Long Haul Covid 19 Syndrome Archives - Dynamic Neural Retraining System™ https://retrainingthebrain.com/news/illness/long-haul-covid-19-syndrome/ Mon, 11 Dec 2023 19:10:31 +0000 en-CA hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 https://retrainingthebrain.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/logo-favicon.jpg Long Haul Covid 19 Syndrome Archives - Dynamic Neural Retraining System™ https://retrainingthebrain.com/news/illness/long-haul-covid-19-syndrome/ 32 32 Jason’s Long-Covid Recovery With DNRS: Better Now Than Ever https://retrainingthebrain.com/success-stories/jason-recovery-from-long-haul-covid-a-dnrs-success-story/ Mon, 11 Dec 2023 10:44:54 +0000 https://retrainingthebrain.com/?p=84738 Within days of starting the DNRS program, I noticed the extreme fatigue and cognitive difficulties start to fade away. I felt like I...

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Within days of starting the DNRS program, I noticed the extreme fatigue and cognitive difficulties start to fade away. I felt like I was waking up from a never-ending nightmare – like I got another shot at life. Within a few months, my energy came back, my brain is sharp again and I can do and eat anything I want!

Jason, age 45, was previously healthy and active before contracting COVID-19 in March of 2020. The acute infection led to two months of bronchitis, which eventually resolved with medical treatment. However, once the cough subsided, Jason noticed his heart felt strange and was beating irregularly. He had developed a form of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart).

Jason also experienced cognitive difficulties and extreme fatigue that led to spending most of the day in bed sleeping and watching Netflix. When he felt well enough, he would go for a walk or run, and then feel exhausted for a few days. As the months wore on, Jason was starting to lose hope that he would ever return to his active life and career.

Jason struggled to find solutions, and was willing to go to great lengths to feel better. For example, based on guidance from others experiencing fatigue, Jason went on an anti-inflammatory vegetarian diet. “I was like, well if I have to eat veggies for the rest of my life, I guess I’ll eat veggies for the rest of my life,” Jason explained.

Fortunately, a friend who had found relief from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome after retraining the brain with the DNRS Program recommended Jason try it as a COVID long-haulers treatment.

Jason recovered from long-covid

Jasons’ Outcomes from the DNRS Program

Jason started the DNRS Program in December of 2020 and began to experience changes in the first few days. “A lot of that skepticism and jadedness had lifted,” he said, “and [I felt] more hope and joy in general.”

Jason committed to daily DNRS brain retraining, and by April of 2021 his fatigue and brain fog had lifted and he was living a normal life once more. He now has the energy to dance and do hill sprints without being tired the next day. With a smile on his face, Jason described his new diet. He can eat everything now: meat, dairy, cheese, chocolate, peanut butter, ice cream, really tasty stuff. Even better, Jason is no longer experiencing the sugar crashes he used to have pre-COVID.

How does he explain this change? Jason said:

“The science [behind the DNRS Program] is the science behind how people recover from strokes and head injury so it’s a really solid science about how the brain creates new pathways. It’s new wiring. I tapped into a new battery.”

When Jason reflects back on the summer of 2020 he remembers thinking, “How am I going to travel again? Will I ever fly again, take a road trip?” Fast forward to April of 2021, and through grateful tears Jason shared about his recent road trip across the country to stay with friends. He was able to drive a 12 hour day, stay in a hotel overnight, and get up and drive another 12 hours. Before DNRS this would have been unimaginable! Jason is amazed at how fast life changed and how quickly he recovered using DNRS as a long-hauler’s treatment.

Jason Has More Energy Now Than Before Contracting Covid

Recently, Jason sent an email to DNRS founder, Annie Hopper, with an update about how different and remarkable life is after doing the DNRS program:

Hi Annie,

Even though we’ve talked about how remarkable my recovery was from long haul Covid, I wanted to follow up with how noticeable my recovery is to other people. I’m in a 1 year intensive masters program this year at NYU and a number of my classmates (some are 20 or more years younger than me) have remarked how much energy I have. 

We were in Berlin for a short January semester and we’d go out dancing sober to 4am, 6am, sometimes 9:30am, and still kept up with my studies. Younger students openly wondered how I had more energy than them, and one said “you have more of a lust for life than anyone I know.” 

[With Long-Covid] if I did mild exertion for a couple of hours, I’d have to be in bed for days. The change was the DNRS program and I want to thank you again for sharing your gift with the world. -Jason Snell

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Covid Recovery Stories: How Long-Hauler Sandra Regained her Mobility, Energy & Taste https://retrainingthebrain.com/success-stories/sandra-covid-recovery-stories-how-long-hauler-sandra-regained-her-mobility-energy-taste/ Mon, 11 Dec 2023 01:33:50 +0000 https://retrainingthebrain.com/?p=86204 Sandra – a professor who struggled from Long Covid and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS).

“Long COVID left me fully disabled. I was in a wheelchair and I could hardly move… I couldn’t take care of myself or my daughter. On the very first day I started doing the DNRS program, I got a sort of explosion in the sense of taste in my mouth without even eating anything. I hadn’t been able to taste anything for a year. In the first week I also really felt like I had energy to start moving again.”

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Sandra, an anthropologist with a school-aged daughter, says she was healthy before being infected with COVID-19. Over the course of eleven awful months, Sandra’s experience of long-haul covid spiralled down into worsening cognitive and physical disability.

It was only after taking the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS) program online that she made her way to full recovery from Long-Covid. Listen as she shares her journey in the video below:

A summary of Sandra’s recovery from Long-Covid using DNRS:

Sandra’s Long-Covid symptoms included

  • Initial loss of taste and smell
  • Headaches
  • Eye irritation
  • A blocked ear
  • Gut issues
  • Brain fog
  • Amnesia
  • Fatigue & weakness.
  • Sensitivities to light, sound & smells
  • Numbness in her hands & face
  • Insomnia
  • Blood pressure that had “gone haywire”

Sandra lost control of her legs. “They just wouldn’t do what I wanted them to do— as if the signal from my brain didn’t reach all the way.” She had difficulty balancing, and was too weak to stand up.”

Cognitively, she was impaired enough to call it “dementia.” She forgot how to write. “I couldn’t remember what letters looked like, or how to shape them with a pen.”

At her worst, she says, “I was fully disabled. I was in a wheelchair, I could hardly move… I’ve never been so miserable in all my life,” Sandra says of her ordeal.

Yet all of the diagnostic tests kept coming back normal. “Being knowledgeable about my condition— and being a researcher by education— gave me a slight advantage in my encounters with the health practitioners,” she says. “But unfortunately, there are so many other people suffering from long covid out there, whose symptoms are only psychologized.”

Recover from long covid

Eventually, a research scientist recommended Sandra try neuroplasticity training with the Dynamic Neural Retraining System as a rehabilitation for long covid.

When she learned about the limbic system of the brain, and how it can affect all systems in the body, “It made sense to me… I had gone through a very traumatic event with the covid 19 infection.” Sandra goes on to explain, “Long covid really displays a lot of different symptoms. They don’t seem to be related at all,” she explains. “So the cause of that has to be the brain.”

She started the DNRS program in February of 2021. After a few days, she was going for walks in the neighbourhood. A month later, she was back to work part time and working full time again by May. Sandra says within weeks, she had fully recovered from all of her symptoms, and enthusiastically recommends DNRS to other covid long-haulers who are suffering.

“Today, I lead a very active life,” Sandra says happily. “I play with my daughter, I can cook every day, I have energy to go on outings, take care of the house— everything I couldn’t do before.” She’s even taken a brand-new work position “that I never thought I would be able to do so soon, after having been so ill.”

Sandra follows a handful of other covid long-haulers who are implementing the DNRS program. “All of them are experiencing a positive change,” she reports. “Two of them have recovered fully within a few weeks.”

Her advice is to “give neuroplasticity training a go. I would recommend trying this non-invasive, very easy-to-follow program. It may take longer for some, but it can change your life, DNRS can give you your life back. I am fully restored and I’m looking forward to a lot of adventures with my daughter!”

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A Journey Through The Fog: Birch’s College Ambitions Restored from the Clutches of Long-Covid https://retrainingthebrain.com/success-stories/a-journey-through-the-fog-birchs-college-ambitions-restored-from-the-clutches-of-long-covid/ Fri, 01 Dec 2023 18:10:45 +0000 https://retrainingthebrain.com/?post_type=success-story&p=993411 Birch, a college student and competitive swimmer, found herself at the mercy of debilitating long-Covid symptoms. Her journey, full of physical and emotional...

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Birch, a college student and competitive swimmer, found herself at the mercy of debilitating long-Covid symptoms. Her journey, full of physical and emotional struggle, leads to an unexpected discovery: The Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS). Here, she shares her poignant story of healing and transformation.

Birch’s journey is a remarkable testament to the power of resilience, determination, and a scientifically designed recovery program.

Birch’s Spiraling College Experience After Covid

For years, Birch endured numerous health issues, including POTS, Dysautonomia, and anxiety. When she contracted Covid, these issues intensified. Her daily life was overrun by a persistent brain fog that made processing complex thoughts and engaging in conversations difficult. Each day started and ended with overwhelming exhaustion, regardless of sleeping upwards of 12 hours.

These symptoms were only the beginning. Every aspect of her life was touched by the debilitating effects of long-Covid. Her body was weak, rendering her unable to perform even the simplest tasks without immense difficulty. The young woman who had once relished the thrill of competitive swimming found her body shutting down when pushed too hard, taking days or weeks to recover.

Her diet became increasingly limited as her body began rejecting more and more foods. And with a severe sensitivity to light, sound, and temperature, leaving the confines of her room was a monumental challenge.

As Birch’s physical symptoms grew worse, so did her anxiety, spiraling to new heights despite her ongoing medication. Doctors offered little consolation, informing her that she would simply have to manage her symptoms for life. Birch found herself trapped in a world where she was convinced that she was fundamentally different. Resigned to the belief that she would live and die with these debilitating symptoms, she felt misunderstood and alone.

One Triumph Among Countless Treatment Duds

Despite the numerous specialists, therapists, and countless medical appointments that strained her parents’ financial resources, Birch’s search for answers seemed fruitless. That was until she discovered DNRS in her last semester of college. Birch explains,

“I found this program the night before I was leaving to go on a spring break trip to the beach with my best friends. I watched the videos while I was there. And boy, am I glad I did, because that [DNRS] was the thing that I needed most in the whole entire world.”

Watching the DNRS neuroplasticity based, educational videos, she found something she didn’t expect: Hope. Embracing the program, she started to notice a shift, and her symptoms started to lessen. The program gave her the tools she needed to reclaim her life. Against all odds, Birch managed to enjoy a European trip she had previously planned to cancel due to her worsening condition.

Birch’s transformation was remarkable. She started living outside her room, engaging in activities that she had previously written-off. She began eating the food she loved and genuinely enjoying life’s experiences: “Something that was absolutely just unimaginable for me was that I was eating whatever I wanted.”

Beyond Physical Improvements

More than the physical changes, it was Birch’s emotional transformation that astounded her. She became a calmer, more stable individual, who now brought peace and ease into every room she entered.

Birch initially embarked on this journey with the hope of returning to the state she was in pre-Covid. She wanted to manage her life, not live it in fear and pain. But the program did more than that; using DNRS allowed her to exceed her own expectations and enabled her to live in a way she never thought possible. The path to recovery was a challenging journey, but Birch emerged with a renewed sense of self and resilience. The DNRS program allowed her not just to reclaim her health, but also reshape her outlook on life. It helped her transform into a better friend, partner, daughter, and sister. It also taught her to set boundaries, maintain her peace, and most importantly, that her health and wellbeing were within her control.

“In my darkest days, I would have given anything just to swim again,” Birch confides. “Now, I can do so much more. I feel healthier, happier, and stronger than ever before. I can proudly say that I am not just surviving; I am thriving.”

2 Additional Game-Changing Resources

Birch’s transformation was astonishing, but it didn’t occur overnight. She found invaluable support in the DNRS community and by working closely with a certified DNRS coach.

“I had so many days when I felt I was fighting a losing battle,” Birch recalls. “There were days I didn’t even want to get out of bed. But, I remembered the advice of my DNRS coach, ‘Healing isn’t linear. Trust the process.’ So, I did.”

The assistance of a certified DNRS coach was a game-changer for Birch. Having an experienced guide who understood her struggle was invaluable. Her coach not only provided her with advice and insight but also gave her the motivation to continue the program when she felt overwhelmed or hopeless. Birch explains,

“My coach was my lifeline. She cheered for me when I made progress and picked me up when I was down. She guided me through my healing process, and having someone who genuinely believed in my recovery made all the difference.”

Birch describes her participation in the DNRS program as an exploration of the uncharted territory of her mind. The process was overwhelming, frustrating, and even scary at times, but her determination, coupled with her coach’s guidance, propelled her forward.

“As I delved into my mind, I started to see patterns (that are symptoms of limbic system impairment) I had never noticed before. I saw how I was holding on to negative thoughts and how they were affecting my physical health. My coach helped me recognize and disrupt these patterns, which was a crucial part of my recovery,” Birch shares.

Having found strength in her struggle, Birch started sharing her experiences on the DNRS community forum. Here, she found solace in the stories of others and offered her own insights and support. She was no longer alone in her fight, surrounded by others who understood her experience.

The community forum was like a sanctuary for me,” she says. “I connected with so many incredible people who were going through similar experiences. We encouraged and supported each other through our toughest days. I don’t think I would have made it without them.”

A Testament to the Power of Neuroplasticity

Birch’s journey from debilitating symptoms to a joyful, fulfilling life is a testament to the transformative power of DNRS. Her story is an invitation to those suffering from similar ailments to embrace the science behind the program. The power of DNRS to tap into the brain’s neuroplastic capabilities can calm an overactive limbic system and its downstream impact on other systems in the body.

In sharing her story, Birch aims to encourage others struggling with long-Covid or other health issues. She wants them to know that they don’t have to accept living with debilitating symptoms. Recovery, she emphasizes, is possible, and the DNRS program could be their key to unlocking a new lease on life.

Birch’s journey is a remarkable testament to the power of resilience, determination, and a scientifically designed recovery program. It is a story that holds the promise of transformation and the hope of a healthier, happier life.

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Regaining Energy & Joy: Katja’s DNRS Victory Against Long-Covid https://retrainingthebrain.com/success-stories/regaining-energy-joy-katjas-dnrs-victory-against-long-covid/ Fri, 01 Dec 2023 02:42:26 +0000 https://retrainingthebrain.com/?post_type=success-story&p=993409 At the height of her battle with Long-Covid, Katja (who lives in Sweden) lived in constant fear and exhaustion. Every activity was an...

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At the height of her battle with Long-Covid, Katja (who lives in Sweden) lived in constant fear and exhaustion. Every activity was an uphill struggle, a fight against her own body that refused to cooperate. The once active and energetic woman found herself having to limit her activities in many aspects of her life.

She was used to regularly feeling ill. Every three months or so, she would be sick for 10 or more days. As Katja explains, “I always had this fear… if I do too much or if I [do] too many activities, will I be sick again? And that was a constant threat.” This was her reality for more than a decade. Perhaps not surprisingly, a Covid infection thrust Katja’s body into a severe and ongoing illness that she could not shake. The illness derailed her life almost completely.

Happily, Katja discovered the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS). It was this brain retraining program that helped pull her body back into health, her mind back from the brink of despair, and her life into a place of thriving and joy.

Here is her story.


Frustration, Fear and Dead-Ends

“I had the constant feeling that my body had no energy,” Katja recalls.

She became very choosy in how much she took on in a day because of the limits on her energy. Her capacity for work, for parenting and for her beloved bike riding diminished by the day. Katja confides, “It was emotionally quite difficult to accept that I’m more and more limited in what I do.

Unpredictability was the hardest part for Katja; her symptoms ebbed and flowed without warning, sowing seeds of anxiety and uncertainty. Frustrated by her illness and the seeming lack of solutions, Katja’s outlook on life darkened, creating a sense of isolation. Her worst fear was confirmed when she saw her condition affecting her son, who too started showing a decline in energy.

Katja found no relief in the diagnosis from various doctors, who suggested Long-Covid, Epstein-Barr virus, or even that it might all be in her head. The well-meaning advice often made things worse rather than better, with some treatments exacerbating her symptoms. Her despair deepened, leaving her feeling alone and helpless.

Brain Retraining for the WIN

Then, during a chance meeting with a student who was also suffering from Epstein-Barr virus, Katja was introduced to the concept of brain retraining. Intrigued, she Googled ‘retraining the brain’, leading her to the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS). “Right from the beginning when I started the program, I had this feeling that I can get healthy again,” she remembers, her voice echoing the hope she had lost for so long.

With DNRS, Katja began to see changes she had hardly dared to dream about. She started feeling more optimistic about her life and her condition. In just a week, she had the energy to go for a small run. “That felt quite liberating,” she reminisces. Over the next few weeks, she found the strength to resume yoga classes, her body responding positively to the rhythm and routine. “It felt so like a miracle that I could be there and I could do the exercise,” Katja shares with a note of triumph in her voice.

The breakthroughs didn’t stop there. Katja managed to take part in a Bikram yoga class and go for a 50-minute run, both of which she hadn’t been able to do since falling sick. More importantly, she started noticing an improvement in her son’s ailments and depleting energy levels, providing a heartening confirmation of her own progress.

Katja has also found joy in the simple pleasures of life again. She now listens to music, dances at home, and even hosts guests – activities she had given up during her illness. “It felt really warm and welcoming and felt great to be able to do that again,” she explains.

But perhaps the most profound change for Katja is her newfound freedom. “I’ve found a freedom that I haven’t felt ever in my life,” she says, reflecting on having lived for a decade with the constant fear of being sick the next day. Now, she lives in hope and positivity, a feeling she attributes to DNRS.

What Made All the Difference

Not only did DNRS provide Katja with the tools to regain her health, but it also offered her a number of supportive resources that made a significant impact on her healing process:

  • She took the 12-week online, facilitated group program called Living DNRS. Here she was provided guidance and learning from a certified DNRS facilitator and connected live with DNRS participants to share encouragement, tips, and celebrate progress.
  • She engaged a Certified DNRS Coach for individual support. She received crucial advice to help address specific triggers and plan how to reintegrate work into her life.
  • She leaned into the supportive online community, called the Global Community Forum. She also joined the forum’s live “Share-a-Laugh” sessions, a light-hearted addition to her healing journey that she relished.

Today, Katja is a testament to the power of DNRS and its potential to help those battling Long-Covid. If asked for advice by someone in her previous position, she wouldn’t hesitate to recommend DNRS. “It’s the only thing that really gave me a good outlook on life and gave me the opportunity to… start to become healthy again.”

In her journey from fear to freedom, from sickness to health, Katja found the strength not only to regain her life but also to redefine it. Her story is a beacon of hope for everyone struggling with Long-Covid, a testament to the human spirit’s resilience and the power of innovative solutions like DNRS.

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Dr. Louise’s Leap of Faith: Recovering From POTS & Long-Covid With DNRS https://retrainingthebrain.com/success-stories/doctors-recovey-from-pots-long-covid/ Tue, 26 Jul 2022 20:35:23 +0000 https://retrainingthebrain.com/?p=109930 Dr. Louise Evans is a general practitioner from the UK. She is recovering from POTS (Postural tachycardia syndrome), brain fog, chronic fatigue, post...

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Dr. Louise Evans is a general practitioner from the UK. She is recovering from POTS (Postural tachycardia syndrome), brain fog, chronic fatigue, post exertional malaise, and various sensitivities due to Long Haul Covid.

She contracted Covid for a second time in March of 2021. Louise found herself unable to walk and needed a wheelchair and had to quit working. She tried numerous treatments then heard about DNRS. 

After four short weeks of implementing the program, Louise has gone from using a wheelchair to taking her 6 year old twin daughters to an adventure playground where she walked for most of a day with no symptoms!  Louise used to have to wear medical grade 2 compression stockings, and now she no longer has to! At one point she was fainting excessively and chipped her front teeth, resulting in veneers. Now she reports no more fainting, no more brain fog, and she has much more energy!

Incredible!! Louise said, “All the science of the program makes total sense, and why don’t more medical professionals know about DNRS and neuroplasticity?”

Recently, Dr. Louise sent DNRS founder, Annie Hopper, an email with an update on her progress. Read the encouraging excerpts from her email below:

“Thank you so so much for giving me my life back, you have set me on my road to healing! 

My POTS is now fully healed as you can see from the videos below! I still have work to do on myalgia, fatigue and neuropathy… but six weeks ago when I started DNRS I couldn’t get out of bed for four days after going on a one hour trip for a blood test. I’m in a bit of an ebb but I know I will come out the other side and can take what I’ve learnt to help with incremental training for the CFS [Chronic Fatigue Syndrome] side of things!”

The photo below shows a “before and after” of the video that Dr. Louise sent us to show how her lower heart rate reflects her recovery from POTS:

POTS recovery image

Dr. Louise’s resting heart rate before (left) and after (right) doing the DNRS program to recover from POTS.

Dr. Louise is committed to implementing all pillars of the program and will continue to use the program to reach total recovery. And once she does will share with the medical community the benefits of DNRS!


Sample this remarkable program for yourself with nothing to lose: try DNRS for 7 days for free, no credit card or payment info required. You have everything to gain by discovering what DNRS can do for you!

Sign up to the 7-day free trial of DNRS

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Susannah: Wasting away with long covid until “DNRS saved my life” https://retrainingthebrain.com/success-stories/susannah-wasting-away-with-long-covid-until-dnrs-saved-my-life/ Sat, 12 Jun 2021 09:48:46 +0000 https://retrainingthebrain.com/?p=84744 The post Susannah: Wasting away with long covid until “DNRS saved my life” appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.


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Johanna’s Symptoms Lingered After Covid-19 https://retrainingthebrain.com/success-stories/johannas-symptoms-lingered-after-covid-19/ Wed, 02 Dec 2020 16:31:18 +0000 https://retrainingthebrain.com/?p=25193 Those who suffer with Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome are completely frustrated with the lack of advice, treatment, or understanding about their “long-hauler” health challenges....

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Those who suffer with Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome are completely frustrated with the lack of advice, treatment, or understanding about their “long-hauler” health challenges. The media’s focus has largely been on extreme respiratory issues, giving the false impression that if you were not hospitalized with the virus or suffering with coughing and shortness of breath, you should be fine. We now understand that many people who initially had a mild to moderate case of COVID-19 are suffering— often months after testing negative— with debilitating, long-term symptoms.  

Johanna was no stranger to experiencing health challenges that medical providers could not explain. Despite seeing the best specialists, for years she suffered from multiple chemical sensitivities, a chronic sinus and eye infection, and chronic pain. Four years ago, her situation changed dramatically when she learned more about the relationship between brain trauma, the limbic system, and chronic illnesses after working successfully with the Dynamic Neural Retraining System program (DNRS). She fully recovered from all of her previously unexplained health conditions.

Unfortunately, in March of 2020, Johanna contracted COVID-19.  At that stage of the pandemic, only “high-risk” groups were tested, yet Johanna had a version of the disease hallmarked by all the symptoms the media publicized: shortness of breath, fever, fatigue, cough, and headaches. As it is for many “long-haulers” who suffer chronic symptoms after “clearing” the virus, it became a long and confusing struggle for Johanna. Three months and three antibiotics after the “acute” phase of the illness, she still had an infection in her lungs (pneumonia) and developed severe reflux and digestive issues. Johanna wondered if once again her brain was stuck on the hamster-wheel of limbic system overdrive, and whether the never-ending “fight, flight, or freeze” response was once again causing havoc in her body. After all kinds of tests, and several medications that didn’t work, Johanna started implementing DNRS again.

Johanna has seen a huge improvement already, within a month of intensively applying all of the elements of the DNRS program. Although she has more work to do, she feels confident that DNRS will once again help her regain full health.

In this short amount of time, her digestive problems and reflux issues have improved dramatically! 

Johanna also bought our supplemental video, “A Deeper Dive into DNRS,” and found it a helpful re-immersion into the principles of the program. She is also participating in the “LIVING DNRS” 12-week group support calls, and receiving individual coaching with a Certified DNRS Coach. This helps her stay motivated and on track with implementing the program.

If you are one of the “long-haulers” suffering from Post COVID-19 Syndrome, it’s time to explore DNRS in consultation with your health care provider to see if the program is the right fit for you. The DNRS program can be implemented alongside any pharmaceutical or medical treatment you may be taking for Post COVID-19 symptoms. DNRS will help you move your brain and body from a state of over-drive and survival into a state of growth and repair, where healing can take place. 

For more information about how you might benefit from DNRS, please visit our website at retrainingthebrain.com.

Yours in Good Health,

Annie Hopper and the DNRS Team

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Victor’s Increased Sensitivities After Covid-19 https://retrainingthebrain.com/success-stories/victors-increased-sensitivities-after-covid-19/ Tue, 24 Nov 2020 21:13:03 +0000 https://retrainingthebrain.com/?p=25064 In the first of our four-week series of articles on the limbic system and Chronic Post COVID-19 Syndrome, we explored the relationship between...

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In the first of our four-week series of articles on the limbic system and Chronic Post COVID-19 Syndrome, we explored the relationship between the “fight, flight, or freeze” response in the brain and chronic symptoms of “long-hauler” COVID-19 that can express in multiple systems of the body.

As we explained in the first article, during infection, as a self-protective mechanism, the brain switched into “high alert” to prepare the body to fight the virus. This is often referred to as the “fight, flight, or freeze” response. This natural defense mechanism resulted in changes to the brain (neuroplasticity) to protect you (immune response) against impending danger (the virus).

Trauma caused by COVID-19 can take many forms; we learn more every day about organ damage and other injuries some patients sustain from the acute phase of the virus itself, or after intensive care and hospitalization. It’s important to acknowledge that while any calming of the limbic system’s stress response will improve one’s overall health, DNRS is especially useful for relieving the chronic, “unexplained” symptoms that can linger in “long-hauler” patients who had a mild or moderate case of COVID-19, one that likely triggered a self-renewing “fight, flight, or freeze” defense mechanism in the brain.

Unfortunately, if the brain gets stuck in the “fight, flight, or freeze” response, it sends alert messages to all systems of the body.

Any isolated or combined trauma can cause stress overload in the brain. When we reach the “tipping point,” the basic survival mechanisms in the brain become overstimulated. This protective mechanism can become chronically engaged, physically altering the structure and function within the limbic system in the brain. Consequently, this cross-wiring of neural circuits sends false threat messages to the rest of the body. It also activates a primitive defense system that releases a never-ending stream of stress hormones. This influences many body processes involved with emotions, sensory perception, cognitive function, digestion, energy, detoxification, immune function, and libido. It causes the body to go from a state of recovery,  growth, and repair to one of shutdown and survival. Understandably, this can lead to breakdown in many systems of the body.

“I noticed improvements immediately in different areas, and I knew it was a matter of time and practice before my sensitivities calmed down again.”

Let’s talk about how this maladapted stress and threat response affected Victor. He found himself on this “hamster wheel” of stress response in the limbic system after his bout with COVID-19, and explains, “Before COVID-19, I was recovering from limbic impairment and the associated anxiety and other sensitivities I had developed from long-term chronic stress over the years. When the lockdowns began, I became symptomatic with fever, fatigue, and later with a dry cough. I was working as an Uber driver and had exposure to lots of people, including international travelers.” Because he was in a high-risk situation, Victor didn’t want to risk exposing his elderly parents. “I immediately self-isolated and was not able to get tested…I had chills initially, and then a fever that lasted about six or seven days. I felt increased fatigue, and after my fever broke, I waited three or four days before I came out of isolation. I noticed that I was feeling out of breath with normal things and activities, and when I went to run an errand in my car, I definitely felt my visual and EMF sensitivities had increased significantly. My sensitivities to light and sound also came back, and I felt more irritable.”

Victor set up a call with a Certified DNRS Coach, and she explained how a virus can pose as a new, acute stressor to the brain. He was guided to ramp up the training he had learned with the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS). “I felt very motivated to implement the DNRS tools and suggestions from my coach,” Victor says. “I noticed improvements immediately in different areas, and I knew it was a matter of time and practice before my sensitivities calmed down again.”

According to Victor, implementing the DNRS program has been literally a life-saver. “I do my best to practice all the tools I learned, because they truly do work on correcting both chronic and acute brain stressors. It is easy to go down a negative rabbit hole without the proper tools for addressing issues that cause the brain to malfunction. My strength and cardio capacity is way up as I surf and fish in triple-digit weather down here in south Texas! I am truly grateful for the ability to do this again, and for all the major health improvements I continue to see.”

If you are suffering with lingering, chronic symptoms after a COVID-19 infection, Victor recommends using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to regulate the stress effects on the brain, and resolve the sense of hopelessness and suffering. “You will learn so much about your health and the science behind brain neuroplasticity in real-time,” he explains. “They have wonderful resources from various online learning programs, and support such as coaching. They truly care about helping people get their health and lives back.”

You are not crazy, or weak, or dreaming it if your lingering symptoms are not resolving after “recovering” from COVID-19.

It’s time to explore DNRS in consultation with your health care provider to see if the program is the right fit for you. The DNRS program can be implemented alongside any pharmaceutical or medical treatment you may be taking for Post COVID-19 symptoms.  DNRS will move your brain and body from a state of survival into a state of growth and repair, where true healing can finally take place.
Next week, you’ll meet Johanna, who had enjoyed full recovery from multiple chemical sensitivities, a chronic sinus and eye infection, and chronic pain through DNRS, prior to contracting COVID-19. Hear how DNRS is transforming her experience of recovery from the virus.
For more information about how you might benefit from the DNRS program, please visit our website at retrainingthebrain.com.

Yours in Good Health,
Annie Hopper and the DNRS Team

The post Victor’s Increased Sensitivities After Covid-19 appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.

Byron’s Gut Problems After COVID-19
 https://retrainingthebrain.com/success-stories/byrons-gut-problems-after-covid-19%e2%80%a8/ Thu, 19 Nov 2020 16:16:22 +0000 https://retrainingthebrain.com/?p=24958 Last week, we identified one of the challenges with chronic COVID-19 syndrome: the brain can get stuck in a high-alert response, a.k.a. limbic...

The post Byron’s Gut Problems After COVID-19
 appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.

Last week, we identified one of the challenges with chronic COVID-19 syndrome: the brain can get stuck in a high-alert response, a.k.a. limbic system impairment, creating an over-active immune response, even when the virus is no longer present. This can trigger chronic symptoms in multiple systems of the brain and body.

For Byron, chronic COVID-19 syndrome primarily showed up as severe gastrointestinal issues, such as extreme food sensitivities and diarrhea.  But let’s back up to the beginning of his story.

Byron developed symptoms of COVID-19 at the end of June 2020, around the same time as one of his good friends. Unlike his friend, who fully recovered in two weeks, Byron’s symptoms only worsened. Like many others with COVID-19 complications, he experienced a loss of smell and taste, night sweats, a minor cough, and extreme gastrointestinal symptoms.

“COVID-19 triggered a protective reaction, and my brain got stuck there. The limbic system went on red alert, and ramped up all the engines.”

Prior to being infected with COVID-19, Byron considered himself to be a healthy 58-year-old. He’d had some previous health challenges that were resolved, and lived an active, healthy lifestyle. His diet was gluten-free, keto and paleo-friendly; he practiced yoga and was very self-aware. After contracting COVID-19, his immune system went into overdrive, and he suddenly became extremely sensitive to most foods; there were only three he could eat without experiencing debilitating gastrointestinal and immune reactions. Byron describes himself as having a slight frame to begin with, but in less than eight weeks, he lost 25 pounds and much of his muscle mass. He looked emaciated, could hardly eat anything, had no energy, and felt like he was dying.

Byron was quickly losing hope that he would ever recover. Fortunately, a health care professional referred him to the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS), and that’s when Byron’s healing began. It felt like a dream when he experienced relief just one week into starting the program. “It felt like magic to me because the changes were so incredible,” he says. He was immediately able to eat more foods, and his energy level increased dramatically. The fear he’d carried for months was replaced by a state of inner calm, and he gained back muscle mass. He finally felt like there was a light at the end of the tunnel.

“I am gaining weight and muscle mass, I have more energy
, and my vitality for life is back!” – Byron

“I know at two months in, I still have some healing to do, and I plan on implementing the program for six months as they suggest, but [DNRS] is working!” Byron exclaims. “Don’t get me wrong, I still experience some symptoms, but they are way better, and I know that I will fully recover.” Byron explains that he’s tolerating more and more foods, has normal bowel function, has more energy and his sense of smell and taste have returned. He adds, “I am gaining weight and muscle mass, I have more energy and my vitality for life is back! Also, I’ve noticed that my threshold for stress has radically changed. I feel like a different person! Even my neighbors have commented on how much healthier I look now!”

Emotionally, Byron feels healthier too, and says, “I wasn’t expecting that. I have no anxiety, worry or hypervigilance. I had suffered from PTSD, anxiety and depression in the past, and I have coped well with all of it, but that started to shift too. I actually felt positive for the first time in my life, or that I can remember, anyways! And it wasn’t manufactured, it was real… I feel confident and clear!” He’s lost the brain fog, and enthuses, “I feel genuinely empowered, and I am not bothered by things that used to trigger me in the past.”

When asked what he would say to other people who are experiencing chronic post COVID-19 symptoms, Byron says, “COVID-19 triggered a protective reaction, and my brain got stuck there. The limbic system went on red alert, and ramped up all the engines. My immune response was on overdrive… but you can get that under control again by rewiring your limbic system.” He says he knows it sounds “almost unbelievable,” and he himself was skeptical at first about DNRS. But the relief was so immediate and surprising, he says, “that it felt like magic! It felt beyond what my experience or knowledge could ever know is possible.” After struggling for months with debilitating symptoms and feeling like he was wasting away, he now understands on a “visceral level” that rewiring the limbic system is the key to interrupting the spiraling cascade of misery, and recovering from “long-hauler” COVID-19 symptoms.

If you are suffering from chronic post COVID-19 symptoms, it’s time to explore DNRS in consultation with your health care provider to see if the program is the right fit for you. DNRS can be implemented alongside any pharmaceutical or medical treatment you may be taking for your chronic post COVID-19 symptoms. Let DNRS help you move your brain and body from a state of survival into a state of growth, repair, and healing.

Next week we will introduce you to Victor. No stranger to limbic system impairment, Victor was already using DNRS to recover from anxiety and sensitivity issues. While the initial acute symptoms of COVID-19 receded, his sensitivities increased. Since Victor was already familiar with DNRS and limbic system impairment, he knew exactly why chronic COVID-19 symptoms were happening, and how to find relief. For more information about how you might also find relief from your chronic symptoms, please visit our website at retrainingthebrain.com.

Yours in Good Health,

Annie Hopper and the DNRS Team

The post Byron’s Gut Problems After COVID-19
 appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.
