Dysautonomia Archives - Dynamic Neural Retraining System™ https://retrainingthebrain.com/news/illness/dysautonomia/ Mon, 11 Dec 2023 17:20:40 +0000 en-CA hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 https://retrainingthebrain.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/logo-favicon.jpg Dysautonomia Archives - Dynamic Neural Retraining System™ https://retrainingthebrain.com/news/illness/dysautonomia/ 32 32 Jenny’s 1 Year Update Letter: Stronger Than Ever https://retrainingthebrain.com/success-stories/jennys-1-year-update/ Sat, 09 Dec 2023 20:59:16 +0000 https://retrainingthebrain.com/?p=137485 Jenny, a medical doctor who struggled with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Dysautonomia, and Sensory Sensitivities “I was mostly bedridden for 4 years - I lost my whole active life and what was left of it was burning, feverish fatigue.

“I am not only the strongest I have been since I fell ill, I feel like I am stronger than ever before in my life.”

The post Jenny’s 1 Year Update Letter: Stronger Than Ever appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.

Jenny is a medical doctor who has struggled with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Dysautonomia, and Sensory Sensitivities since 2018. Her symptoms were so severe that she couldn’t leave the house and had to move back in with her parents so they could help care for her.

Jenny provided updates about her recovery with DNRS in the Global Community Forum. You can read about the initial five months of her progress in our first article about her journey

In her own words (lightly edited for length and clarity) here is the letter Jenny wrote to our community at the one year anniversary of doing DNRS. She reflects on her many victories and the ways that the DNRS practices continue to improve her life. 

She ends by reassuring anyone putting their trust in DNRS that “…you are on your way to healing and to a completely new life that will be better than you could ever have believed!”


Dear Retrainers 

I am not very active on this forum anymore, since I got my full and active life back and I am busy doing all the things normal, healthy people do. When I started DNRS 1 year ago I was mostly bedridden for 4 years, living with my parents who had to help me with basically everything except personal hygiene. I could not stand up long enough to take a shower or leave bed for more than meals. What a complete contrast to the life I am living now – having practiced DNRS for one year – I am as healthy as anyone. Probably healthier than most. 

I have no physical limitations. I am biking everywhere and enjoying the freedom of exercising and going wherever I want, whenever I want, to the fullest. 20 km does not even feel like a long distance to bike anymore, and that would have been far even for my pre-illness self. 

I am not counting the “first time I did this since I got sick” anymore. I am beating the records that I had before my limbic system impairment. I biked 60 km, which is a LIFE RECORD. I am not only the strongest I have been since I fell ill, I feel like I am stronger than ever before in my life. 


One of Jenny’s reflections on how much her life has improved since doing DNRS.


One Last Hurdle: Work Life

The one thing I am still training on (that I just started to train on) is work. I just started going back to work and even though I feel that is within my training zone with some margins, I still do the DNRS practices because I know I have some limbic over-firing regarding work since even before I fell ill. I use tips I got from retraining friends and I’m participating in a Living DNRS class, and it is going great so far. 

I decided that I am not going to think of work as a stressful threat to my health anymore. Instead I’ll think of work as something fun and easy and relaxing that is good for me. I can feel my attitude towards work and previous limbic responses change day by day. Some of the strategies I use is to think of going to work as going to a spa. I go there to relax and have fun. I enjoy a fruit break every day and I laugh at myself in the mirror when I take a trip to the bathroom. 

I take small moments before, during or after the day to read and add new things to my list “Things I love about my work”. During my DNRS practice I visualize having fun at work, feeling professional, feeling valued and appreciated by patients and colleagues. I use my best work-related memories from before I fell ill and I use the new ones I am creating now since I started work again. Like laughing with colleagues during the lunch break and feeling connected, feeling like I am part of something meaningful.

I celebrate every new work-related victory, like completing tasks. I feel good about myself for what I accomplish, and focus only on what I actually did – not what I didn’t do yet. I do a DNRS exercise on my way to work and on my way home from work. 

Using DNRS Strategies for the Long-Term

One strategy that I use in general with my DNRS practice is inspired from Rick Hanson’s book Hardwiring Happiness, and that is giving myself the opposite feeling, that is – the one I am needing right in the moment. For example, if I am feeling lonely, I focus on a memory of having good times with friends or my deep connection with a loved one. If I feel stressed and busy I visualize being on vacation, relaxing or going to a spa. 

If I feel like I am useless or not enough I do a round of DNRS practices with the theme of being appreciated and loved. For example, I’ll focus on a time when someone did something that made me feel valuable to them or when I did something that was very appreciated by others. I find this to be a very effective way for me to make the rounds help me the most in that specific moment. 

I feel like I am in control now and that I have the tools that I need to retrain my brain about basically anything. I know that with training I can take control of my limbic responses in whatever shape they may show up, and fill my life with whatever I want to have instead of limbic reactions. 

I will probably be training on work the coming year or so, to really take the time to fundamentally break those old, unhelpful limbic system reactions associated with it. Not because I have to, I might do fine at work anyway feeling healthy and all as I already do now, but I want to move beyond managing and into thriving in and enjoying every area of my life. 

I want to keep training not because I have to in order to be able to do things, I already do things now, but I want to make my life as magical and joyful and enjoyable as possible. I want to keep training beyond being healthy to actually being truly happy and grateful every day. Because it is more than possible and I (and everyone else) deserve that. Life will always throw challenges at us, and I want to handle them as smoothly and easy as possible. My time is too valuable not to.


Jenny resumes the activities she loves

“I am not only the strongest I have been since I fell ill, I feel like I am stronger than ever before in my life.” – Jenny

This Is Only the Beginning

I am not the victim of my automatic responses to my surroundings anymore, I am the creator of my best responses and my best life possible every day. It will be a lifelong exciting project and a magical journey without limitations. This is only the beginning of all that is still to come. I know anything is possible, having made it back to a second chance at life. I am forever grateful for this knowledge and for these tools to make anything happen. 

I wish everyone in this community the very best, you are on your way to healing and to a completely new life that will be better than you could ever have believed. And I wish that everyone that is not yet in this forum but in need of it will find it and begin their own journey to health and happiness 🙂 

By the way, if you read my 5 month update, I wrote that my next goal was to be able to travel – and oh I did!! Starting with small steps like just going out of town, and now I am traveling anywhere! This August I traveled with my boyfriend to the other side of the globe to attend my friend’s wedding in Vietnam and we stayed for 2 weeks. I enjoyed every part of the journey without any symptoms — I even slept fine in a completely wrong timezone, ha ha! 

6 months earlier I was probably among the most inflexible and immobile persons on this earth. Miraculous. Sharing some pictures from the great victory of going to Vietnam with you here below!  

All the best!

Jenny Lord

P.S. If you are wondering whether or not to sign up for a Living DNRS class, do it! I hesitated but did and it was so worth it!!

The post Jenny’s 1 Year Update Letter: Stronger Than Ever appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.

Jenny’s First 5 Months of DNRS: Victories Big & Small https://retrainingthebrain.com/success-stories/jennys-first-5-months-of-dnrs/ Sat, 07 Jan 2023 01:34:31 +0000 https://retrainingthebrain.com/?p=136310 Jenny is a medical doctor who has struggled with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Dysautonomia, and Sensory Sensitivities since 2018. She had to move back...

The post Jenny’s First 5 Months of DNRS: Victories Big & Small appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.

Jenny is a medical doctor who has struggled with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Dysautonomia, and Sensory Sensitivities since 2018. She had to move back in with her parents so they could help care for her. Her symptoms were so severe that she was bedridden before discovering DNRS. 

Over the first 5 months of practicing the exercises taught in DNRS, she provided updates in the Global Community Forum

In her own words (lightly edited for length and clarity) here are Jenny’s updates on the trajectory of her recovery over 5 months.

What Started it All

I started getting symptoms in March 2018. It was a sudden onset of headache and severe fatigue. I figured it was due to a stressful life situation with full-time work and part-time studies at the same time. 

I was able to continue working part time at 50% speed for about 6 months and then I had to move to another city for a new job. I started my new full-time job in December 2018 and that was when I totally crashed. 

I was so fatigued I could not take care of simple things like cooking or cleaning my apartment. I had friends and family help me but I only got worse during the coming year and in December 2019 I had to move to my parents house to have more assistance. 

Just Existing Was Exhausting

I got so sensitive to sounds I needed hearing protection most of the time and I struggled with cognitive stimuli like reading or watching television. I could barely take in any information at all. Any kind of physical exertion was more than I could tolerate, I had to use a chair to be able to take a shower because I could not stand up long enough. I lost 13 kg (29 pounds) in mostly muscle weight and I could not walk far enough to leave the house. I got a wheelchair to use if I had to leave the house for doctor’s appointments, but I could barely sit up long enough to use it. 

I spent 75% of the day laying down resting and only managed to sit up for meals. I had dysautonomia leading to episodes of heart palpitations and tachycardia. I had a fluctuating low-grade fever and I developed Raynaud’s phenomenon (cold feet with following pain and inflammation). I got an increased thirst and developed a sensitivity to low blood sugar. 

Worst of all, I had no energy at all and I could not tolerate any activities. Just existing was exhausting. I lost my whole active life and what was left of it was burning, feverish fatigue and trying to find anything that could help

In July 2022, 4 years after the onset of illness, I finally got diagnosed with ME/CFS. But the doctors did not know how to treat me. Luckily by then, I had already started with DNRS and was recovering at an amazing speed.

Small Big Steps

The last weeks have offered so much progress and I am so grateful to know I am on the right path to recovery 🙏 I have challenged myself every day and been able to extend my walking distance by a couple of meters every other day. The distance is still quite short but it is doubled. And I know I can double it again and again until I am finally out hiking and trekking wherever I want again! This is such a wonderful insight. It is the biggest blessing and gift to know I have the tools to recover now. 


Jenny victory quote


I am slowly, one day at a time, adding small shores and different routines. Each step may seem small from the outside but I can feel the greatness of these little victories. They tell me my brain can relearn to handle activity again and I try to cherish every bit of it — every added meter to my daily walking distance, every social activity and household shore. Writing this first blog post is a kind of celebration. There was a time I never could have imagined progress like this and I am so excited to reclaim my life and be able to enjoy it like never before! 🥰

Sending love and trust and motivation to anyone reading this! Know that DNRS will change your brain and let you create the life you wish for and deserve 💖 One small big step at a time. 

Dinner at my sister’s place

This weekend I visited my sister for the first time!! I can barely believe it. It was amazing. We had dinner and I stayed for hours. I can feel the old carefree, happy, social me slowly awakening again from somewhere deep down. Still dazed, but definitely coming back. It is beyond what I could have dreamed of just months ago.

DNRS is the thing. I am breaking boundaries every day and I am just stunned. There are so many “firsts” I can barely wait to experience again. And knowing they will be possible again makes me happier than words can say. It means I will get my life back. It means everything. 


Annie's response to Jenny's update

Annie’s response to Jenny’s update on the Global Community Forum.


My 3rd Month: Future Visualizations Are Coming True

I have made so much progress during the last week! I have had lots of sleep issues in the past. Just weeks ago the possibility of sleeping in the same room as someone else felt so far away. Now I spent my first night sleeping in the same bed as my boyfriend! 🥳 I also spent 4 days with him in our apartment, new record! I am so looking forward to being able to move in with him and have our own independent life (I have been living at my parents’ house for years since I fell ill). 

What’s more, I not only spent some days there, I was more active than I would have thought possible! We even went out for dinner at a restaurant nearby! First time in in years that I have been to a restaurant and I felt so wonderful and alive 🥳 We also cooked together, talked all night and even built our first piece of IKEA furniture together 🤯

Life is coming back to me one bit at a time and I love it!! 🤩 What used to be far off future visualizations, like going to a restaurant and staying in our apartment doing normal activities together, now just happened for real. I am so grateful and so excited about everything good that will come out of this training, I am ready to start a new life at this second chance 🙏 

Taking new steps into the unknown, letting my limbic system know she can trust me and is safe, is amazing and frightening at the same time. I feel like doing that jump gets easier and easier and I am so excited about every new conquest 🥳


Hitting 5 Months And I AM LIVING LIFE AGAIN!

Hi dear retrainers, 

I haven’t checked in with you in a while for the best reason possible – I HAVE BEEN BUSY LIVING MY LIFE AGAIN!!! I started from zero, living with my parents as caregivers, not being able to leave their house or barely walk to the bathroom. But, these last 5 months have TOTALLY changed everything and DNRS has given me my life back. 

I still have retraining to do, next steps for my incremental training will be traveling and then to address my work life, but for now I am still focused mostly on rebuilding my body. I have already gained many kilograms in muscle weight. All this is just a miracle I would never have believed was possible just 5 months ago


Jenny is reclaiming her life with DNRS


I am tearing up now as I write this as I realize that I am one of those success stories like those I used to read. Recovery used to seem so far away – but now it is my reality in just 5 months of retraining. I am so grateful as one can be for getting to live life again, for getting to rebuild my body, my health, my life, my relationships. EVERYTHING I dreamed of for years and thought I might have lost for life is coming back and I am enjoying it to the fullest

This truly is like rising from the dead, like getting a second chance at life. And this chance I am going to take the best possible care of! 


List of WINS

Just to mention some of my wins last months, they are all HUGE (and I think that you are exactly the right people to know that 🙂

  • I MOVED from my parents’ house into an apartment with my boyfriend and I TAKE CARE OF MYSELF!!! I cook, I clean, I go shopping, I do dishes, laundry – all those household chores I couldn’t do that left me depending on my parents are not even a big thing to do for me anymore! 
  • I have started EXERCISE! I literally go to the gym again, I go climbing, I go swimming and I take long walks – oh what a dream and joy it is to do this again! I could barely leave my bed 5 months ago and now this week I hit a new walking record of 10,000 steps in one day!!! I can barely believe it myself, it is nothing short of a MIRACLE! I am out exploring my new neighborhoods and the city and enjoying the spring sun, and I just LOVE life again! I just got my bicycle fixed and yesterday I went for a ride and I felt like I was flying, so amazingly, wonderfully free to go anywhere again!!
  • I took up contact with friends that I have not even been able to call for years. Now they come to visit, we go out to restaurants, we talk. I even attended my best friend’s birthday party and stayed for hours socializing and playing billiards — and, of course, on this streak I am on now I even won the game! I feel so alive and I am back again – able to be the happy, energized friend I once used to be.

I still do my full hour of DNRS exercises every day and I keep practicing the 5 pillars on a daily basis.  There is limbic system resistance every now and then to new activities or to unexpected things, but I always come out stronger for every incremental challenge. I feel like anything is possible again. 

If you are where I was 5 months ago just know that everything is about to change and that DNRS works. All that you have to do is just to do the training and give it time and it will be oh so worth it!!! 

These are some pictures of me RECLAIMING my life and loving it like never before!


Photos from Jenny's life after 5 months of DNRS

Photos of Jenny reclaiming her life after 5 months of DNRS.


The post Jenny’s First 5 Months of DNRS: Victories Big & Small appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.

I Have My Family Back https://retrainingthebrain.com/success-stories/i-have-my-family-back/ Thu, 20 Aug 2020 20:30:55 +0000 https://retrainingthebrain.com/?p=23365 Autumn has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,...

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Autumn has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Food Sensitivities, Depression, Anxiety, ​Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, and environmental allergies.

Autumn had experienced symptoms associated with limbic system impairment since the day she was born. “The hospital staff put a gown on me that had been washed in fragrant detergent, and I broke out into a rash. I suffered symptoms all throughout my childhood–allergies, anxiety, lots of infections. Things really ramped up, though, when I reached my tipping point later as an adult. I got pregnant with my daughter and had a traumatic birth experience, all while living in a house that had a mold problem in the basement. I was never the same after that.” It was then that Autumn began searching for answers in hopes of regaining her health. “I started with my family doctor and progressed to various specialists: gastroenterologists, endocrinologists, neurologists, rheumatologists, psychiatrists and therapists, dermatologists, gynecologists, allergists, and mast cell and POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) specialists. I reached a dead end with those, and started seeing integrative doctors, mold specialists, acupuncturists, chiropractors, naturopaths, and diet coaches. I tried several elimination and gut-healing diets. Then I started trying the various protocols of famous doctors and ‘biohackers’. By the time I started DNRS, it seemed I was starting a new protocol every other week.”

Overwhelmed and losing hope, Autumn decided to try the program that she had heard about several times through the course of her illness. One story in particular stood out to her, inspiring her to give DNRS a try. “My interest was finally piqued when I heard about a woman from a mold support group on Facebook who had gone through the program and was fully recovered, off all meds and supplements, and living in her old house again. At that point, my expectation of recovery was to find a protocol of supplements, dietary restrictions, and environmental circumstances that I could tolerate for the rest of my life. It blew my mind that someone could truly recover and live a normal life again. At the same time, it confirmed a suspicion I’d always held that something about all of these mold-detoxing, hormone-balancing, gut-healing protocols just didn’t add up–that there was a root cause that I was overlooking.”

Since implementing the program, Autumn’s recovery has been nothing short of incredible. She recently shared her inspiring story of recovery on our Community Forum:

In December 2018, I moved out of my house because I was too unwell to live there anymore. I couldn’t take care of my 3-year-old daughter on my own. I ate homemade broth-based soups with spoonfuls of fat and a handful of veggies and soft meats for 3 meals a day. There was no exercise gentle enough for my body to handle. I couldn’t use any beauty or hygiene products. I lost my livelihood (professional singer and voice teacher), my home, and my family, and my daughter and I moved in with my parents while my husband continued to work and live 13 hours away.

Last weekend, almost 11 months into my DNRS journey, I moved back into this very house I left and we are–at long last–a family again, living and thriving together in a way we never dreamed was possible only 1 year ago. 

I spend all day long with my daughter. I laugh so much with her. I run around the house and the playground with her. We dance, we play soccer, we play games, and we are silly all the time. I am patient and understanding and gentle with her. I make her meals and I take her places. Every night before bed, I describe a happy memory and then I sing her a song.

I eat absolutely anything I want. Not just pizza, ice cream, and egg McMuffins, but delicious, healthy, nutritious things like huge salads with nuts, vinegars, and berries. I haven’t had a broth-based meal in months. I receive a local farm share every week and I love planning and preparing meals with every single ingredient that comes in that box–cucumbers, squash, snap peas, cabbage, beets, leeks, corn, tomatoes, onions, everything!

I do Zumba or yoga every day. Sometimes for a full hour! I dance and smile the whole time and sometimes I get to the end and feel like I could keep going. The first time I completed an hour-long Zumba class, I cried tears of joy during the cool-down.

My house is full of wonderful smells: hand soap with lavender essential oils, body soap with rosemary, and shampoo with flower extracts. Not just the products in the house, but the house itself. The musty basement smell, the coat of fresh paint in the bedroom, the gasoline smell of the garage, the cleaner on the windows, and just all the wonderful smells of cooked food, fresh bread, cut grass, outdoor breezes, and our daily activities mingling together to make the wonderful smell of home.

I am singing again. Every day, I use my voice and I fill the house with my strong, confident, clear singing voice. When the opportunity returns, I will fill the halls of churches and theaters again with my trained soprano. And this time, I will know what it took and what it means to have that gift to share with the world.

Annie Hopper, do you know what a gift you have given our family? I think not only about the families you have restored, but the human beings you have given back to the world. We, who became shells of our former selves, restored to grateful, compassionate, resilient individuals who are able to make a difference and contribute a thing of beauty and hope to the story of this world.

And to my DNRS coach, Emily, if you’re reading this, please know that your suggestions are, every time, immediately helpful.  

I have achieved my defining moment–this was the scenario I envisioned, but didn’t think was possible when I started DNRS 11 months ago. And I am so grateful for the ones who have gone before me. Your success stories are the reason I persisted to this day.

What is Autumn’s message to those who are still suffering? “You don’t have to believe this program will work for it to work. Doubt is a natural, and I’d even say healthy, part of the process. So many of us come into DNRS wanting certainty, and learning to be okay with uncertainty was, for me, a huge part of the recovery process. That being said, watching others’ success stories gave me so much hope and motivation to keep going. It is a slow process and it’s a lot of work. There are ebbs and times you’ll feel you’ve made no progress. But you commit to this, you give yourself no other choice–it’s either this or be sick the rest of your life. You maintain that determination and you will fully recover.”

The post I Have My Family Back appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.

From Bedbound to Thriving with the DNRS Online program! https://retrainingthebrain.com/success-stories/from-bedbound-to-thriving/ Wed, 03 Jun 2020 22:49:25 +0000 https://retrainingthebrain.com/?p=21772 Cara has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, Lyme Disease, Food Sensitivities, Multiple...

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Cara has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, Lyme Disease, Food Sensitivities, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Electric Hypersensitivity Syndrome, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Cara began experiencing symptoms associated with limbic system impairment sixteen years ago, in the Spring of 2004. “By June of that year I was unable to work and had to go on medical leave for several months. In the fall I was diagnosed with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS). Four years later in 2008 I was diagnosed with Lyme disease, and in 2011 with Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS). By 2010 I was disabled and could no longer work.” During this time, Cara searched for answers, visiting numerous doctors and specialists in hopes of relief. “Over the course of about ten years I saw or was treated by three Medical Doctors (including a specialist in Lyme disease and another specialist in chronic inflammatory response syndrome and biotoxin illnesses), six naturopaths (three who specialized in Lyme disease), three acupuncturists (including a Doctor of Oriental Medicine), three neurologists, two cardiologists, an endocrinologist, and two gastroenterologists. By 2014 I quit pursuing medical opinions and treatments. I’d given up, and by then I was fully disabled.”
Cara found out about DNRS through a family member who came across the program on the internet. As she recalls, “I’ll never forget the date: January 2, 2019. As soon as I heard about it a thrill of hope ran through me. I read the website immediately and knew I had the key to recovery. Taking the Online Course confirmed it.”
Cara’s progress since then has been nothing short of awe inspiring. Recently, she shared her victories on our Community Forum:
I started this path needing a wheelchair outside the home, barely able to walk 60 feet, with a chore service provider and my mother doing nearly everything for me. Now I’m walking every day and closing in on a mile—I’ll make it by summer. One day I’ll hike in the mountains again. One day I’ll put on cross-country skis.
I can stand in the shower, bend over the bathtub and scrub it out, push a vacuum cleaner, do laundry, bake cookies—and eat them too! I can shop and cook for myself. I can pretty much do whatever I want. In the fall I took a trip back east and spent four months in Connecticut. It was my first time traveling since 2008. I have my life back—and I love it. I love myself.
When I started DNRS I was too weak to attend a seminar,so I took the online course. All the information needed for recovery was right there. Nothing was missing. A seminar may be the ideal but it isn’t necessary. And that’s very important to know right now. Full recovery is possible using the DVDs and online course.
Having spent nearly a decade virtually housebound, it’s a bit strange to be re-entering a world that is currently in retreat. Just as I can finally go out and do whatever I want, I find myself back inside. But that’s okay. I’m thriving—my life is better now than it’s ever been. This curious moment we’re living in is a tremendous opportunity. It may be full of uncertainty, but it is also full of creative possibility. Thanks to DNRS, I have all the tools I need to make the most of it.
I am not the same person I was when I started down this path. I am stronger, more resilient and happier. I am calmer, more at ease, and kinder to myself and others. At age 60 I’m blossoming.
Together we’re making miracles happen. Believe it.

What is Cara’s message to those who are still suffering? “Never give up. If doubt ever creeps in, or you have a hard day (I had many of them), watch a video testimonial. Keep a daily DNRS journal so you can track your positive progress. Follow and practice the program with as much dedication and enthusiasm and appreciation as you can muster. Work with a coach if you’re able to. Never ever forget that many others have walked this path before you and have fully recovered. Laugh and smile and be grateful everyday. Read the gratitude posts on the community forum and share your gratitude with others. Have confidence in your recovery.
I am 60 years old. Over the course of sixteen months I went from needing a wheelchair outside of the home to walking one mile. At six months I was able to go to a salon and have my hair cut for the first time in over a decade. I can grocery shop and cook and eat whatever I want. I can drive again. I can read books and listen to music and watch movies. I can spend an hour gardening and work up a sweat while doing it. This past year I fell in love and am now in a relationship for the first time in nearly two decades. If I can do all of that, if I can recover at age 60 after 15 years of illness, you can do it too. You can recover.”

The post From Bedbound to Thriving with the DNRS Online program! appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.

Life Is so Much More Beautiful Now https://retrainingthebrain.com/success-stories/life-is-so-much-more-beautiful-now/ Thu, 24 Oct 2019 21:18:50 +0000 https://retrainingthebrain.com/?p=18452 Lori has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Food...

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Lori has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Food Sensitivities, and Sensory Sensitivities.

Lori was first diagnosed with ME/CFS (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) in 2014. Life had become more and more challenging, with 2018 being her most limited year. “I was bed-bound or housebound at all times, with the exception of medical appointments and a couple of outings resulting in weeks of extreme recovery afterward.” She had visited numerous doctors and tried many different treatments and protocols in search of healing. “I had tried everything: two pages of different modalities, protocols, and specialists. I spent thousands of dollars on supplements, private pay clinics, energy healing, and so much more. But any relief I found was minimal and very short-lived.”

Lori found out about DNRS earlier this year after reading a blog post online that mentioned the program. She began the program soon after, and recently shared her exciting progress on our Community Forum:

After starting the program in April, mood elevation was the first change that I noticed. Some of my personality silliness and lightheartedness started coming back, and I began smiling and laughing more.

Energy was the second change that I noticed. When I started DNRS I found myself consistently able to get up out of the bath on my own instead of sitting there in a towel after the water had drained. I no longer needed to call my husband for help – I could get right up and out myself! Fast forward to today, I am now able to stand up and take a shower many days, wash my hair and blow-dry it myself!! I’m up out of bed more and am having fewer ME/CFS symptoms. My parents held a family reunion in August and I was able to be there this year, which was amazing!

I was also able to go look at a few houses this summer. We had been wanting to buy a house for a long time, but stayed renting a duplex with my supportive parents who walked our dog and sent over meals since my husband was busy with a full-time job, 3 kids, and doing all of the household tasks. Then we found our house and moved in last month! I was able to handle the stress of moving, and I found that since moving into our new place the shifts have really been happening.

I can also now consistently walk my own dog down the street myself and I am looking forward to taking her on longer and longer walks as I continue to progress. The sense of accomplishment I feel as these things have come back to me is incredible! Last week I helped my husband with some pruning in the front yard! And the other night we played a game with my step kids! And I even found myself putting on some background music! All of this is huge progress.

Being in a car as a passenger has become easier as I can now sit up with eyes open and no noise-canceling headphones on, and I’m able to much more easily process everything going by again. The other day we went over to see my parents and I didn’t even bring my headphones! I’m sleeping better, feeling better overall, and yes there are ups and downs in this healing process but the shifts are happening! Looking forward to so many things that I know will happen in the near future!

I am so very grateful for this program. I had tried so many different modalities and protocols before finding DNRS and I am so thrilled to have finally found what I’ve been looking for these past 5 years! Forever thankful to Annie, to my new DNRS friends, and to everyone that has been here for me and become a part of this journey! Sending love and light to everyone along for the ride on this journey! 

To those who are still suffering, Lori’s message is, “When I initially heard about DNRS, I thought it was just positive thinking and meditation, which I had already been doing for years. I was so wrong and was surprised to discover that it was very physical. I learned how trauma (which for me was a virus) caused a limbic system impairment resulting in prolonged symptoms like post-exertional fatigue and brain and body inflammation. Now I have a way to begin to change that cycle.

I had tried everything, so I am thrilled to know that I have finally found what I’ve been looking for! I am forever grateful for this program for the way it is helping me heal. Life is so much more beautiful now!”

Photo taken this summer as I got out with my husband to take in the beauty of our local waterfront!

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The Missing Piece https://retrainingthebrain.com/success-stories/the-missing-piece/ Fri, 20 Sep 2019 19:56:37 +0000 https://retrainingthebrain.com/?p=17864 Alina has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Pain, Fibromyalgia, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Food Sensitivities,...

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Alina has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Pain, Fibromyalgia, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Food Sensitivities, ​Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder​, Anxiety, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, ​Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome​, Chronic/Latent Infections, Environmental Allergies, and more.

Alina first began noticing symptoms associated with limbic system impairment when she was a child. “Food sensitivities and environmental sensitivities in the form of excessive histamine reactions developed by the time I was 8 years old. I began fainting when I was 16 years old, following my second ‘perfect storm’, and showing other signs of limbic system impairment. By age 23, I was having panic attacks and many other debilitating physical symptoms from excess cortisol. However, it was not until 2017 when I withdrew from benzodiazepines that the extent of the impairment became deeply apparent. ” Prior to finding the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS), Alina had visited many doctors and specialists to try to find a solution to her list of symptoms, including cardiologists, gastrointestinal specialists, endocrinologists, radiologists, gynecologists, a functional nutritionist, psychiatrists, energy healers, psychologists, and four different primary care doctors. She recalls “In the past I had also seen a pulmonary specialist and oncologist for testing, as well as having numerous MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and CT (computerized tomography) imaging done. “In 2018 alone, I was in the emergency room on six separate occasions.”

Alina found the DNRS program while searching online for answers. “After a severe reaction to supplements suggested by the functional nutritionist, I hit rock bottom and went back to researching. Recovering from benzodiazepines is part of my history, and I came across someone who used DNRS to overcome protracted withdrawal symptoms. If not for her recommendation, I am not sure where I would be, as in all my medical appointments, not one doctor was able to provide relief or an effective treatment. ”

When describing her progress so far, Alina writes:

I attended the Greensboro DNRS live seminar in April and this is my 4th update since then.


  • This past month I had been involved in a lot of household projects. The projects required much physical labor and my body performed amazingly. I was able to bounce back after resting only for an hour or so instead of being impacted for days. I experienced normal aches associated with muscle use and exercise, but not post-exertional malaise, and this went away very quickly. 
  • I have been gardening and doing physical labor outdoors without any episodes from heat exhaustion. The heat index where I live has been 105-115 degrees Fahrenheit on average. 
  • Insect bites do not cause severe reactions any longer. This is the first time in the past 23 years where I have noticed improvement. 
  • I have returned to using scented hair products.
  • Cleaners and other chemicals are not producing any reactions, however, I am maintaining the same environmental awareness so that I can make informed decisions.
  • My menstrual cycle is on time, normal, and very uneventful. I am noticing the week before to be less emotionally jarring. 
  • I’ve used paint again. 
  • Visual issues continue to improve.


  • I’ve begun using the program tools to work on a relationship. This relationship was directly related to part of my ‘perfect storm’. They stayed at my home for 3 days and it was a very healing experience.
  • I am noticing huge improvement in combating anger and shedding fear. 
  • I am able to laugh more freely and smile. 
  • I am kinder.
  • I am working more efficiently and have a higher capacity to draw from. 
  • I am shedding excuses. 
  • I am communicating with people I had previously avoided contact with and am okay.


  • I eat out at least twice a week. Prior to the program, I made all of my own meals. 
  • I am eating spicy foods again, including jalapeño, curries, and salsa. 
  • I do not refrain from eating cheese or tomato on more challenging days. 


  • I’ve had guests in my home without any restrictions. 
  • I’ve gone to loud/crowded restaurants with groups of people.  
  • I went to garage sales and bought items. 
  • I’ve revisited areas that have been problematic in the past and have overcome the experience by creating positive ones.
  • I am forgetting my old self, but not the lessons. 

To someone who is still suffering, Alina’s message is, “Give this a chance! This was the missing piece for me. I cannot begin to express what a complete difference the tools I have gained from this program have made. One year ago, I never would have imagined being able to do what I can do now.”


The post The Missing Piece appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.

The Last Thing on My List https://retrainingthebrain.com/success-stories/the-last-thing-on-my-list/ Fri, 21 Jun 2019 15:26:28 +0000 https://retrainingthebrain.com/?p=16386 Ellen has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Pain, Food Sensitivities,...

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Ellen has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Pain, Food Sensitivities, Electric Hypersensitivity Syndrome, ​Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder​, Depression, Anxiety, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, ​Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome​, and Chronic/Latent Infections.

Symptoms of limbic system impairment started at birth for Ellen. She recalls, “I’ve had a few different ‘perfect storms’ since then.  I have suffered with Depression for most of my life, and I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2007.” Prior to finding the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS), Ellen had visited several different doctors and specialists to try to find an answer to her accumulating list of symptoms. “I have been in and out of Psychotherapy for over 25 years. I’ve seen many, many Psychologists, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Psychiatrists.  After I developed more physical symptoms of limbic impairment, I saw a pain specialist, a Rheumatologist, a Physical Therapist, more Psychiatrists, several Naturopathic doctors, and probably more I’m forgetting.  I also did years of Zen meditation, yoga, and became a level 2 Reiki practitioner.”

Ellen eventually found out about DNRS while searching the Internet for answers. She has since had many milestones along the way of her recovery journey, and she shared her most recent progress on our Community Forum: 

Hi Everyone,

It’s been one year of DNRS for me.  I started the DVDs last June and went to an in-person seminar in November.  I feel so incredibly lucky and so amazingly blessed to have found this program.  This is the answer.  This is IT! Thank you so much to Annie, Michelle, Connie, Tessa, all of my Community Forum pals! I have learned so much from all of you and it brings a tearful feeling of joy to my eyes and heart to think of all you have given me.

I have to tell you that the biggest thing is that I am working again!  I had not worked for five years when I began the program in June 2018.  After six months, I began a part time job.  It was challenging, BUT I worked the program every day and I can do so many amazing things at work now!  I can think on my feet.  I can communicate difficult things. I can be assertive.  I can stand on my feet for long periods of time.  I don’t worry about what others think of me. I can be around tired, crabby people and not pick up their moods. I manage most days to remain calm and happy!  I have fun and am silly at work!  I cannot tell you how amazingly grateful I am!

I can eat whatever I want after having tried umpteen diets. I eat histamine foods, leftovers, chocolate, junk food, wheat, dairy, FODMAPs (short chain carbohydrates), and more.  I know that if I have any symptoms, it is not from food, it’s from my silly, cross-wired brain and I use the program’s tools.

 I can drink tap water!!

 I rarely feel nauseous anymore! (This was a big symptom for me and I forgot to mention it.)

 I no longer take migraine meds. I still have a few headaches and I can take a regular headache medicine and it works!  

I no longer have issues with scents or chemicals. I don’t even know what happened to my mask I used to have to wear into stores!  I recently passed a hotel where I stayed a little over a year ago when a housemate sprayed bug spray in our house.   I had COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN about that episode.  The hotel had smelled so strongly to me at the time and had caused so many symptoms that I had slept in the car. Now I have totally improved.  I can even laugh at that story now!

I no longer need to wear an eye mask to sleep.  Sensitivity to light is no longer a problem.

I do laughter yoga now.  When I first started, I was in a laughter yoga group and I had to leave them because they were too much for me to handle.  Now I’m doing lots of laughter yoga and making lots of connections. Today I challenged myself and did my first DNRS practice with a person I didn’t know!  I had been doing rounds with buddies before this, but this was the first time I did rounds with someone I have no relationship with. These are big wins in the social anxiety and mental fatigue areas.  

I had a condition I don’t hear about much, in which many sounds sounded like noise and sounded extra loud, discordant, etc.  I actually incrementally trained with heavy metal music (LOL).  I haven’t been able to really enjoy music for a long time but I am getting better and better at this.  It used to sound like most or all sound blended into this big, difficult cacophony.  This has gotten so much better.  A few weeks ago I was listening to a song and could discern and enjoy the various instruments that were playing.  I cried such happy tears.  My husband is a DJ and it was while listening to his show so it was extra special. I’m really looking forward to more and more rewiring in this area as music itself can be so healing.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is mostly gone.

My startle response used to be so high.  I would jump three feet in the air at the smallest sound or interruption.  That has totally normalized.

I had very mild electrical sensitivity and it’s totally gone.

I used to be sensitive to a lot of fabrics and that is gone.

Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) is mostly gone – like I said, I stand for long periods of time at work, with mostly no problems.

Physical fatigue – this is so improved! I am out and about at least five hours a day.  When I began I could only do one or maybe two activities a day and then would have to have rest days in between. 

Mental fatigue – I’m doing much better at thinking, computers, and reading. I can think, read, and work for longer and make many fewer mistakes and get less frustrated.

Muscle/bone pain and stiffness is mostly gone.  This comes back now and then, but it has gone away for such long periods, that when it comes back I don’t take it too seriously because I know I am training my brain to not have it anymore.

I am more emotionally stable and able to separate my emotions from the emotions of those around me. I almost never am scanning the environment for other people’s negative emotions anymore.  This is such a huge change and makes such a difference in my being able to keep my energy for me! Boundaries are such a beautiful thing!  I had studied how to have boundaries via so many avenues for most of my life, and now I finally feel like I am “getting it.” I am no longer taking responsibility for other people’s “stuff.” 

I know there are so many more things that have changed.  I actually really have forgotten what it was like before DNRS, so it’s a bit hard to remember everything that has changed.  I feel so grateful, lucky, blessed, and fortunate. I am going for 100% healed, no matter how much time it takes.  

I recently read a kids book called The Very Impatient Caterpillar where there is this caterpillar who is really impatient to get out of his chrysalis.  I laughed so hard because that is how it feels sometimes. He’s asking another caterpillar, “How long will this take?!” I totally relate.  For now, I am just going to snuggle into my chrysalis and relax. I know it’s all happening.  The process works.  You are all becoming beautiful butterflies, and so am I!

To someone who is still suffering, Ellen’s message is, “I thought about it for more than two years before purchasing the DNRS DVDs. I did not think it would work, but I was committed to trying whatever I could, and DNRS was the next thing on my list. Now it’s the last thing on my list.”


The post The Last Thing on My List appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.

Celebrating Breakthroughs https://retrainingthebrain.com/success-stories/celebrating-breakthroughs/ Fri, 17 May 2019 18:47:34 +0000 https://retrainingthebrain.com/?p=15856 Noelle has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Pain, Food Sensitivities, Anxiety,...

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Noelle has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Pain, Food Sensitivities, Anxiety, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, ​Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, Environmental Allergies, and more.

Noelle began experiencing symptoms associated with limbic system impairment 11 years ago. The symptoms originally began after an international business trip in 2008, but significantly worsened after a medication reaction in 2015. Noelle had been to several doctors and specialists, both in state and out of state, trying to find an answer to her list of symptoms. “I have seen my primary care doctor, a Neurologist, a Cardiologist, an Electrophysiologist, a Gastroenterologist, a Rheumatologist, a Clinical Geneticist, an Ophthalmologist, multiple integrative medicine Doctors, and I spent a week at an outpatient facility seeing a specialist for Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome.”

Noelle found out about DNRS after her one of her doctors recommended the program. She has been implementing the program for the last 6 months, and has seen exciting improvements. She described her progress to date on our Community Forum:

I am celebrating my 6 months of DNRS today!!  I started the DVD program on November 4th and attended the Austin Seminar in March. Attending the seminar in person was only possible through the early DNRS work on my own! I’ve had so many beautiful breakthroughs, and here are some favorites:

– I flew on a plane with 3 days notice and rocked it.

– I’ve 80% healed Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and 99% healed Idiopathic Peripheral Neuropathy and IBS.  I’ve also gone from having 4-5 headaches a week to less than one a month.

– I now happily am able to have the windows open during Spring, work in the dirt and pet animals, including our new puppy, with zero symptoms.

– I wash my hair with real shampoo and conditioner whenever I want.

– I have started exercising! I’m walking up to 20 minutes so far.

– I now do all of my retraining steps standing up, all of the time, an hour + a day.

– My mood feels positive 90% of the time, and when I do feel out of sorts, I have all the tools to easily elevate it.

– I’m back to my full time job of homeschooling my children, and we’ve added lots of new activities out of the house now that I am able to easily commit to events.

– I shop at Target without noticing anything, just like a normal person.

– I have hosted a party and happily attend parties!

– My appetite is normal and I eat 3 meals a day!

– I’ve had my first virus with a fever in 11 years (a good sign that my immune response is actually working again).

– I spend time outside in the sun and heat of Texas.

– I crave wearing bright and happy colors.

– I’m making new friends.

– I have more than doubled the number of foods I’m eating!!

– I use lip balm and lotion from the store.

– I cared for myself and one of my daughters on my own for the weekend while my husband was out of town with my other daughter!

– I turned down an appointment for an expert after 7 months on her waiting list.

– I leave the house multiple times a day, stay out all day, or run many errands in a day without thinking about it and feel great afterwards.

– I find myself doing things that would have caused me great concern as recently as a month ago, and now I’m not even thinking about them!

This is the most beautiful healing journey and I am so grateful to heal alongside each of you!!!

To someone who is still suffering, Noelle’s message is, “Healing is possible and never, ever, ever give up!”

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A New and Improved Me https://retrainingthebrain.com/success-stories/a-new-and-improved-me/ Sun, 17 Mar 2019 18:29:05 +0000 https://retrainingthebrain.com/?p=14459 Lisa used the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Food Sensitivities, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, Environmental Allergies, Mast...

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Lisa used the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Food Sensitivities, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, Environmental Allergies, Mast Cell Activation, and more. 

Lisa had begun to experience symptoms associated with limbic system impairment in 2015 after a “perfect storm” of stressors. Prior to finding the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS), she had visited numerous doctors and specialists, including multiple top Mast Cell Activation specialists, to try to find the solution to her growing number of symptoms. “I had many unnecessary procedures and testing done, including a transjugular liver biopsy, colonoscopy, endoscopy, MRIs and CT scans, functional medicine tests, autonomic nervous system testing, tilt table test, and so many blood tests. I traveled anywhere to see these top doctors and spent a lot of money on treatment.”

She found out about DNRS while researching her symptoms online. “I searched for MCS, and it came up!”

Lisa recently announced that she has made a full recovery, and she shared the exciting details on our Community Forum: 

Hi everyone,
I have some amazing news…I am fully 100% recovered, fully healed! 
As I type this, I am still in awe of what I’m writing. I am amazed at what DNRS has done and how my journey unfolded; it has given me my life back and I am so grateful for each moment of it.
I want to thank Annie Hopper for creating this amazing program, and Michelle Bubnis and Kelly Showalter for teaching it to me. And Michelle for coaching me through the whole journey!

I started my DNRS journey in July 2016 with: 
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
Dysautonomia / Orthostatic intolerance
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Food sensitivities (I was down to 3 foods)
Salicylate, histamine & oxalate sensitivities
Medication sensitivity
Light and sound sensitivities
Body pain
Raynaud’s Disease
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
Anxiety and Depression
I was on many medications: a nebulizer, inhaler, Epi-pen, nose sprays, allergy injections, supplements, abdominal binders, wore compression stockings, etc.

I started the DNRS DVD program in July of 2016 and began to experience improvements. I was one of those people who needed extra help learning and doing the program, so I attended the Austin,TX seminar in October 2017. It was there where the details of the program really sunk in. This was where the magic happened for me.

I started adding foods into my diet, my MCS was getting better, and I was going out more and socializing. My blood pressure was normalizing. My mood began to improve, and Anxiety and Depression diminished. I started coming off medications as my nervous system started working normally.

One after another, symptoms were getting better. 

Eventually, I started working on behaviors and core beliefs; the journey got deep as I found self-love and balance in every area of my life: diet, exercise, work, and play. There was an ebb and flow to the recovery process which I continued to train through.

I learned to forgive people and I set myself free.
I learned it’s not my job to help everyone in the world.
I learned not to let others take my inner peace away.
I learned that I do not have to be perfect and life does not have to be perfect, and I learned to be more relaxed.

I would like to thank my boyfriend Mark for his unconditional love and support, and my mother, father and brother who adjusted their lives around my needs. And to my friends who supported me: thank you!

My life is so different now, and my illness is just a memory. I’m so glad that I took that leap of faith and ordered the DNRS DVDs and then went further by going to the live seminar. I am now a new and improved version of Lisa and part of old Lisa as well – appreciating life and filled with gratitude and happiness!

To someone who is still suffering, Lisa’s message is, “Please give DNRS a try as I did. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain! It takes dedication, but it is well worth the results. You can heal just as I did. It gave me my life back and it’s a journey that I am proud of. I can now say that I am truly living my life to the fullest with gratitude for each and every day!”

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The Key that Opened the Door https://retrainingthebrain.com/success-stories/the-key-that-opened-the-door/ Thu, 31 Jan 2019 00:13:05 +0000 https://retrainingthebrain.com/?p=13728 Shoshana used the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS). In May 2016, Shoshana, who was a healthy...

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Shoshana used the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS).

In May 2016, Shoshana, who was a healthy and fully functioning working mother of four, became suddenly ill with a virus. Instead of recovering after a few days, Shoshana was bedridden for the next several months. She remembers, “I would faint when walking very short distances or doing simple household tasks, and severe fatigue prevented me from taking care of myself and my family and made it impossible for me to work.” Shoshana went to specialist after specialist trying to find what was wrong: immunologists, internists, cardiologists, endocrinologists, neurologists, psychologists, and more, doing numerous blood tests, an MRI, cardiac echos, and ECGs, among other tests. She was eventually diagnosed with POTS. “I tried nearly all the different treatments available to treat it, both conventional and alternative, including beta blockers, steroids, salt tablets, a strict exercise regime, special diets, and acupuncture. Some of these helped a little, but my function was still severely impaired, and it seemed like there was nothing left to try.”

Shoshana found out about the Dynamic Neural Retraining System after her husband read about it on a POTS forum. After beginning the DVDs in March 2018, she saw a marked and measurable improvement almost immediately.  In fact, Shoshana was so thrilled by her initial results that she flew all the way from her native Israel to California to join a live DNRS seminar in June 2018.

Today, Shoshana says she is healthy, joyful, fully functioning and embracing life and all the beautiful moments in it, even more than before she got sick!

Here is the letter she sent Annie Hopper just over six months of taking the program!

Dear Annie,

You are in the wonderful position that you (probably) don’t remember me, since you’ve changed so many people’s lives. I, however, am in the equally wonderful position to be one of these lucky people, and I think of you every day.

It has been over 6 months since I started your DVD course – to please my husband, since I had resigned myself to a POTS-dominated life and I’d tried “everything”. I am still in shock when I contrast my life then to my life now, especially after attending the seminar in Skylonda in June. Tears of gratitude fill my eyes when I remember that not so long ago, we kept a wheelchair in the house, so that I could occasionally attempt to join my family’s activities….that a walk up my short street required the use of a walker with a seat….that I would hide in my house to avoid the pitying looks of my neighbors…and most of all – that I couldn’t be anywhere near the mother I wanted to be for my four lovely daughters, and felt like a burden to my incredibly supportive and loving husband.

Now…I can cook and clean my house without a second thought – so trivial, but so amazing to me! I can jog up a hill, run up and down stairs, take my girls out on full day trips on my own, and see the joy I am filled with shining back right at me from my husband’s eyes.  For I truly am filled with joy, love, gratitude and appreciation.  

I can make plans and stick to them, not driven by the whims of my limbic and autonomic systems. I am a loving, happy, present person, mother and wife.  

I can participate fully in life!

I will be forever grateful to you for your gift of fully experiencing the sweetness of life, even more than ever before…

Thank you,  Annie. They’re such small words, with so much feeling behind them!

Wishing you every success in changing the world for so many more people with the magic of neuroplasticity!

Ever Grateful,


To someone who is still suffering, she says, “The DNRS was like a key that opened a door that was locked, that I didn’t even know was there. I had felt numb and unfeeling, without even realizing it. Aside from the huge measurable, physical changes that the DNRS program made possible, what’s even more important to me is the fact that I’m so much happier as a person! There is so much sweetness and beauty everywhere. It is just waiting for you… You can do this. Your brain can change; it is programmed to change. It’s changing right now! All you have to do is harness and direct that change. Don’t give up if you aren’t healed right away; think of all the roots a plant has to grow underneath the ground before it flowers. Keep that beautiful flower in mind and it will become even more beautiful than you imagine it!”­

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It’s a Whole New World https://retrainingthebrain.com/success-stories/its-a-whole-new-world/ Fri, 18 Jan 2019 17:08:15 +0000 https://retrainingthebrain.com/?p=13527 Kira has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Pain, ​Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder​, Depression, Anxiety,...

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Kira has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Pain, ​Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder​, Depression, Anxiety, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, ​Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome and more. 

Kira started to notice she was developing symptoms associated with limbic system impairment almost 30 years ago. She recalls, “It began with Anxiety and panic attacks, and then IBS. Little did I know that that was just the beginning of years of accumulating new symptoms and conditions. I have visited so many different doctors: GPs, neurologist, gynecologists (several), gastroenterologist, allergist, internists, occupational therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, and most recently a complex pain specialist. I think there are some more specialists I am missing because 30 years is a long time and I don’t remember them all. I have also seen countless naturopaths, homeopaths, herbalists, chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage therapists, physiotherapists, energy healers, shamans, and more. You name it, I have tried it.”

She found out about DNRS through her complex pain specialist. “It was one of the first things the specialist recommended after assessing me, and I am so glad I checked out the website because as soon as I read about DNRS, I KNEW it was what I had been looking for years.”

Here is Kira’s 6 month progress report!

“Hi fellow retrainers! It has now been six months since I attended the DNRS seminar in Sooke and the time has just flown by. I have been keeping track of all of my positive shifts, and I’ve made a list of the significant ones. Some days I am amazed at how far I have come. I am so grateful to DNRS and Annie Hopper for changing my life! Here are some of the awesome things I have experiences in since I started DNRS on July 9, 2018:

  • Significant reduction in fibromyalgia pain 80-90%.
  • Reduced my pain medication by 85-90% since starting DNRS. Completely stopped anti-inflammatory medication and muscle relaxants.
  • I am happy every day. Depression and anxiety are gone (including anxiety in crowds and driving on the highway).
  • Able to sit for 5+ hours pain free (before DNRS, only about 15-20 minutes).
  • Able to stand easily for an hour or more (before DNRS, about 10 mins).
  • Sleeping more soundly, often the whole night through. I feel relaxed waking up rather than startled. I usually feel rested after sleep now.
  • I don’t have to rest after waking up anymore.
  • Clenching my jaw a lot less during sleep.
  • Startle response has reduced considerably.
  • Less sensitive to noise and light.
  • I have more energy, physically and mentally, and more physical stamina.
  • I am able to do a lot more in a day, with ease.
  • My brain is much clearer, brain fog is mostly gone.
  • Headaches decreased from almost daily to 1-2 times per month. I can often stop a headache without medication now too.
  • Walking at least 25 minutes per day, every day.
  • Hypoglycemia is less pronounced.
  • POTS symptoms reduced.
  • Feeling motivated again, I am more productive, and procrastinating less.
  • The tip of my tongue is no longer red and sore all the time.
  • Reduced food cravings, especially for sugar, coffee, and alcohol, and reduced comfort eating.
  • No longer needing to rely on coffee for energy.
  • In less of a rush all the time, and feel much less pressured. I have more patience.
  • No need to sleep with an orthopedic pillow anymore.
  • I have comfortably gone on my first road trips in 8+ years.
  • Able to be more flexible and spontaneous.
  • My digestion has improved – no more reflux.
  • Often feel peaceful, tranquil, and relaxed.
  • Tinnitus is not quite as loud.
  • Friends have commented that I seem much happier, and I am doing more day-to-day.
  • I look forward to doing things (working, socializing, walking) now rather than dreading them.

I often do something and find myself saying ‘I could not have done that six months ago before DNRS.’ I can’t wait to see what the future months of DNRS brings!

To someone who is still suffering, I would say, medicine is evolving, and part of that evolution is the discovery that the brain is much more powerful and flexible than we thought. So many conditions that were previously not understood have now been linked to a limbic system impairment or injury, which is exciting, because that is something we can heal! We have so much more power than we think when it comes to managing our brains and changing our lives, and DNRS shows you how to create and focus that power in order to recover.

I have tried so many medications, seen so many specialists, and tried so many therapies, but nothing has come even close to working as well as DNRS has. I would probably not have believed it had I not tried it myself. I don’t think I would have otherwise imagined that working with my brain for an hour a day could resolve symptoms that I have had for decades.That is the beauty of neuroplasticity and DNRS. It may seem too good to be true, but it’s not. It is absolutely real. I have had so many wonderful shifts already, and I can’t wait to see what my future with DNRS holds.”

The post It’s a Whole New World appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.
