Anxiety Archives - Dynamic Neural Retraining System™ Thu, 21 Dec 2023 19:34:20 +0000 en-CA hourly 1 Anxiety Archives - Dynamic Neural Retraining System™ 32 32 From Bed-Bound to the Dance Floor: Paul’s Reflections on His DNRS Recovery Journey Fri, 28 Apr 2023 19:34:55 +0000 Paul had found no real solutions to his myriad of health issues despite an endless string of doctors and over 40 diagnoses and...

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Paul had found no real solutions to his myriad of health issues despite an endless string of doctors and over 40 diagnoses and symptoms.  In fact, some doctors suggested that he would have to endure many of the conditions and symptoms for the rest of his life.  He had lost his job, his home, his cars, his relationship and his independence.

Deciding to embrace DNRS as a healing modality on the advice of a progressive doctor he respected was a pivotal moment in Paul’s life. He had once brushed off the suggestion of a friend to try DNRS, but now he was ready. At the time, he could barely function, and his mother had to care for him as he could no longer do simple activities of daily living, like showering or cooking.  It seemed like everything he did would cause an upswell in symptoms.  Once Paul made the commitment to engage in DNRS, he applied the DNRS neuroplasticity exercises daily, and developed creative ways to stay motivated.

Along the way, Paul reached out to the community of brain retrainers and utilized DNRS support services to their fullest:

As a result of his dedication to his healing journey, Paul’s reality is completely different now

Spoiler alert: Paul admits that sometimes he cries tears of joy because he didn’t know the level of happiness he has now could exist. 

In this, a reflection on his recovery journey in his own words (with minor edits for length and clarity), Paul describes the life events and habits that culminated in a health crisis, what Star-Trek inspiration he used to fuel his DNRS-based recovery, and what his life is like now

Exciting New Capacities After Overcoming the Odds

I am writing this update with an open heart and a feeling of immense gratitude. I remember back in early 2020 when I joined the DNRS community, I would read similar sentiments from other brain retrainers who were either recovered or at the later stages of their recovery journey. It was such a foreign concept to me and one that I could not relate to back then.

Since that time, my life has expanded and I continue to grow as a person: 

  • I have hopped on a couple of airplanes, once to fly to Houston, Texas to visit a close friend and the other time to fly to Las Vegas. 
  • I can dance for long periods of time any day of the week. 
  • I went on a 9 mile hike recently. 
  • I have been spending a lot of time in the kitchen, sometimes on my feet for 2 hours, cooking away new inventions or trying out new recipes. I remember back in the day when I could only eat one food and even eating that one food caused discomfort.
  • While I have had food freedom for quite some time now, it seems that even foods that used to give me moderate issues don’t bother me at all. 

Someone asked me recently if I had recovered. I honestly didn’t know how to answer that momentarily because that word doesn’t have the same meaning that it once did. The short answer to that question is no. I still have symptoms that I want to rewire. I still have some beliefs and ways of being that I want to rewire.

But I have my life back

I can do almost anything. I can go anywhere. I recently drove for 6 hours straight and felt I could drive another 6. I don’t second guess my decisions anymore. If I want to drive an hour away to go visit a friend, I do it. Later on in this blog post I will share some of the medical labels that I have overcome, some of which I was told I would have for the rest of my life or that there was no known cure for it. I think to really understand how far I have come it’s important to give a little background information about myself.



Limbic System Dysregulation From a Young Age 

I was born into a chaotic household, with an alcoholic father who was unpredictable and would be calm and nice one minute and then as if someone flipped a switch he would start yelling and behaving erratically. One of the ways our limbic system and nervous system learns how to regulate is through our caretakers, which is usually our parents. Both my parents were not regulated people so my brain and nervous system didn’t stand a chance. 

As a very young child I remember my parents taking me to the health fairy (my word for any health professional) several times because they thought something was wrong with me. I would get reactions from a lot of foods, I had trouble sleeping, I wet the bed until I was 6 years old, and sometimes I wouldn’t talk for days. My parents were concerned about me.

Physical Traumas Compounded

In high school I was playing Spiderman on one of the spiral staircases and I fell down two stories and I landed on a very hard floor flat on my back. Two of my classmates found me passed out on the floor and told me to go see one of my teachers. I had a slight concussion and a broken left hand, but nothing major happened. At least, that’s what it seemed like back then. 

During my college years I was involved in two head on car collisions while I was driving, both were the other driver’s fault. After my first car accident I developed panic attacks and I had trouble driving through intersections that had traffic lights. 

There were times when I would be sitting in the classroom and I would get up suddenly and run towards the exit. Most of my professors didn’t appreciate that and after class I went to go talk to them to explain what I was dealing with. One of my psychology professors pulled me aside and said “I understand what you are going through.” I could see kindness and empathy in his eyes. He gave me the phone number to a therapist. That therapist was a wonderful person and he helped get rid of my panic attacks using hypnosis and they would stay away for about 2 decades.

Self-Medicating Away Sensitivities

Growing up I always felt different. I felt like I could read people’s thoughts and could feel everyone’s emotions. If someone was upset I would literally feel their emotions. I felt like a freak. I felt alone and misunderstood. I spent most of my weekends numbing myself with alcohol. It was the only thing that made me feel good and it numbed the pain deep inside of me.

After college I dove head first into my career, working for financial institutions and also starting businesses on the side. I was usually working or hanging out with my friends. I hardly ever slept and coffee and energy drinks were my jam. In late 1997 I lost my 20 year old baby sister and I felt numb for what seemed like months. I didn’t know how to grieve so I held it inside me and began doubling my work output at work and partying even harder on the weekends. I believed at that time that if life was so tough then I should at least go out and have fun with my friends.

The body has innate wisdom and I ignored all the signals it was trying to tell me. I began developing a bunch of symptoms such as digestive issues, memory issues, and more. Yet, I kept pushing and pushing. When I look back at those last few years that I worked, I honestly don’t even know how I did it – probably just sheer force of will. In early 2018, even that wasn’t enough to keep me going. 


Paul's Symptoms


After my nth trip to the emergency room, my boss pulled me aside and said that I needed to go on medical leave because I was unable to perform my duties at work. He was a very understanding manager; I was surprised he let me work as long as he did. New symptoms began surfacing and I no longer had the energy or the will to continue working. 

I wasn’t able to work and I was trying to hold onto my home, my cars, my relationship, and my sanity. I eventually lost them all and moved out of state with my mother and Stepfather. I felt alone, defeated, and deeply misunderstood.

I’m not going to get into what came next except to say that I spent a lot of time by myself in a dark room, not being able to handle light, sound, or much of anything. I didn’t think it was possible, but I continued to decline. 

My mother was supportive but didn’t understand what I was going through. And even though my stepfather let me live in their house rent free, he made it pretty clear that he didn’t understand and he wasn’t convinced that what I was experiencing was real. Things got to a point where I didn’t want to live anymore. I felt miserable and felt like a burden to my family. I wasn’t able to sleep and even medications weren’t helping. There was a period of several months where I could only sleep for 15-30 minutes at a time, if that.

A Pivotal Decision & Commitment

One night during one of my darkest hours, I decided to make a choice. I made a decision that I would do whatever it took to get better. I also made a promise that I would do whatever it took so that my dear mother would not have to experience that kind of loss again. Once I made that firm decision, my outlook began to change.

About a year later, I was following a doctor on Facebook and he mentioned DNRS. I remember him mentioning that about 2 years ago but I discounted it. Well, I was in a much different state of mind. I was fueled by something much bigger than myself, and that was to get better so that my mother wouldn’t have to suffer watching her son decline. It gave me a strength and focus that I didn’t think was possible. 

I bought DNRS in January of 2020, but didn’t start watching it until the beginning of March. It took me nearly a month to get through all the material because I could only watch it in increments of a few minutes. Part of me believed it could help and part of me didn’t. It was a near-constant battle inside of me. The part of me that made the decision to do whatever it took won and would continue winning.

At the start of my journey with DNRS  I could barely function, my mother had to cook all my meals for me, I needed help to go to the bathroom, and I rarely showered because if I did, it would cause an increase in symptoms. 

The Kobayashi Maru-Inspired Approach

Despite the rough start I dedicated myself to the program. Though I hated structure, I have to admit I needed the structure that DNRS gave me in the beginning. I had a lot of cognitive issues so knowing what to do each day was helpful. As time went on I slowly began adding more tools to my toolbox. I was relentless.

Please note that relentlessness did not mean using my tools all day long. It just meant that I would do my daily practice, even if it meant not doing my whole hour of rounds. I would make it a point to do something, even if it was to go outside, sit down on the grass, and listen to the birds sing.

Because working the program was so challenging for me in the beginning, I began thinking about how I could make this process easier or at least more joyful. I started thinking about that episode of Star Trek where Captain Kirk passed a test that had a No-Win scenario called the Kobayashi Maru. He won the test by reprogramming the simulation.

I decided to go “Kobayashi Maru” on DNRS. In other words, I decided to create a container and environment that stacked the odds in my favor. 

For example, I realized that I hated to do the DNRS exercises and my limbic impaired brain was also resistant to doing them. Just being honest. So I struggled with them for a few months until I decided to ask a better question. What process can I come up with so that I can hard rewire my brain to either like doing them or at least feel neutral about them? To learn more about how I did it click here. *Editor’s note: to view Paul’s original post in the Global Community Forum, you must be a member of the DNRS program.


Paul DNRS structure quote (2)


Turning a Corner

After some time I began liking doing the DNRS exercises. And today, I love to do them. And if you’re wondering if I still get resistance to doing them, the answer is yes. The limbic system likes to resist doing them sometimes, but since I look forward to doing them, they get done. It’s kinda strange to me sometimes that I can like to do something but my limbic system has something else to say about it.

I began connecting with others to do things that were supportive of our recovery journeys. We began doing pillar 5 together by laughing together, dancing together, singing together, doing meditations together, and more. Over time I had enough friends that I could call up that finding someone to do practice with or elevate our moods together wasn’t an issue. I didn’t feel so alone anymore and it made it much, much easier to do my daily practice.

My Kobayashi-Maru-Captain-Kirk-inspired strategy worked. As my daily practice turned into newly formed habits, I didn’t have to think anymore about doing it. I would do my practice everyday and I began noticing things starting to shift.

Then & Now: Much More Than Physical Recovery

It’s been 34 months and while there is more work to be done, I am living a full life! I started a business at the beginning of the year and it is going better than expected. I am very active. I walk nearly every day, I shadow box, play basketball, and do Qigong several times a week. I went on a couple of dates recently which felt really good. I hadn’t gone out on a date in years but I handled the dates with ease and grace. At first I hesitated even trying to go out on a date because I don’t have my own place or car yet and I am still in the early stages of putting my life back together, but then I eventually realized that the right person will see past all that.

And while I am happy about all these things, what stands out for me is how I feel and how clear-headed I am. I wake up most days full of gratitude, contentment and joy. My family has noticed how much I have changed, especially these past few months. I laugh a lot. My silliness has returned and I crack a lot of jokes. I sometimes cry tears of joy because I didn’t know this level of happiness even existed. 

Part of me thought that some of the testimonials I read in the past were probably exaggerated. I can definitely say they were not. It really is that good! And looking back at all the hard work, it was SO totally worth it all.


Paul happiness quote


For those of you that are curious about which symptoms I have overcome so far, I am about to mention them.

I have overcome the following labels:

  • Lyme, Babesia
  • Food sensitivities, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Mold sensitivity
  • Night terrors, Nightmares, Sleepwalking, Insomnia
  • Chronic Fatigue, Brain fog, Malaise, Adrenal Fatigue
  • Muscle weakness, Back pain, Pelvic pain
  • Paraesthesia (burning or prickling sensations), Twitching, Blood pressure spikes
  • Extreme weight loss, Malnutrition, Hypoglycemia, Hyperglycemia
  • Dry skin, Dry eyes, Eye floaters
  • Body temperature dysregulation, Excessive sweating, Frequent urination
  • ADHD, Depression, Panic attacks, Suicidal ideation, Hallucinations (visual and auditory)
  • Fear of being alone, Fear of people, Fear of driving, and other phobias
  • SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), Gastroparesis, Erosive gastritis, Esophagitism, Barret’s Esophagus

Paul hope quote


Rewiring Your Reality: Parting Words of Wisdom 

There’s a part of me that wants to hop onto a time machine and go back during my darkest times in 2018 and give myself a very long, deep hug and tell myself that everything will eventually be okay. I want to tell my past self that no matter how challenging things get there is always hope; the mind and body have an amazing ability to heal and sometimes it needs extra support, encouragement, and tenacity wrapped under a blanket of self love and self compassion.

There’s a lot I could write about all the ups and downs, how I handled the doubt and the fear, and how to overcome adversity, and I will go into more details in later blog posts. I think for now I want to give a word of encouragement that no matter how dark things get, there are plenty of sources of light to light the way. And there is always a way forward. Don’t allow the imbalanced limbic system to convince you otherwise.

One of the biggest cons that the limbic system played on me was that it had me believe that it was in charge. Well, it turns out that it’s not. Once I realized that I had the power to override my limbic system, I knew it wasn’t my boss. Not only was it not in charge, but if I kept doing and saying certain things every day, the limbic system would have to take notice and the new neural pathways would eventually force it to see things my way. While one of the primary functions of the limbic system was to keep me alive and safe, it also had another purpose: to help me get what I want. So I made sure that I sent it a unified message every single day of what I wanted.

Through most of my life I had a brain and nervous system that never felt truly safe. So I learned how to send those signals of safety to my brain in a language it understood. I started doing it from a paradigm of wanting to fix myself, but then I moved away from that because that was creating another limbic stress loop . So, I changed to a paradigm of softness, patience, self love and compassion. There was nothing to fix. 

 “In the middle of winter, I at last discovered that there was in me an invincible summer.

– Albert Camus

I just needed to find that invincible summer inside of me. For me, my invincible summer started with a choice, followed by a commitment to myself and something greater than myself, following my own intuition, and never giving up. And that has made all the difference in the world. 

No matter how bad the winters get, each of you have an invincible summer inside of you. I know that you do. I believe in you. Keep moving forward.


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Doctor Liz’s Recovery Changed Her World Tue, 15 Feb 2022 22:59:12 +0000 I had many health issues for over ten years which were treated in isolation with no clear link to each other... Fifteen minutes on the DNRS website changed my world!

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Dr. Liz’s Healing Experience in Her Own Words

I had many health issues for over ten years which were treated in isolation with no clear link to each other.  After reaching rock bottom, I happened to find DNRS after reading one of Norman Doidge’s books. I searched “brain rewiring programs” and up came the DNRS website! Fifteen minutes on the website changed my world!

I signed up for DNRS immediately and started the program that evening.  I was so relieved, so happy and so grateful. I KNEW this was my answer. I had a chronic stress related condition, and it was affecting many systems of my body. I knew the breadth of traditional and Integrative medicine, what they could (some wonderful things) and could not offer. The science behind DNRS made sense. The pieces of the puzzle came together as I sat there.  And, as they say, the rest is history!

During my time undertaking the DNRS program, I have tried to keep my “medical hat” off as much as is humanly possible after more than 30 years as a practising doctor. I had lots of medical knowledge of course, but zero knowledge on practical neuroplasticity or brain retraining. I was a newbie just like everyone else.

My life is so wonderfully and incredibly different to the life I had 2 years ago. I have immense gratitude for Annie Hopper and this ground-breaking program she has created. Thank you, Annie, from the bottom of my heart. I am also grateful to my Certified DNRS Coaches and all the DNRS participants who have gone before me who have contributed their thoughts, ideas, inspirations, and successes to assist others. Your generosity is an absolute gift to those working the program.

During my time on the DNRS forum whilst following the program, daily I witnessed so many people making the most amazing gains in their physical, mental, and emotional health. So many gains in their daily functioning, sometimes from being largely bedridden to leading a full active life. The program works. Those of us who have lived this program for extended periods do not doubt the value of this program. It still amazes me. The power of neuroplasticity!

Here is the list of conditions related to limbic system impairment that I recovered from through the DNRS Program:

  • Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
  • Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome
  • Tinnitus
  • Brain Fog/cognitive issues
  • Gastrointestinal issues -IBS/reflux/food intolerances and others
  • Bladder issues/overactive bladder
  • Chronic pain/diffuse pain daily
  • Cold sensitivity for years/ Light sensitivity/ noise sensitivity at times
  • Anxiety
  • Sleep disturbance

Dr Elizabeth (Liz)
GP and Integrative Health Practitioner
MB, BS (Hons) UNSW (Australia), FRACGP

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Jenna: 20 Doctors Later, the Answer was DNRS! Tue, 07 Dec 2021 13:08:04 +0000 Jenna used the Dynamic Neural Retraining System™ (DNRS) to recover from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (Mold Illness), Chronic Pain, Chronic...

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Multiple Chemical Sensitivity - Retraining the Brain

Jenna used the Dynamic Neural Retraining System™ (DNRS) to recover from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (Mold Illness), Chronic Pain, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Food Sensitivities, Electric Hypersensitivity, Anxiety, and more.

“I know you’re finally in the right place… because so many of us out there are professional researchers. We’ve been looking at so many things and tried so many doctors and so many treatments. But there was a reason, for me, why it never stuck.” – Jenna, after recovering with DNRS

Jenna realized that the reason why prior medical treatment attempts were futile is because her brain and body were stuck in a fight, flight or freeze response. When she addressed rewiring brain function with DNRS, her health finally started to improve.

Before DNRS: Many Symptoms, More Doctors, No Answers

Jenna’s symptoms started gradually over a period of several years. In 2007, she reached her tipping point after burning out with work and an adrenaline-based lifestyle.

She started feeling fatigue all the time, when prior to this she had always been very active and fit. Jenna also started getting sick a lot. Being an overachiever, she pushed herself even harder through it all, with a ‘suck it up’ attitude.

Jenna explains how her symptoms continued to worsen:

“In 2013 it all hit the fan, with overwhelming mysterious symptoms cascading one after another and leading me to an endless series of doctors and diagnoses. Those diagnoses included chronic pain, food sensitivities, multiple chemical sensitivity, breast implant illness, chronic inflammatory response syndrome, vertigo, chronic fatigue syndrome, and anxiety.”

Jenna's Chronic Illness Before DNRS

Jenna saw multiple doctors and specialists, including a cardiologist, rheumatologist, and a neurologist. They tested her for everything from Multiple Sclerosis, to brain tumors, to various auto-immune disorders. Her doctors had no real answers or solutions for her.

She then turned her sights to natural medicine and holistic doctors. After months of detoxes, alternative treatments, and various elimination diet protocols, she found herself struggling with the same chronic symptoms and weighing 25 pounds lighter.

Mold Illness - DNRS

Jenna’s environmental medicine doctor recommended checking her house for mold. She and her husband spent upwards of $100,000 completely remediating their home. However, despite detoxing her home and body, these measures did not improve Jenna’s condition.

How Seeking Answers Finally Leads to DNRS

At this point, Jenna says she was unsure how she would go on. However, her environmental medicine doctor shared that she had another patient who had found DNRS and was making remarkable strides in recovery. She recommended Jenna look into the program.

“I remember watching the DNRS testimonial videos online and just crying my eyes out. There were other people out there like me?! There were people who had survived all these insane symptoms and had fully recovered? I could have hope again.

Initially, my goal was just to walk my dog around the block again. I never dreamed that I would be able to run – and now I run with my dog as long and far as I want!”

Watch the video below to hear Jenna’s journey to recovery in her own words:

Why DNRS Worked for Jenna

After taking the DNRS program, it all made sense to Jenna why she suffered for years with a “snowballing” cascade of chronic illness symptoms. It was because her brain’s limbic system was stuck in a maladapted fight, flight, freeze response and her body was following the brain’s signals: that she was constantly under attack, even when the initial threat was no longer present. Under stress or during a trauma (viral, toxic exposure, emotional, physical) your brain can get stuck in this chronic illness cycle like a broken record.

This limbic system impairment is commonly found in people who have long battled with a chronic illness that has not been responsive to the myriad of treatments they have tried.

Limbic System Impairment

The DNRS program helps you understand how brain function is involved in your illness, how to rewire your brain and move into a rest and digest state – creating the right environment for your body to heal. This self-directed, online program that you can do from home has helped thousands of people like Jenna regain their health and reclaim their lives.

“I’ve heard people call it [DNRS] a miracle. To me, it feels like a miracle, but it’s science.” – Jenna

Jenna’s Life After DNRS

Jenna now happily lives in her same home that was remediated and says she is grateful to have kept most of her belongings. She travels, eats anything she wants, exercises, works, and lives a life free of limitations. In celebration of her full recovery Jenna has an inspiring message that she would like to share with others.

“As soon as I started the program, I was able to do more and had so many little victories – I knew DNRS was my answer. After about 8 months I was no longer ill, but some symptoms were more stubborn. I still dealt with difficult days and was left with some emotional and physical symptoms that still impacted my life. And so, I just kept going. There were ups and downs and side steps, but all along I continued to improve. I worked the program every single day and I spoke with a certified DNRS Coach on a regular basis.”

“I remember my DNRS coach telling me that I would get to the point where I would forget what it was like to be sick, and I said, “No way!” But it’s true. I am healthy and having fun and I have moved on with my life. I have so much more to think about, I forgot about symptoms and limitations and started embracing LIVING life!”

Jenna's Recover with DNRS

“Recovery to me is a sense of peace and calm that feels very solid. I sleep great, I eat everything and anything I want, I cook beautiful meals for friends and family, I go everywhere without a thought, I travel, I work, I’m very social. I run our two businesses, I exercise and feel strong. I enjoy balance and self care. I have so much more to give to my husband, my family, my friends, and it is such a joy.” – Jenna

Encouragement for Your Own Healing Journey

If you are suffering in similar ways that Jenna did, with few solutions to a mountain of chronic illness symptoms, she wants you to know that, “You don’t have to suffer any more.”

My heart goes out to you. I remember how impossible it seemed to look beyond it. But you can fully, wholly heal. You can live your life to the fullest. You can eat what you want, go where you want, do what you want. You can have energy for your loved ones and the things you love to do.”

This program is the real deal. It’s not internet BS, it’s not woo-woo hocus-pocus. It’s science. And it works. DNRS is not instant, it takes time and diligence to rewire your brain, but it is the most empowering thing I have ever done, and I am grateful to have my life back every day!”

My life is so much better now than it was before I ever had experienced illness. I’m so deeply grateful to Annie, my DNRS coaches and the whole DNRS community for their guidance, unwavering support, and cheerleading every step of the way.” – Jenna

Jenna's Life After DNRS

Your Next Steps

Learn more about how the program works, or click the button below to experience part of the program for yourself with our 7-day free trial:

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Johanna: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Food Sensitivities, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and Anxiety Mon, 13 Jan 2020 10:17:11 +0000 Johanna used the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS) program online to recover from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Food Sensitivities. After...

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Johanna after recovery

Johanna used the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS) program online to recover from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Food Sensitivities.

After celebrating her special one year DNRS anniversary, she shared her amazing story in the video below:



In her own words, here is a summary of Johanna’s recovery journey with DNRS:

Exactly a year ago, I sat down to watch the DNRS Instructional Videos for the first time.
Although a little bit of my initial skepticism had faded when I read Wired for Healing, I still had doubts.And yet I remember saying that if it at least helped me improve by 10%, it was worth giving it a try.

I had hit rock bottom.

I could only leave home wearing a mask to go for a daily walk in the countryside.
I would only occasionally meet family and friends outside.
My energy levels were so low that I could barely function and I was having more and more debilitating reactions, such that most weeks I couldn’t manage more than about 6 – 10 hours of work.

I could only eat about 24 different foods and there were many foods I was sure I would never eat again in my life.

Funnily enough, I only thought DNRS might help me with my tolerance to chemicals.
Little did I know a year ago how many other things DNRS was going to help me with. Little did I know that today I would be fully recovered and living a completely normal life again.

Johanna with family

And little did I know that I would be able to be with my loved ones again – meeting them at home and hugging them again.

I was also able to get back to doing a number of activities I once loved:

  • Eat in restaurants and eat anything I want.
  • Go out into the world: to shops, the theatre and anywhere I want.
  • Go to work full-time.
  • Not only attend, but also be the “last bridesmaid standing” at my best friend’s wedding.
  • Go travel the world.
  • Go running regularly and take part in races (and even win a couple of very unexpected trophies).
  • And so much more…

However, the journey wasn’t without its bumps.
By the 4th and final day of watching the DNRS instructional videos, this is what I wrote in my journal:

“I had to take a break between day 3 and 4 as I had a gastric bug.
But I’m so happy that I’m better now and completing the DNRS Online course and I’m really looking forward to my new routine.
I’m focusing on my goals the way I did when I had the stress fracture in my leg and treating my practice with the same commitment that I had towards my physiotherapy. Just like I knew my leg wouldn’t be weak forever, I also must stop thinking that this will be my life forever.”

Johanna with children

A year on, how glad I am that I decided that I would give DNRS a try.
And I’m so glad that you’ve found DNRS too. And no matter what part of the journey you’re on, know that DNRS will transform your life.

Wishing you all the very best, always.


If you are ready to start your own journey to recovery with DNRS, click the button below:

Get started

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Creating a Milestones List: Joanna’s Important Look Back Fri, 09 Aug 2019 20:32:41 +0000 Joanna has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Lyme Disease, Food Sensitivities, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, and...

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Joanna has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Lyme Disease, Food Sensitivities, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, and Anxiety.

Joanna began noticing symptoms of Limbic System Impairment when she was a child. She recalls, “I would get tired more quickly than others, and was fearful around people I didn’t know well, but I really started having problems as a young adult at the beginning of 2011.”

Prior to finding the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS), Joanna had visited several different doctors and specialists to try to find an answer to her accumulating list of symptoms, including a medical doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.), a nutritionist, a counselor, a chiropractor who specialized in treating Lyme Disease, and a naturopath who specializes in genetics and detoxification.

Joanna eventually found out about DNRS through a friend and again online. “A friend of my mom’s had mentioned it before, but there were so many suggestions being made about what would help, that we didn’t really look into it.  I really got interested after seeing a video on YouTube – it was a testimonial of someone who had similar health problems as I did, and had been seeing progress with DNRS.  That’s when I knew I wanted to try it.”

Joanna’s List of Milestones

Joanna has experienced many positive shifts in her health and quality of life during her DNRS journey. She shared her list of recent milestones on our Global Community Forum to reflect on just how far her recovery has progressed with the program: 

SO MUCH has changed since my last blog post about 6 months ago.  Here are just some of the changes I’ve seen!

  1. I now do something out of the house 4-5 times a week!!  This is a huge change!  Before DNRS, it was more like 2 times a week.
  1. I am able to freely say YES when friends ask me to do something with them, instead of being “scheduled out” for the next 2 months because of limited energy. 
  1. I can eat as much fruit as I want!  Enjoying different things I can make with it.  
  1. I am eating some dairy and thoroughly enjoying it.
  1. I am a lot less sensitive to fragrances.  I used to have to air out fragrant library books in the garage before reading them.  Now, I haven’t noticed fragrance on any library books for the last few months! 
  1. On my more low-key, rest days, I am able to do crafts and other creative things and even a small job or two.  And they are RESTFUL to me.  Before, my rest days looked more like laying on the couch most of the day. 
  1. I feel more like myself at work and around people.  I am so much more calm and I can think more clearly.  I am more in control of what I think and do instead of being “taken over” by adrenaline.  Ah, it’s so very wonderful and refreshing to just feel like ME. 
  1. Going on walks is no big deal now. 
  1. I spontaneously decide to do things that take energy, instead of feeling like I have to “ration” my energy out. 
  1. Huge lessening in the “addictive” pull of my computer/phone.  Learning to USE them instead of them controlling me.
  1. Recovering so much faster after big days.
  1. No to little anxiety when messaging or texting people.  And I don’t agonize over the “perfect” way to say things.
  1. My mind doesn’t get “stuck” thinking about something as much.  I have more control over what I think about and am able to move on to thinking about new things easier.
  1. I notice things around me more instead of being stuck in my head. 
  1. Happy dreams more often.
  1. Getting going faster in the morning, instead of being zoned out for the first hour or two.
  1. Have had people over to our house a few times, even if they wear a lot of fragrances!
  1. Monthly cycle getting closer to “normal”.
  1. Once in a while I go out and do something for a bit on the same day that I work in the morning!  Unheard of before! 
  1. Was confronted with a subject that I used to panic over…like I used to not be able to get my mind unstuck from it for days.  BUT THIS TIME I was able to redirect my mind. I felt like I was able to handle and process it in a healthy way!  I was in awe and amazed! 
  1. Was able to go to a petting farm, I wanted to go to for years!!  And there’s a possibility of going horse-back riding there this summer.  Yay, energy!

And there are so many more, too. It is so good to look back at all the amazing ways DNRS has helped me so far.  I can tend to start only looking at what hasn’t changed yet, but looking back at this, I realize how many amazing things I can be grateful for.  I remember, before I found DNRS, thinking that if I could only have the energy to make it out of the house a couple more times a week, I would be content.  I want to celebrate that, and how far I’ve come. 

Joanna’s Advice for Chronic Illness Sufferers

To someone who is still suffering and might have doubts about whether it is worth putting faith in brain retraining with DNRS, Joanna sends this message:

“I know you have probably been recommended so many things, tried so many treatments, and gotten your hopes up so many times, only to not have it work. I know you might not want to try something and get your hopes up AGAINBut the thing with DNRS is, there is nothing to lose.  I truly believe that everyone would benefit from doing the program. I have seen so much transformation in my emotional and thought life since starting DNRS.  I am no longer ‘stuck’.  I can move forward. I am a different person from when I started, not only physically, but also emotionally and spiritually.  I truly believe that DNRS will help heal those of you with chronic illness, and I know that through this program you will have outstanding growth as a person.”

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Going in the Right Direction Sat, 27 Jul 2019 22:02:05 +0000 Angela has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Electric Hypersensitivity Syndrome, ​Food Sensitivities, Depression, and Anxiety. Angela...

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Angela has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Electric Hypersensitivity Syndrome, ​Food Sensitivities, Depression, and Anxiety.

Angela began to experience symptoms associated with limbic system impairment in childhood, and later a “perfect storm” of stressors six years ago dramatically increased her symptoms. Prior to finding the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS), she had visited several doctors and specialists including her primary care physician, a neurologist, cardiologist, allergist and immunologist, acupuncturist, health coach, nutritionist, environmental medicine specialist, precision medicine doctor, chiropractor and applied kinesiologist, homeopath, and more to try to find an answer for her accumulating list of symptoms.

Angela eventually discovered DNRS when it was mentioned in one of the many illness-related online forums she was a part of. She recently shared her exciting and inspiring progress on our Community Forum: 

Hello Friends!  Since my last post, so many things have changed!  

In April I went to the seminar in Greensboro! I found out the week beforehand that my workplace would not be extending my disability and that I would have to return. At that time, I felt like I was not ready. However, I didn’t have a choice, so I agreed to return to work May 1st, but working from home. I went to the seminar and it was an amazing, life-changing experience. I learned so much more about how to implement the daily practice, and being in that environment taught me so much about what I could do. And connecting with everyone there was priceless.  

On the Monday after the seminar, I learned that I would not be able to return to work from home, that I would have to work four days in the office and one day from home (our policy for the whole company). Since I work on the 12th floor of a large office building in the city, and my main environmental trigger is there, this was quite a surprise to me! But luckily I had just attended the seminar and I was feeling confident. I returned to work that Wednesday. The first several days were very challenging, but I listened to what my DNRS coach said and I persisted! One of my major symptoms was electromagnetic sensitivity and it was almost completely gone by the end of the second week. This was a giant leap. This is the power of DNRS and of our amazing brains!

I now am working, and my brain works better than it ever has. I am a data analyst and my job requires a lot of focus and concentration, and I would say these things are improved at least 30% from BEFORE my symptoms first came on at all. I also started walking and training with heat and activity. This is also something that has improved quickly and I can walk up to 4 miles now. Amazing! I spent 2 hours in full sun and 84 degree weather and I was able to do it!

Last weekend I went to see a Scottish indie band that I love. I stayed through the entire opening band and four songs of the band I went to see. My husband and I left and went to a restaurant and had a really great evening together. I didn’t want to just go home, so we went to the restaurant and had an amazing meal and had lots of fun talking and laughing with each other. In fact, we are going to another concert tomorrow night, just one week later. 

There’s still some more work for me to do, and that’s ok. There is no timeline on my healing. I just know I am going in the right direction. The point is, I do what I want now. I no longer make decisions based on how strong my symptoms are on a given day.

To someone who is still suffering, Angela’s message is, “Do not give up! You have been searching everywhere for answers but I promise that the power to heal everything – physical, mental, and emotional, is inside of you, inside of your brain.  It is the most empowering, life-changing thing you can do!  I have my life back because of DNRS and I am just one of so, so many.”

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Karoliina: Migraines, Ulcerative Colitis, Chemical, Food and Light Sensitivities, Pain, Anxiety Sun, 09 Jun 2019 08:47:31 +0000 The post Karoliina: Migraines, Ulcerative Colitis, Chemical, Food and Light Sensitivities, Pain, Anxiety appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.


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Testing the Waters Fri, 19 Apr 2019 20:41:19 +0000 Victor has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Electric Hypersensitivity Syndrome, Depression, Anxiety, Adrenal Fatigue, Hypoglycemia, and more. Victor starting...

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Victor has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Electric Hypersensitivity Syndrome, Depression, Anxiety, Adrenal Fatigue, Hypoglycemia, and more.

Victor starting noticing symptoms associated with limbic system impairment in 1995. He began having panic attacks that eventually led to ongoing social and generalized anxiety. He recalls, “Later in my 30s and early 40s, life events and stressors took their toll and on April 29, 2017, I reached a tipping point when I was getting up from lying down. All sorts of other symptoms began, like vestibular issues and migraines, heart arrhythmias, low blood pressure, electrical sensitivities, mood swings, tinnitus, and motion, exercise, heat, light, and sound intolerances. I soon couldn’t even tolerate driving, watching TV, going to the grocery store, or even reading.” Prior to finding the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS), Victor had visited several different doctors and specialists to try to find an answer to his accumulating list of symptoms. “I saw general M.D. practitioners, Neurologists, ENTs, and Audiologists, where they either wanted to just medicate or send me for diagnostic studies with no real answers. Having been in the Chiropractic field, I then went to Functional Medicine doctors, Acupuncturists, BodyTalk Energy Medicine practitioners, and Functional Neurologists who had a better sense of treating me, but still not to any significant degree of improvement.”

Victor found out about DNRS after his Functional Medicine doctor recommended the program as a treatment for his electrical sensitivities. “It was the only system that she knew of that had treatment for EMF sensitivities. I got on the website and ordered the DVD transcriptions and said ‘Ok, I’ll figure out a way to get through them!’” 

When describing his progress, Victor writes, “3 weeks later in December 2017 I started my DNRS practice, and I knew that this program was exactly what I needed. Within about 3 months I could actually watch the DVDs on a mini DVD player. “Little by little” became my motto, and soon I was able to start using my phone more, participate on the Community Forum, and my vestibular migraines dissipated. After about 6 months, my heart rhythm and blood pressure normalized and the dizziness was gone.  I started to exercise lightly, drive my car more and more, and “little by little” adding all the things I love like being in the hot sun, playing guitar, and lots of yoga. Fast forward to 12 months, and I started to work part-time, working out five times a week, and I’ve been engaging in life in so many ways. I’ve also learned how to continually build more healthy emotional processing and let go of old negative patterns. It’s. Simply. Amazing!”

Victor also shared this exciting update on our Community Forum: 

On April 8, 2019, I surfed for the first time in almost two years, and it was a surreal incredible experience. #DNRSrocks

Got into the water to “test the waters” and wow, wound up surfing for an hour and a half! I’ve put a lot of effort and gratefully reaping some serious progress!!  

Everyone, keep at it!!! Blessings to all 🙂

One of the greatest things this program has taught me is that I can really learn how to respond to life in a calm way no matter what is happening and that is priceless. I am getting closer to a full recovery and I am super grateful, way beyond what can be expressed in writing.

To someone who is still suffering, Victor’s message is, “For people already training with DNRS, it’s only a matter of time…keeping on keeping on with your retraining!! And for those seeking health and freedom again, just start!! This is truly a life changing program based on science and our wonderful ability to self-heal. Just do the DNRS program! It will be the best decision you’ll ever make.”



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Onward and Upward Wed, 03 Apr 2019 22:35:48 +0000 Christina has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Chronic Pain, Food Sensitivities, ​Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder​, Depression, Anxiety, Irritable Bowel Syndrome,...

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Christina has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Chronic Pain, Food Sensitivities, ​Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder​, Depression, Anxiety, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, and more.

Christina had begun to experience symptoms associated with limbic system impairment in childhood. She recalls, “I overreacted to many, many events emotionally and exhibited behaviors of learned helplessness. I had on and off digestive symptoms, body image issues, eating and exercise disorders, and depression and anxiety that started in my preteen years.“ Prior to finding the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS), she had visited several therapists, and sought help from naturopaths, nutritionists, physical therapists, podiatrists, chiropractors, and medical doctors to attempt to get a more comprehensive diagnosis for her rapidly accumulating symptoms.

She eventually discovered DNRS when it was mentioned in a Facebook forum for people with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.

Christina has had many wonderful successes along the way of her recovery journey, and she shared her most recent progress on our Community Forum: 

My good friend and mentor reminded me yesterday that I should celebrate how far I have come, and I thought, what better way to celebrate than sharing all the goodness with my forum family!

This was my list of symptoms and what I couldn’t do when I started DNRS in February 2017. The duration of physical symptoms was about 7 years acutely, and the emotional stuff was on and off since birth. A naturopathic doctor diagnosed what follows.

Digestive symptoms fell under the categories of SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth),  system wide candida overgrowth, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and food sensitivities. I had about 25 foods that I could eat when I started, and 24/7 digestive symptoms. I was also nursing my twins.

I also experienced chronic pain, localized and widespread, burning, flushing, rashes, itching, numbness, tingling, random throat closing, insomnia, irregular cycles, poor metabolism, issues with the liver and gallbladder, detox issues, and possible Elhers-Danlos Syndrome. Things would pop up randomly and I can’t remember all of it, nor do I want to!

Emotionally, I experienced Anxiety (acute and generalized), Depression, PTSD, body image issues, and more.  

What I couldn’t do: Walk, except around the house. Drive. Clean my house. Take care of my kids. Cook. Shower.

During the first 4 months of my recovery I gained back all of those activities (except showering, but bathing became much more pleasant). I was walking 4 miles per day, and was more productive, a better parent, and had more peace, calm, and bliss than any other time in my life. I was utterly in love with life!

There has been an ebb and flow of symptoms along the way, but since January 2018, 99% of the physical symptoms have disappeared. The psychological symptoms mentioned above are about 80% gone – PTSD is completely gone, and as long as I am continuing to implement the program, none of them are present. I am still learning to love myself deeply, and I know that once that becomes a habit, I will be fully rewired.

At this point I have a fuller sense of who I am than any other time in my life. You can and will get YOU back through this process, even if you’ve never met you before. And that is absolutely priceless.

The most significant gains for me aren’t things one can see. Learning to trust the goodness of life, to live in a straight line for the first time (vs. in circles in my head as I did before), learning to live in the moment for the first time, learning to be in charge of my thoughts and emotions for the first time, learning to trust myself for the first time, so that other people’s actions no longer have power over me and know that what pleases me are good, healthy, life affirming choices. Learning to live from trust and love instead of fear and doubt is at the core of this, and is turning my life upside down in the best possible way. 

I now know and live, every day, the fact that I want to live and my life has value.

I sleep well now, walk 4-5 miles per day, and do some housework, cooking, and childcare each day. Expanding this is currently what I’m working on. I am thoroughly committed to the DNRS until my life is as full and glorious as I want it to be. Onward and upward, my friends!

To someone who is still suffering, Christina’s message is, “Give DNRS 100% effort as laid out for 6 months and see what happens. Set aside all doubt and fear and be open to accepting the magic that unfolds. This program has healed things in myself and my friends that so, so many mainstream practitioners have said were incurable. Recovered life is so, so, so much more than worth the effort it takes to get there! There is a life out there that is more beautiful, full, and free than you can imagine, all it takes is some faith and hard work. There IS hope, no matter your circumstances. You are the cure!”

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Claiming Freedom Thu, 14 Feb 2019 23:44:53 +0000 Laura has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Food Sensitivities, ​Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Depression, Anxiety, and Lyme...

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Laura has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Food Sensitivities, ​Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Depression, Anxiety, and Lyme Disease.

Laura first began to notice she was developing symptoms associated with limbic system impairment in 2016.  She recalls, “It began with a bladder infection that didn’t go away. I took antibiotics and soon after, my perfect storm began. Symptoms of all sort started: extreme anxiety, bladder infection symptoms, fatigue, fear, Candida, insomnia, night sweats, raging fear, and I started to react to foods.” She visited her general practitioner, along with urologists, internists, ER doctors, endocrine specialists, dentists, a psychiatrist, a naturopath, and Lyme literate doctor to try to find an answer to her growing list of symptoms.

She found out about DNRS online through a social media page related to her challenges. “Someone there was just starting out with the program and she suggested that I take a look. She was my angel.”

Laura has had many successes along the way during her DNRS recovery. She recently shared this inspiring update on our Community Forum: 

Hi friends!! 

I started the program almost a year ago. Specifically on January 1, 2018. I still remember the joy with which I opened the package with my DVDs. I knew it was the beginning of a new life for me, a new version of myself began with the change of year.

Many things have happened during this 2018 that are nearing completion: I left my wheelchair, I lost my fear of food, I lost the fear of being afraid, and I decided to make the decision to love myself above all else.

I have had moments in which I have clearly felt my body 100%, and they have been glorious. Many of them came without warning and I was immersed in a sea of ​​tears of happiness. There were many years of emotional wounds in my limbic system, but instead of getting scared and thinking that it is a titanic job, I embrace it and unravel them gently and at the pace that the universe wants best for me.

This last trimester in which the beautiful summer ended and we submerged in the fall, I have gone back to dating. I’m dating a nice guy, have gone to two more concerts, and I have been in this man’s house frequently, eating the same food as him. I choose to live, I choose not to focus on the lies of my limbic brain. 

Choose to live, choose your happiness, you can do it. We can do it. Life unfolds in beautiful colors and flavors, people, and new places. Claim it, claim your freedom. This is the most amazing and fulfilling journey EVER. 

To someone else who is still suffering, Laura’s message is, “Never lose hope, trust the universe and DNRS, your brain is more than capable of rewiring, be committed, trust yourself and keep going ’till the miracle happens.”

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It’s a Whole New World Fri, 18 Jan 2019 17:08:15 +0000 Kira has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Pain, ​Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder​, Depression, Anxiety,...

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Kira has been using the Dynamic Neural Retraining System to recover from Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Pain, ​Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder​, Depression, Anxiety, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, ​Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome and more. 

Kira started to notice she was developing symptoms associated with limbic system impairment almost 30 years ago. She recalls, “It began with Anxiety and panic attacks, and then IBS. Little did I know that that was just the beginning of years of accumulating new symptoms and conditions. I have visited so many different doctors: GPs, neurologist, gynecologists (several), gastroenterologist, allergist, internists, occupational therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, and most recently a complex pain specialist. I think there are some more specialists I am missing because 30 years is a long time and I don’t remember them all. I have also seen countless naturopaths, homeopaths, herbalists, chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage therapists, physiotherapists, energy healers, shamans, and more. You name it, I have tried it.”

She found out about DNRS through her complex pain specialist. “It was one of the first things the specialist recommended after assessing me, and I am so glad I checked out the website because as soon as I read about DNRS, I KNEW it was what I had been looking for years.”

Here is Kira’s 6 month progress report!

“Hi fellow retrainers! It has now been six months since I attended the DNRS seminar in Sooke and the time has just flown by. I have been keeping track of all of my positive shifts, and I’ve made a list of the significant ones. Some days I am amazed at how far I have come. I am so grateful to DNRS and Annie Hopper for changing my life! Here are some of the awesome things I have experiences in since I started DNRS on July 9, 2018:

  • Significant reduction in fibromyalgia pain 80-90%.
  • Reduced my pain medication by 85-90% since starting DNRS. Completely stopped anti-inflammatory medication and muscle relaxants.
  • I am happy every day. Depression and anxiety are gone (including anxiety in crowds and driving on the highway).
  • Able to sit for 5+ hours pain free (before DNRS, only about 15-20 minutes).
  • Able to stand easily for an hour or more (before DNRS, about 10 mins).
  • Sleeping more soundly, often the whole night through. I feel relaxed waking up rather than startled. I usually feel rested after sleep now.
  • I don’t have to rest after waking up anymore.
  • Clenching my jaw a lot less during sleep.
  • Startle response has reduced considerably.
  • Less sensitive to noise and light.
  • I have more energy, physically and mentally, and more physical stamina.
  • I am able to do a lot more in a day, with ease.
  • My brain is much clearer, brain fog is mostly gone.
  • Headaches decreased from almost daily to 1-2 times per month. I can often stop a headache without medication now too.
  • Walking at least 25 minutes per day, every day.
  • Hypoglycemia is less pronounced.
  • POTS symptoms reduced.
  • Feeling motivated again, I am more productive, and procrastinating less.
  • The tip of my tongue is no longer red and sore all the time.
  • Reduced food cravings, especially for sugar, coffee, and alcohol, and reduced comfort eating.
  • No longer needing to rely on coffee for energy.
  • In less of a rush all the time, and feel much less pressured. I have more patience.
  • No need to sleep with an orthopedic pillow anymore.
  • I have comfortably gone on my first road trips in 8+ years.
  • Able to be more flexible and spontaneous.
  • My digestion has improved – no more reflux.
  • Often feel peaceful, tranquil, and relaxed.
  • Tinnitus is not quite as loud.
  • Friends have commented that I seem much happier, and I am doing more day-to-day.
  • I look forward to doing things (working, socializing, walking) now rather than dreading them.

I often do something and find myself saying ‘I could not have done that six months ago before DNRS.’ I can’t wait to see what the future months of DNRS brings!

To someone who is still suffering, I would say, medicine is evolving, and part of that evolution is the discovery that the brain is much more powerful and flexible than we thought. So many conditions that were previously not understood have now been linked to a limbic system impairment or injury, which is exciting, because that is something we can heal! We have so much more power than we think when it comes to managing our brains and changing our lives, and DNRS shows you how to create and focus that power in order to recover.

I have tried so many medications, seen so many specialists, and tried so many therapies, but nothing has come even close to working as well as DNRS has. I would probably not have believed it had I not tried it myself. I don’t think I would have otherwise imagined that working with my brain for an hour a day could resolve symptoms that I have had for decades.That is the beauty of neuroplasticity and DNRS. It may seem too good to be true, but it’s not. It is absolutely real. I have had so many wonderful shifts already, and I can’t wait to see what my future with DNRS holds.”

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Hanna: Cluster and Migraine Headaches, Lyme Co-infections, Sensory Sensitivities, Panic Attacks Sun, 06 May 2018 09:14:04 +0000 The post Hanna: Cluster and Migraine Headaches, Lyme Co-infections, Sensory Sensitivities, Panic Attacks appeared first on Dynamic Neural Retraining System™.


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