the answer is yes. (“But Meghan, you don’t know my 50 page list of conditions!”) True, but I do know that the body cannot heal if it is stuck in an emergency response state 24/7. In this state the body’s resources go towards things like running from bears, and are diverted from things like cell regeneration, detoxification, and other healing mechanisms. Fantastically helpful when there is an actual bear… less helpful when there was a bear 12 years ago.

Your body has the capacity to heal itself, and DNRS can help turn on those mechanisms. You can heal! It might take time, but you can heal. It is never, ever too late. You can do it!”

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A New Paradigm in Healing Wed, 29 May 2019 19:52:04 +0000 Gilles used the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Food Sensitivities, Electric Hypersensitivity Syndrome, and ​Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Gilles began...

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Gilles used the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Food Sensitivities, Electric Hypersensitivity Syndrome, and ​Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Gilles began to experience symptoms associated with limbic system impairment in 1986 after a “perfect storm” of stressors. He recalls, “Following extremely stressful events and medical treatment I suddenly found myself sensitive to smells, various foods and electrical fields. But it was still manageable and most of the time I was able to continue working and living a near normal life. It reached its peak between the year 2000 and 2005 where I had to stop working completely, was home bound and could not travel anymore. I remained highly sensitive until 2017 when I did the DNRS program.” Prior to finding the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS), Gilles had visited numerous doctors and specialists, trying to find the solution to his symptoms. “First I saw several MDs, then I saw some ear, nose and throat specialists, allergists, neurologists, and psychiatrists. I tried various medications. I also saw physical therapists, naturopathic doctors, psychologists, and massage therapists. I was desperately looking for help, so I even saw a Shaman woman! I met with Reiki practitioners, healers, yoga teachers; I tried many meditation techniques. I saw chiropractors and osteopaths. I saw an Integrative Medicine doctor, too. I tried cognitive behavioral therapy, I tried biofeedback, I saw 3 different hypnotherapists, and many more practitioners over the years.”

Gilles found out about DNRS through a post he had read in an online social media forum. He describes what opened his mind to the perspective that DNRS offered, “At one point while I was trying various approaches to help myself, I noticed that when I believed that a therapy could help me it gave me hope and I immediately felt a little better. That was a first step in seeing that what I thought had an influence on my illness. Then, in my experiments with different types of meditation, I noticed that when I recalled a time when I felt good it would improve my condition. That was another element that made me shift my view. I went from the perspective of believing that things in my environment were entirely responsible for making me sick, to the realization that I was actually able to directly influence my health with my mind, both positively and negatively. So when I read someone’s post in a social media forum that mentioned DNRS, I was very open to the perspective it offered.”

Gilles recently announced that he has made a full recovery, and shared the inspiring details on our Community Forum: 

Hello my dear friends,

In May 2017, just two years ago, we were all together in Sooke on Vancouver Island for a spectacular DNRS Training Seminar with Annie, Michelle and Kelly. Time flies. I hope you are all doing fabulously well.

For myself I haven’t had any issues at all with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity or Electromagnetic Sensitivity for these past 2 years. A complete victory! This of course has allowed me to progressively increase my participation with my family, my community, and my life in general. One month after our May DNRS Seminar I went to a 3-day meeting in Ottawa as a member of an International Organization. Although I have been a member for a long time I had not been able to attend the yearly Convention since 1988. So that was quite a leap! Well this year I am actually one of the organizers for our Convention, which is another big step in my participation level. I also began giving slideshow presentations about nature and environmental concerns in my area. Public speaking is something I had stopped doing completely 20 years ago. Basically I got my life back – I’m feeling active and well. Plus it keeps getting better.

My DNRS practice is well integrated by now. Once in a while I do few rounds of the practice steps as soon as I notice myself operating from an old pattern. I catch this very early and I just don’t let it become a problem. I practice when needed. Or sometimes just for the added wellness and happiness. Life is good.

For many, typical forms of treatment for these conditions have focused on detoxification, nutritional supplements, and avoidance. Gilles writes about the shift in perspective he took while embracing the DNRS program:

Nicolaus Copernicus did not invent anything. Planets had been moving around the sun for a long time before he was born. He simply reorganized our perspective and created a heliocentric paradigm to explain what had been observed for centuries. Before Copernicus, the earth was considered to be stationary and at the center of the universe. All celestial movements had to be explained around that geocentric view. As we progressed in identifying planetary movements in the sky, it was becoming increasingly complex to keep the earth centered model, but it was not really reconsidered until Copernicus introduced his revolutionary idea to explain all observed celestial movements. He pulled out the Earth from its central position and instead replaced it with the sun. All celestial movements fell into place with ease. There was much resistance at first, but eventually it became widely accepted, and today the earth-centered paradigm is seen as a strange belief from the middle ages.

People suffering from environmental illness have been observed for a long period of time. An expanding number of people are suffering from chemical sensitivity, electrical sensitivity, food sensitivities and many other related illnesses such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME or Fibromyalgia. In the alternative and functional medicine community, the view has been that we live in a toxic world and the solution to these problems is to detoxify the organism and to avoid further intoxication. This usually translates into one or several detoxification protocols plus a strict behavior of avoidance (staying away from chemical smells, various foods, electrical equipment, cell phones and computers, etc.) often leading to a life of loneliness, away from social life and even from family.

Some success in treating EI (Environmental Illness) has propelled this type of approach to the center of the therapeutic model for people suffering from EI. Additional modalities also include exercise, meditation, cognitive-behavioral therapy, acupuncture, etc. All of those are certainly useful but it does not address directly brain damage associated with EI. Specifically Limbic System Impairment is simply seen as an unfortunate consequence of EI, but not a causing or a facilitating factor. Dealing with related symptoms is perceived as a peripheral issue with solutions offered just as a coping strategy to make life less arduous, but not as an essential core issue. Annie Hopper has changed all of that. She is putting limbic system impairment at the center of EI recovery. Within her DNRS (Dynamic Neural Retraining System) revolutionary paradigm it is not so much the environment that keeps people sick but rather the exaggerated response of our limbic system to minute amounts of toxic elements that should not normally cause any significant symptoms. Retraining and normalizing the impaired limbic system through self-directed exercises in neuroplasticity puts everything back in place and health comes back naturally.

This is not to say that a healthy lifestyle is useless, nor that toxicity does not exist in our environment. It does matter and there is no denying that our environment provides plenty of toxic material. It is often what made the EI sufferers sick to begin with. But at some point something went awry with their limbic system and the brain reaction itself becomes an even bigger problem. Recovering completely without correcting this amplified excessive response to the environment is difficult, if not impossible for many. This new paradigm offers not only hope for desperate people for whom nothing seems to work, but it clearly offers solid long-lasting results, sometimes spectacular and seen as almost miraculous. Best of all, the DNRS practice is totally self-directed and simple to do on a daily basis. I call it a revolution because it offers a completely different perspective on EI and therefore brings different solutions to these issues. This is why I like to say that Annie Hopper is the Copernicus of Environmental Illness. 

The post A New Paradigm in Healing appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.
